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SAFTU calls for President Ramaphosa’s immediate resignation

AGAINST a background of rolling blackouts, rising poverty and an out-of-control cost of living crisis, the South African government of Cyril Ramaphosa now faces...

48,000 University of California workers strike!

THE UAW (United Auto Workers) union has been leading a strike involving some 48,000 academic workers in ten University of California cities — including...

UK needs a real general strike to bring down Tories and...

THE DEEPENING crisis of British capitalism sees the UK ruling class at least 100 times more interested in provoking regime change in Russia through...

‘NATO directly participating in Ukraine’ says Lavrov

RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of becoming directly involved in the Ukraine war by supplying the country with weapons and...

Israel continues its all-out assault on the rights of the Palestinian...

A PALESTINIAN-FRENCH human rights lawyer whom Israel has stripped of his Jerusalem residency is at imminent risk of deportation, an Israeli group says. The HaMoked...

FBU strike ballot opens on December 5th!

LAST week the FBU  said it would formally issue notice of ballot if ‘a substantial pay increase that takes into account the current level of inflation...

China ready to forge closer links with Russia – ...

CHINESE President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China is ready to work with Russia to forge a closer partnership in energy cooperation. Energy cooperation...

Israeli army West Bank killing spree – 3 shot dead yesterday

The Israeli occupation forces shot and killed three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank yesterday (Tuesday) morning, one in Beit Ummar in the south...

Another huge show of strength! – UCU strike rally, King’s Cross...

‘Vice chancellors are about to witness another huge show of strength,’ UCU (University and College Union) General Secretary Jo Grady said yesterday, speaking ahead...

RAIL STRIKE THREAT IN THE US – a strike could cost...

THE United States’ largest rail union has voted against a tentative contract agreement reached with rail management in September, raising the likelihood of a...

53rd Anniversary of News Line – 82nd Anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination

FIRST speaker at the News Line Anniversary Rally on Saturday was Bill Rogers, ASLEF Chingford Branch Chairman, who said: ‘This rally is being held...

Israeli troops shoot dead two Palestinian Civil Defence workers in Nablus

THE Gaza-based Hamas and Islamic Jihad resistance movements have slammed the fatal Israeli shooting of two Palestinian men at a military checkpoint south of...

Bankers’ Man Hunt Imposes Tens Of Billions In Tax Rises &...

CHANCELLOR HUNT yesterday announced tens of billions in tax rises and spending cuts in his Autumn Statement. Hunt acknowledged that the UK was in recession...

Super Inflation, The Result Of US–UK Intervention Into The Ukraine War,...

AS THE US and the UK continue to fuel and arm the war in the Ukraine, the economic outlook for Europe and the EU...

Mass Delhi rally called against power privatisation!

WORKERS in the power industry across India will hold a massive rally in Delhi on November 23 against the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022, which...

2-year-old Awaab died ‘entirely due to mould!’

TWO YEARS-OLD Awaab Ishak died on 21 December 2020 shortly after his second birthday ‘entirely’ as a result of extensive mould in his flat,...

Hezbollah condemns USA for seeking to trigger Lebanese ‘social explosion’

A TOP official from the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has slammed the United States for its seditious schemes in Lebanon, warning that Washington is...

UK capitalism is in its death agony – Now is the...

THE UK economy is heading for a recession and a slump as the latest official figures show. It shrank between July and September by...

CGT national strike over wages and retirement at 60

STRIKES and demonstrations took place across France on Thursday, with the CGT union federation declaring: ‘November 10 for wages and retirement at age 60.’ ‘For...

GRENFELL – ‘Change the law so that those who are considered...

As the phase 2 of the public inquiry in the Grenfell Tower fire that claimed the life of 72 residents draws to a close...


PRESIDENT Daniel Ortega, as he went to vote in the municipal elections on Sunday, emphasised that people were voting for Nicaragua and by doing...

Washington Fears ‘Ukraine Fatigue’ While Nato Chief Calls It A ‘War...

THE US administration of Joe Biden is privately encouraging Ukraine’s leaders to signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal...

PCS taking legal action against Home Secretary Braverman!

