Tag: iraq
TORTURE! – Iraqi puppet police are accused of killings at secret...
The British Foreign Office said yesterday it was ‘aware of and deeply concerned’ by reports that Iraqi police commandos, the allies of British forces...
Medicine company workers fury over Iraq police attack
The Iraqi resistance is dealing daily blows against the US-UK led occupiers as it steps up its attacks. Last Tuesday fighters attacked with three mortars a...
THE Teamsters General President James Hoffa gave the fraternal address from the AFL-CIO US trade union federation to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions...
MPs yesterday raised questions about the ID card Bill which was introduced in the House of Commons by Home Secretary Charles Clarke. Clarke said he...
Bank of England warns over £1 trillion of domestic debt
WITH Coral Eurobet the bookmakers now the most successful British company, with a turnover of £5.4 billion, and with manufacturing industry being slaughtered, no...
‘IT WAS MURDER!’ – says Sophie Hurndall after Israeli soldier guilty...
‘It should have been a murder case’, said Sophie Hurndall, the sister of Tom Hurndall yesterday. She was speaking to reporters just after her brother’s...
Labour plans to keep one million patients out of hospital
LABOUR’S policy of privatising the NHS by diverting huge chunks of the NHS budget to the private sector is preparing the bankruptcy of many...
Hospital funding crisis! – Restore NHS! – End privatisation
THERE is a huge funding crisis in the National Health Service (NHS). All over the country hospitals are being instructed to close wards and theatres...
VOTE NO TO ID CARDS – Trade unions and Liberty urge...
Yesterday claims were made that the government was in discussions with businesses on the sale of personal information that will be contained in the...
UNISON to call national demonstration on pensions
‘THE threat we made to the government still stands – revoke the order or there will be a strike on pensions,’ UNISON NEC member...
Islamic Jihad slams hostile US statements
THE statements by American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on her visits to Tel Aviv and Ramallah are ‘aggressive and anti-Palestinian’, the Palestinian resistance...
Labour policy is pauperising graduates
FIFTY EIGHT per cent of graduates find they are still relying on their parents for financial support three years after graduation, a survey commissioned...
Blair And Brown Crippling African Health Care!
THE current Blair drive to have Gordon Brown and himself depicted in the media as the saviours of the African continent has hit the...
IRISH NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION – for asylum seekers and migrant...
A NATIONAL day of action in support of asylum seekers and migrant workers is taking place in Ireland tomorrow, Saturday June 18. A rally has...
World Crisis Blowing US Trade Union Leaders Apart
THE American workers are facing major problems, caused by the deepening crisis of the world capitalist system. Among these problems are the export of millions...
US unions split – as class struggle erupts in USA
The leaders of five of the largest unions in the AFL-CIO – the Teamsters, UFCW, UNITE-HERE, Laborers’, and SEIU – held a ‘Change to...
MPs defend council housing – report condemns government plans
The House of Commons Council Housing Group of MPs from all parties yesterday launched its report Support for the Fourth Option for Council Housing. This...
5 WARDS AND 300 STAFF FACE THE AXE – in Lincolnshire...
Staff at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have been shocked by the sudden announcement on Monday of plans to close five hospital wards and...
Blair using EU to attack workers’ wages and conditions
THE Blair government has only one real use for the EU, and that is as a tool for cutting the wages and increasing the...
GOLD AND DOLLARS SMUGGLED OUT OF IRAQ – as insurgency escalates
The Islamic Army in Iraq last Sunday, in a videotape, claimed responsibility for an attack with an explosive device against a US foot patrol...
Russian Ambassador In Talks With Al-Sadr
The Russian ambassador to Iraq yesterday flew to Najaf and started talks with leading Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who led the uprising against US...
UK citizen must be freed – being held illegally in Iraq...
Today, the case of a British citizen detained without charge in Basra by UK Forces since 10 October 2004 will be heard in the...
BBC unions to ‘trawl for volunteers’ for the sack
‘The BBC unions agreed ‘a trawl for voluntary redundancies’ during last Wednesday’s four-hour meeting with BBC Director General Mark Thompson. Thompson would give no guarantee...
