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Only one answer to mass unemployment – Socialist Revolution

WHILE firms and businesses are closing down as furlough ends and millions of workers are being thrown out of work, the Tories launched their...

Scottish Schools Re-0Pening Failure

DESPITE the Scottish experiment of opening schools in August proving to be a total failure, the Tories proceeded with the re-opening of schools in...

President Trump Refuses To Meet The Family Of Jacob Blake!

THE FATHER of Jacob Blake, the black man shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, refused to ‘play politics’ with his son’s life’ when President...

Capita Closing Third Of Offices

OUTSOURCING firm Capita is to close over a third of its offices in the UK permanently – despite the Tory government launching a new...

Trump Supporter Shot Dead In Portland

A MAN was shot dead in Portland, Oregon as a large demonstration of supporters of President Trump clashed with Black Lives Matter protesters. The city...

85,000 deaths across UK this winter predicted

A LEAKED government report suggests a ‘reasonable worst case scenario’ of 85,000 deaths across the UK this winter due to Covid-19. The document also says...

Trump champions the police and launches his war against communism and...

US PRESIDENT Trump, in his desperate attempt to win the November presidential election, has stepped up his war against the working class, branding all...

Unite Pleads With Tories To Extend Job Retention Scheme!

UNITE and over 100 MPs have joined forces to plead with Chancellor Rishi Sunak to extend the job retention scheme (JRS) for the aviation...

Tories responsible for deaths in care homes and amongst NHS workers...

THIS week, the Tories’ criminal liability for the deaths of thousands of health care workers, the elderly and the disabled was revealed in two...

Nurses rise up to demand 15%

‘WHAT do we want? Pay rise! How will we get it? Strike!’ shouted over 200 nurses and NHS workers marching from St Thomas’ Hospital...

‘Police violence is not situational it is endemic’ – ACLU

OVER the past few days new police shootings of black men confirmed a warning from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that ‘significant racial...

Nurses are working longer hours and above pay grades to deal...

A MAJOR Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey has revealed how the pandemic has affected the professional lives of nursing staff. It shows, from...

230,000 tenants face eviction as ban ends this weekend – Only...

ON SATURDAY the ban on evicting tenants in England and Wales, introduced by the Tories at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, is due...

‘The Palestinian resistance will repulse Israeli aggression’ says Hamas Political Bureau

THE PALESTINIAN resistance is ready to repulse any Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, member of Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya has said. Speaking at...

Hezbollah leadership not involved in HARIRI murder says UN-backed court

THE SPECIAL Tribunal for Lebanon has not found evidence that the leadership of Hezbollah was involved in the 2005 murder of former Lebanese Prime...

NORMALISATION DEAL– ‘The UAE regime’s gravest betrayal of the struggle for...

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has slammed the recent ‘normalisation agreement’ between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, and has called...

STOP HEATHROW JOBS BLOODBATH – Unite must call national strike action...

‘UNITE must call national strike action now to stop the jobs bloodbath at Heathrow Airport,’ British Airways ground staff worker Jamil Singh told News...

UK capitalists on their knees with the deepest recession since records...

OFFICIAL figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released yesterday show that gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 20.4% in the three months...

Post Office franchising ‘a deeply damaging strategy’ warns CWU

TERRIBLE recent news of retail closures and job cuts across Britain’s high streets prove the truth of the dire warnings that the CWU (Communications...

Wage theft in Aussie universities

‘WAGE theft is flourishing in Australian universities, with at least three elite institutions in the midst of underpayment scandals!’ says the National Education Union...

Stop BA Jobs Massacre

HILLINGDON TUC is holding a ‘Stop the BA Jobs Massacre’ Rally in Defence of Jobs at 12 noon in Cranford Park, near Heathrow Airport...

Trade Unions Must Act To Secure Nurses’ & Doctors’ Pay Rise!

PM BORIS JOHNSON has said that there is a ‘moral duty’ to get all children back into schools in England next month. Writing in...

‘Nurses gave their all – only to be greeted with a...

MORE THAN 10,000 nurses, other NHS workers, trade unionists and supporters marched from St James’s Park to Parliament Square on Saturday on a demonstration...