A HOME OFFICE whistleblower has revealed that the Tory government is recruiting supermarket customer services reps and employing them as asylum claim processors with...

Marchers call for Tories to be brought down on ‘Britain is...

Over 10,000 workers and youth joined the ‘Britain is Broken’ march through London on Saturday, called by the People’s Assembly, with big delegations from...

UK capitalism is in its death agony – It is time...

THE Bank of England yesterday raised interest rates by the most in 33 years from 2.25% to 3%, and accompanied its action with a...

UK Agrees To Negotiate The Future Of The Chagos Islands

THE UK has agreed to open negotiations with Mauritius over the future of the Chagos Islands, a British territory in the Indian Ocean since...

Disband the police, bring in a workers’ government and a workers’...

An official report published on Wednesday presented in devastating detail the ‘prevalent’ culture of thousands of police officers in England and Wales who are...

Capitalist State Is Preparing For Seven-Day Blackouts In UK!

THE UK CAPITALIST STATE is currently engaged in a war on two fronts. The first is to aid the right wing Ukrainian regime with hundreds...

TORIES’ PUBLIC ORDER BILL: – Bonfire of rights to appease the...

LIBERTY campaigners, alongside Greenpeace UK staff and volunteers and representatives from other civil rights groups demonstrated outside Parliament on Tuesday as the Tories’ Public...

Not a general election but a general strike now!

TODAY’S lobby of Parliament called by the TUC represents a complete avoidance of the real fight to the finish between the working class and...

Tory war on two fronts against Russia and working class at...

THE RUSSIAN army on Saturday accused the UK of being involved in the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, and that the same...

Bolivian unions mobilise against ‘right-wing coup plotters’

FELIPA MONTENEGRO the leader of the Bartolina Sisa Movement, which represents the rights of rural Indigenous women in Bolivia denounced that she and her...

‘There was no chase!’ – before Met police shot and killed...

‘THERE was no chase’ before the Metropolitan Police marksman shot and killed Chris Kaba on 5th September, his cousin Jefferson Bosela told thousands of...

SA government says that ‘austerity is a necessary pain for the...

IN THE much-anticipated medium term budget policy statement (MTBPS), the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, will, like his counterparts at the South African Reserve...

Tories are being whipped into line by the international banks!

‘A SPEECH to calm the party and the country’ was how the Tory-supporting Daily Mail greeted the speech by newly installed prime minister Rishi...

Massachusetts teachers win ‘illegal’ strike!

TEACHERS in Haverhill, Massachusetts, have won their strike held last week, defying a state law banning teachers and other public sector workers from striking,...

Sunak not ‘daunted’ by job of driving through super austerity to...

Rishi Sunak delivered his first address to the nation as prime minister yesterday morning. He started by praising Liz Truss and Boris Johnson in a...

Nablus under siege for two weeks!

A DELEGATION of five ministers from the Palestinian cabinet visited the northern West Bank city of Nablus on Monday to investigate the ongoing Israeli...

Russia Barred From Investigating Nord Stream Explosions

THE Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said the ‘truth’ behind the September explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines would ‘surprise’ many Europeans if...

Truss Is Shattered While Johnson Is Posing As The Man To...

LIZ Truss, who not so long ago posed on the Polish border on a British tank expressing her hostility to Russia, before becoming more...

160,000 CWU members take action & government collapses – A great...

SOME 160,000 CWU members took action at thousands of UK workplaces on Thursday, other unions visited our lively pickets and the government collapses into...

The Tory Party is blowing apart! TUC must call a general...

LIZ Truss appeared outside 10 Downing Street at 1.30pm yesterday to announce that she was resigning following a meeting with the Chairman of the...


‘TUC GET OFF YOUR KNEES, CALL A GENERAL STRIKE!’ rang out outside the Brighton conference centre as the TUC three-day Congress opened yesterday. Hundreds of...

Uprising In Tunisian Capital Against Kais Saied Coup

Protesters clashed with police in the Tunisian capital of Tunis on Saturday, October 15, for the second night running. Riot police fired tear gas to...

Case Against Palestine Action Collapses Again!

The Crown Prosecution Service has dropped its charges against Palestine Action activists after levelling charges of ‘blackmail’ earlier in the year. In a recent report...