US casualties in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ – say 75 per cent of...
A US Humvee was destroyed when an explosive charge went off on Wednesday near a US forces convoy in the Al-Rustamiyah area, southeast of...
‘Withdraw UK troops from Iraq immediately’ – PCS conference decides
‘Iraqi people do not want a foreign occupation of their country,’ Paula Kennedy, Equal Opportunities Commission, Manchester Branch, told the conference of the Public...
Warning over High Street ‘recession’
SHOP sales in May were only 1.4 per cent up on the same month in 2005. Comparing the same products and shops, sales were...
Stop Child Deportations
‘A Rochdale head teacher, Jed Morgan, and the families of refugee children, travelled to London yesterday in a bid to stop the deportation of...
Rumsfeld Raves About Nuclear ‘Bunker Bombs’
THE US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has defended, at an Asia-Pacific conference of regional defence ministers and military chiefs, the US drive to develop...
Charge Harry Stanley’s Killers!
THE uncovering of ‘new’ forensic evidence by the Surrey constabulary has led to the arrest of the two police officers who shot dead Harry...
The Eu Crisis Is Exploding!
THE 61 per cent ‘no’ vote in Holland, on a 62 per cent electoral turnout, against the EU constitution was no surprise after the...
Amnesty Condemns Bush
Human rights organisation Amnesty International has hit back at US president George W Bush’s criticism of its annual report which said the USA was...
Security Council extends Iraq occupation mandate
THE imperialists and their Chinese and Russian stooges on the UN Security Council have extended the mandate of the US-led occupation armies in Iraq,...
Dutch To Follow French Example
Dutch workers are ready to deal another blow to the bosses and bankers’ EU by following the example of the French and voting ‘NO’...
US-UK attack basic rights – says Amnesty Report
Amnesty International has accused the United States of effectively giving governments a licence to torture. In its annual report covering 2004, the human rights organisation...
Labour and the bosses knifing pensions and pensioners
A SURVEY from pensions advisers Origen published yesterday shows that companies are continuing to either close their final salary pensions schemes or end admission...
Over 11,000 BBC journalists and technicians took strike action last Monday over savage job cuts and privatisation announced unilaterally by Director-General Mark Thompson in...
BOYCOTT ISRAEL! – demands Free Palestine rally
Over 5,000 members and supporters of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign last Saturday marched and rallied in central London under the banner of Free Palestine. The...
The US is being humiliated in Iraq – not Saddam
IT IS the United States of America that is being humiliated in Iraq and not Saddam Hussein. The idea that putting pictures – provided by...
Defend the NHS and the Welfare State!
YESTERDAY key Blairite cabinet ministers, Blunkett and Hewitt, launched a massive attack on the Welfare State. Hewitt promised to use the NHS budget to...
‘PROVOCATION’ – Marshall-Andrews condemns Blair appointment
Opposition to prime minister Blair hardened yesterday in the wake of his final ministerial appointments. Opponents have been especially infuriated at the appointment of one...
Stop Treating University Staff As Second-Class Citizens
AUT general secretary Sally Hunt is launching a manifesto for academic-related staff in Manchester on 12 May calling for more pay, reduced hours and...
Blair is to blame for Iraq war and occupation deaths
THE widow of Guardsman Anthony Wakefield, Ann Toward, is 100 per cent correct – Tony Blair is to blame for the death of her...
‘BLAIR MUST BE PUNISHED’ – Military families serve notice on Downing...
‘I HOPE this gets Tony Blair punished for all his war crimes, for the death of our sons and all those Iraqis,’ Rose Gentle...
May Day manifesto! Keep the Tories out! The working class will...
THE Editorial Board of the News Line, the daily socialist paper of the WRP, sends its greetings to the workers and youth of the...
Sack Woodley and Simpson!
ANGRY Rover workers yesterday slammed their betrayal by trade union leaders, Transport and General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Woodley, and Amicus General Secretary...