Tag: police
Iraq and Afghanistan – imperialists coming under the hammer
US CASUALTIES are now mounting in both Afghanistan and Iraq, while at home the anti-war and anti-Bush movement is growing by leaps and bounds,...
BA getting ready for mass sackings
THE capitalist press yesterday was full of revelations that the new BA boss, Willie Walsh, recruited after making savage cuts at Aer Lingus, is...
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas said on Sunday that the latest Israeli military escalation has ‘shot down the efforts to advance the peace process’ after...
Brown promises to ‘renew new Labour’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown, the pretender to the Labour leadership and 10 Downing Street, told the Labour Party conference in Brighton yesterday: ‘Our mission is...
Withdraw British troops now! Bring down the Blair government!
MORE than 100,000 people are expected to take part in the anti-war demonstration in London today, according to its organisers, the Stop the War...
‘The whole airport must come out’ demand Gate Gourmet workers
‘THE whole airport must come out to win our jobs back and to defeat the victimisation of BA workers who took sympathy strike action...
NHS Staff Face Privatisation!
The coming clash between the trade unions and the Labour government over plans to step up the privatisation of the NHS was yesterday...
‘WE WON’T SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS’ says Gate Gourmet shop steward
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers received a report back yesterday morning on the picket line at Heathrow Airport from their shop stewards, of a...
A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra
THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...
GERMAN ELECTIONS: Workers deliver a blow to free market ‘reforms’
AFTER Sunday’s General Election, Germany did not have a Chancellor, or a government yesterday. This plunged the country into a huge economic and political...
‘We have to keep our rights’ say Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet workers are opposing a ‘compromise agreement’, which the company and leaders of the Transport and General Workers’ Union are negotiating and which...
Grampian Foods Pensions Strike
A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...
Time to take the Gourmet struggle forward to victory
THE intervention at the TUC Congress last Monday by the Gate Gourmet locked out workers was an outstanding success. It let every delegate of...
Gate Gourmet workers say: WE WANT VICTORY! – while TGWU leaders...
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers spoke to News Line on the picket line yesterday. Mrs L Saran said: ‘We are becoming impatient. Last Monday we...
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas said on Tuesday that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) was ready to ‘engage immediately in negotiations on the final status’...
Making the country fit for the gangmasters
AT the just concluded TUC Congress, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, openly condemned the description of ‘globalisation’ as ‘a race to the...
Blair and Brown threaten the trade unions
THE message from the Blair-Brown leadership to the trade unions and their leaders is ‘face up to globalisation or cease to exist’. Even the two’s...
US Threatens Syria With War
THE US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who was recently transferred from Afghanistan, last Monday threatened the Syrian government with war. He accused Syria of...
FULL SUPPORT! – pledge the TUC and trade union leaders
‘NO to redundancies!’ ‘We want our jobs!’ ‘We want justice!’ shouted over 300 locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday inside the TUC Congress in...
A LARGE number of sacked Gate Gourmet catering workers from Heathrow were on their way to Brighton to lobby the Trades Union Congress early...
The Gate Gourmet pickets at Heathrow Airport yesterday had a Transport and General Workers Union shop stewards report back on a meeting held with...
‘TUC MUST ACT’ to win dispute says John McDonnell Labour MP
GATE Gourmet strikers are travelling to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday demanding action to win their dispute from the TUC not...
IMPOSSIBLE! – NUT condemns Kelly plan to close ‘failing’ schools after...
THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday accused Education Secretary Ruth Kelly of trying to impose ‘impossible’ targets on state schools that would lead...
Blair To Deport People To Face Torture
CIVIL rights group Liberty yesterday warned that Prime Minister Blair is seeking to cross a ‘fundamental line in the sand’ by sending people to...
Emergency Action needed to win Gate Gourmet dispute
THE Gate Gourmet strikers are fighting in the most determined fashion to win back their jobs in the face of a hostile union busting...
‘FIGHT FOR EVERY JOB!’ say Gate Gourmet pickets
ANGRY Gate Gourmet strikers told News Line yesterday that Transport and General Workers’ Union head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, had visited them on...
Qurei Rejects Gaza ‘State’
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei, also known as Abu-Ala, last Saturday said that an independent and sovereign Palestinian state will inevitably be established on...
Tgwu Leaders Seek To Sell Deal For Gate Gourmet
‘THEY are trying to break our unity. We reject this deal.’ This is what pickets near to the Gate Gourmet plant told News Line...
‘THEY are trying to break our unity. We reject this deal,’ Gate Gourmet picket Mrs Gill said yesterday. She was responding to proposals brought forward...
Iraq’s US dictated constitution – divisive, sectarian and no right to...
THE attempt by the US to foist its version of a ‘constitution’ onto Iraq, in alliance with a section of the Shi’ite clergy and...
Gadaffi – Swinging To The Right
THE swing to the right by the Libyan regime, led by Colonel Gadaffi, is now taking place at breakneck speed. The man who once...
IRAN ‘HAS NOT VIOLATED PARIS AGREEMENT’ – on resuming nuclear activity
Last Saturday evening, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Asefi outlined his government’s position to the foreign media on a number of issues, beginning with...
The issue is the shoot to kill policy says de Menezes...
THE family of Jean Charles de Menezes, murdered by police on the Tube on July 22, have called for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir...
PROSECUTE THE POLICE DEATH SQUAD – say Jean Charles de Menezes...
A cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, the young Brazilian electrician murdered by Metropolitan Police CO 19 firearms officers, yesterday demanded those responsible ‘must face...
‘WE WANT THE TRUTH’ – say Menezes family lawyers
Lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes yesterday said they wanted the truth, and answers to ‘lies that have been told’ about...
WORKERS DEMAND ACTION – as Woodley refuses to ballot Airport TGWU...
TRANSPORT and General Workers Union general secretary Tony Woodley led a delegation into talks with British Airways chief Rod Eddington at Heathrow Airport yesterday...
Put police death squad chiefs on trial for murder
DOCUMENTS leaked from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) show that on July 21, a young Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, was shot seven...
AS TALKS BREAK DOWN – Call out the airport say Gate...
‘Talks have, indeed, broken down as a consequence of Gate Gourmet wanting to selectively re-employ those who had been sacked, even though there is...
GET US TROOPS OUT – says mother of dead soldier, as...
Several hundred people joined an anti-Iraq war protest outside President George W Bush’s holiday ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Sunday, as the American...
Stop The Airports, Call Out The Tgwu And The Tuc!
It has just been confirmed what we already knew – that the Gate Gourmet bosses, in a well planned action, provoked a walk-out by...
STOP THE AIRPORTS! – smash the strikebreaking bosses
YESTERDAY the Gate Gourmet picket lines were buzzing with the latest revelations concerning the way that the bosses had provoked a strike in order...
After Iraq Debacle – Bush Plans To Attack Iran
THE US President, George W Bush said on Friday: ‘All options are on the table,’ adding that he had not ruled out the option...
CAFTA – a disaster for US workers’ jobs
Backers of the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) claimed the bill would increase US textile jobs – but a new study by...
800 sacked – Given 3 minutes notice at Gate Gourmet
‘Eight hundred workers at the gate gourmet airline catering company have been sacked,’ Tony Woodley told a press conference at the TGWU offices in...
US-UK officially warn Iran about interfering in Iraq
BRITAIN and the United States had the gall to officially protest, last Wednesday, to the Iranian government about Iranian interference into the internal affairs...