Lebanon rises up after government ‘negligence’ kills 154! Socialist...

THE LEBANESE bankers’ state has collapsed, undermined by the worldwide capitalist crisis which has plunged the country into a desperate situation of bankruptcy, mass...

Defend All BA Jobs! No Pay Cuts! Call A National Strike!

OVER 600 British Airways workers demonstrated outside Heathrow airport yesterday. 42,000 were sacked that day by BA management and will only be re-employed if they...

Gold hits over $2,000 an ounce as the capitalist robbers seek...

ON TUESDAY the price of gold hit a record high of $2,000 (£1,530) an ounce, an increase of more than 30% this year. According to...

Trade Unions Condemn Zanu-Pf – ‘Behaving Like The Racist Rhodesian Government!

THE ZIMBABWE Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has vowed to continue mobilising workers to protest until the government addresses their legitimate grievances. In a statement...

Lebanon’s foreign minister quits while financial crisis rages!

LEBANON’S Foreign Minister Nassif Hitti submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Hassan Diab on Monday in protest at what he described as the government’s...


THE NATIONAL Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) has called on health staff to stay away from work on 28th August to protest...


A unit of the British Army’s Special Air Service (SAS) has been accused of carrying out night missions in which they executed civilians in...

No pay rise! A slap in face for NHS staff

‘ENOUGH is Enough,’ chanted a rally of 500 angry NHS workers outside Downing Street on Wednesday night. They are angry that they have been excluded...

The working class will refuse to bail out the banks –...

LLOYDS Bank, Britain’s biggest high street lender, yesterday announced that its profits for the first half of 2020 had been wiped out and that...

‘We demand a pay rise’ – Nurses, midwives & NHS staff...

OVER 500 angry NHS workers marched from St Thomas’ Hospital to Downing Street on Wednesday evening to demand a 15 per cent pay rise. ‘Enough...

Johnson Gov Must Answer Over The 20,000 Care Home Deaths!

THE Johnson government must answer for its actions over the 20,000 Care Home deaths says the GMB. Ministers ignored science, evidence and the GMB Union...

After The Care Homes Massacre – Kick The Tories Out Now!

THE damning report released yesterday by the Public Accounts Committee on the effect of Tory policies towards the elderly in care homes came as...

Zimbabwe trade unions marching against corruption arbitrary arrests and abductions

ZIMBABWE Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president Peter Mutasa says the labour body will announce a series of dates for fresh protests after tomorrow’s...

Gold Hits Record High As Trump Steps Up His War On...

GOLD hit a record high on Wall Street on Monday as increasing numbers of frightened investors dumped the dollar and sought safety by purchasing...

‘Ten firearms police officers aimed their rifles at me’ – says...

‘MAJOR questions will need to be answered by the Metropolitan Police as to how this everyday event escalated into an armed raid, during which...

Trade unionists join Portland protesters

Trade unionists joined the Portland, Oregon demonstrations outside the Justice Centre on Saturday night, with many protesters wearing similar coloured shirts as part of...

School nurses and health visitors – County Durham swings axe!

THE THREAT to cut health visitor and community nurse jobs in County Durham, while Covid-19 is still widespread, was branded as ‘incomprehensible’ by the...

With the US economy smashed Trump is aiming to return to...

WHAT began as a Black Lives Matter movement sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has developed into a nationwide movement...

Three million at risk of starvation in Yemen – UN report...

FOOD insecurity across Yemen is set to rise from two million to over three million in just six months, report UN agencies – who...

Thousand across US join ‘Strike for Black Lives’

Tens of thousands of US workers walked out of their jobs on Monday in solidarity with Black Lives Matter movement and other minority groups...

Trump Is Organising A US Coup Not A Presidential Election Campaign!

IN HIS FOURTH of July speech US president Donald Trump attacked the ‘angry mob’ that opposes him and which he claims are out to...

Hundreds of thousands denied a pay rise

CHANCELLOR Rishi Sunak was accused yesterday by the Unite union of having ‘a selective memory’ when it comes to public sector pay, rewarding some...