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Syria goes to the polls – a great victory for the...

YESTERDAY, millions of Syrians were casting their votes in record numbers in parliamentary elections against the backdrop of a ceasefire that is generally holding,...

No forced academies – demand teachers unions

THE National Union of teachers (NUT) is utterly opposed to the government’s plan to convert all schools to academies, ending democratic accountability in England’s...

‘UK is heart of tax avoidance’–Corbyn

‘THE public no longer have the trust in him,’ Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn said of PM Cameron after he attempted to justify his involvement...

Dodgy Cameron!

AFTER a week of denials, prime minister Cameron yesterday published just a summary of his tax returns. Cameron did reveal he received £300,000 from his...

Cameron produces tax returns ‘summary’ – There is more to come...

THE Panama Papers ‘leak’ of 11 million documents continues to explode underneath the Tory party leadership. After a week of equivocation PM Cameron has produced...

‘We are fighting for the NHS! Everyone must come out and...

‘SUPPORT junior doctors! Save the NHS! Let’s stop this unfair, untested and unsafe contract from being imposed. This contract is bad for patient...

Dutch Workers Reject The Eu And Show The Way To British...

DUTCH voters have delivered a hefty kick in the crotch to the EU Presidency currently held by Holland, also to the European Commission, the...

Fourth week of South African miners pay strike

THE Association of Mineworkers & Construction Union (Amcu) yesterday served notice of its intention to strike from Wednesday at the facilities of Sibanye Gold...

Tata Union Reps To Meet Monday

‘I DO not believe that nationalisation is the right answer,’ Tory PM Cameron said yesterday, putting two fingers up to the 15,000 steel workers...

100 years since the Easter Rising

This Easter is the centenary of the Easter Rising in Dublin of 1916.. In Britain’s first, and indeed its last, imperialist dominion the flag of...

Tories refuse to negotiate – opt for a fight to the...

YESTERDAY the BMA junior doctors’ leader Dr Johann Malawana said, referring to the forthcoming strike actions: ‘No junior doctor wants to take this action,...

Arrogant Osborne refuses to apologise – McDonnell calls for him to...

‘LET me say to him (Tory chancellor Osborne) I certainly think for the sake of this country that it is time for him to...

Strike Wave Sweeps Australia

A STRIKE wave is sweeping Australia as Liberal PM Malcolm Turnbull declares war on the unions and threatens to dissolve both houses of parliament...

Cameron and Osborne on the way out as Tory Party tears...

LAST Wednesday Chancellor Osborne, with all the arrogance of a Tory millionaire born to rule, stood up in parliament and announced that he was...

‘Osborne & Cameron must quit’

TORY Chancellor Osborne refused to appear in parliament yesterday to answer an urgent question on the crisis surrounding last Wednesday’s budget, which cut disabled...

Rebellion erupts against Osborne’s budget attack on disabled!

CHANCELLOR Osborne’s just-declared Budget has touched off such anger that he is already being counselled to abandon his masterplan to make savage cuts on...

Bma & Teachers Unions Lead Condemnation Of The Tory Budget

TEACHERS’ unions and the BMA led the condemnation of Tory Chancellor Osborne’s Budget on Wednesday, in which he announced the forced academisation of every...

CUTS FOR THE WORKERS – tax cuts for the rich

TORY Chancellor Osborne delivered a class war Budget yesterday offering whole swathes of new tax breaks for the rich, while hammering benefits, public services,...

Striking NUT 6th form college teachers defy the Tories!

STRIKING 6th Form College National Union of Teachers (NUT) members from around England took part in a national demonstration on Tuesday to defend their...

British capitalism is on its knees – forward to the socialist...

CHANCELLOR Osborne made it clear in his Budget statement yesterday that he is not the master of the situation, and is completely dominated by...

NUT sixth form strike defiant!

NUT SIXTH form teachers walked out on strike yesterday morning at colleges across the country against Tory funding cuts that are driving up...

Hands Off Our Homes! Say 10,000 Marchers

HANDS off our Homes! Kill the Bill! Homes for People! Not for Profit!’ chanted protesters yesterday on a 10,000-strong march through central London against...

More Budget Cuts!

TORY Chancellor Osborne warned yesterday that the deepening world crisis of capitalism means he must ‘act now rather than pay later’ and include...

Fe Lecturers Across Scotland To Begin A Series Of Strike Actions!

LECTURERS at further education colleges across Scotland are to begin an indefinite series of strikes, taking three days of strike action every single week...

‘Only the Syrian people have the right to choose their president’...

THE cessation of hostilities agreed last week is ‘a glimmer of hope for all Syrians,’ President Bashar al-Assad has said. n an interview with ARD...

‘Snoopers Charter’ – sweeping state powers!

‘IT beggars belief that the government is blundering on with its snooping power-grab completely disregarding the concerns being raised from all sides,’ said Kate...

‘Snooper’s charter’ must be smashed through socialist revolution

YESTERDAY the Tory home secretary, Theresa May, unveiled in parliament her latest ‘revised’ snooper’s charter that she intends to rush into law by the...

Police clash with refugees in Greece & Calais

REFUGEES broke down the barbed wire fence on the Greek border with Macedonia yesterday, using a steel pole as a battering ram. The protesters shouted:...

60,000 March Against Trident

‘WELFARE not warfare’ chanted protesters from all over the UK on a 60,000-strong Stop Trident march from Marble Arch to a rally in Trafalgar...


GREECE has recalled its ambassador to Austria amid sharp divisions among EU states over the migrant crisis. The move came after Austria hosted a meeting...

UNITE denounces TTIP but supports Cameron in EU referendum!

THE Unite trade union leadership specialises in doubletalk. One example is the way that it is verbally 100% opposed to the anti-trade union legislation that...

Prisoners hold ‘Day of Disobediance’ in support of hunger striker Al-Qiq

PALESTINIAN prisoners and journalists held separate rallies on Thursday in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian journalist Muhammad al-Qiq. In Israel’s Eshel prison, Palestinian prisoners held a...

All councils, student unions and trade unions must boycott Israel –...

THE Palestine Liberation Organisation has condemned the new Tory ‘guidance’ banning councils, NHS trusts and all publicly funded organisations from boycotting goods and services...

Banning Boycotts Of Israel Is A British Reward For The Occupier

MEMBERS of the PLO Executive Committee Hanan Ashrawi and Saeb Erekat on Wednesday slammed the United Kingdom’s decision to ban the boycott of Israeli...

Death rate rising rapidly – savage Tory cuts to blame!

MASSIVE Tory cuts are undermining the NHS and threatening the lives of many thousands. There is already an investigation taking place after  whistleblower Sarah Hayes, a...

‘HUNT MUST GO!’ – ‘No confidence’ petition reaches 284,244

A PETITION calling for a vote of no confidence in Tory Health Minister Jeremy Hunt reached 284,244 signatures by yesterday afternoon, after his decision...

NHS Executives back away from imposition – Unions must take strike...

HEALTH Secretary Hunt’s contract imposition has already begun to hit the rocks with 10 of the 20 NHS executives who signed the Dalton letter...

Junior Doctors Will Not Accept Imposition!

‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...

Royal Commission ‘to break up the NHS’ says KONP

KEEP Our NHS Public (KONP) is demanding that Labour oppose the setting up of a Royal Commission to look at the NHS and...

Greek Workers, Youth & Farmers Demonstrate To Continue The Struggle To...

GREEK workers, youth, farmers and professionals are continuing and developing the struggle against the government’s Pensions Bill.  On Tuesday night over 5,000 workers and youth...

Welcome all Refugees! Bankrupt EU spreads racist poison!

THE Danish parliament has just voted to rob asylum seekers of their valuables – so that they pay for their upkeep. This policy immediately brings...

NATIONALISE TATA! –Occupy to defend jobs and stop the sackings

THE steel industry in the UK faces shut-down, as the capitalist crisis deepens. The demand that the trade unions must organise occupations to halt the...

Greek pensions strike!

GREECE’S Seamen’s Pension Fund union held a general assembly to decide on further action on the second day of a two-day strike over pensions. Pension...

Junior doctors fighting! TUC leaders crawling!

YESTERDAY the junior doctors took the first day of their three days of strike action, and shook the Tory regime to its core with...

Trade Unions Must Take Action Alongside The Junior Doctors!

TODAY’S strike by junior doctors has the support of 100% of workers across the country. They are not fooled by all the Tory propaganda that...