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QUIT IRAQ NOW AND BOYCOTT ISRAELI GOODS – decides biennial conference...

THE TGWU conference yesterday passed Composite Motion 29 with just one delegate voting against it. This called ‘for the immediate withdrawal of UK troops from...

Katrina Crisis Workers Were Abused And Exploited After Bush Suspended Labour...

WORKERS who headed to New Orleans in 2005 to help rebuild the Hurricane Katrina-devastated city were abused and exploited, according to a report by Interfaith Worker...

UNISON delegates determined to organise coordinated industrial action

DELEGATES at the UNISON National Delegate Conference in Brighton on Thursday forced a debate on Friday on coordinated action over soon-to-be prime minister Brown’s...


Labour deputy leader contender Jon Cruddas is leading a private members debate in Westminster Hall at the House of Commons, on, ‘Regularisation of Migrant...

Debt crisis threatening students, home-buyers & public services

COMMENTING on a report from the Student Loan Company (SLC) on Monday, National Union of Students (NUS) President Gemma Tumelty said: ‘Fee loans, along...

Australian Unions Fight For Workers’ Rights

The UNI Communicators Forum, attended by union communicators from across the globe, has received a report on Australia’s unions’ battle for the rights of...

FINANCIAL CRASH! – bankers warning over ‘risky loans’

Risky loans are leading to a financial crash, leading bankers warned yesterday. William Rhodes, senior vice chairman of Citigroup warned: ‘Lenders all too often, are...

Repeal all racist immigration laws

SHOCK, HORROR, the BBC has just found out that between 26 and 35 per cent of all of the migrants that are encouraged to...

Hodge, Blears and Blair say foreigners to the back of the...

LABOUR Industry Minister Margaret Hodge has won the support of Hazel Blears (Chairman of the Labour Party and a candidate for the deputy leadership...

Unison Leaders Seek To Gag Conference Over How To ‘Save Our...

THE AGENDA for UNISON’s 14th National Delegate Conference in Brighton from 19-22 June only palely reflects the exploding anger and determination of public sector...

Parkside Tenants Picket The High Court

TENANTS from the Parkside council estate in east London went to the High Court yesterday, demanding the cancellation of the estate’s transfer to a...

Not Brown But A Workers Government And Socialism

The News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference held in east London on Sunday May 13th unanimously voted to carry into action the following Main...


UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...

REGULARISATION FOR ALL! – march and rally for migrants’ and refugees’...

On the 7th of October 2006 a coalition of migrant groups, trade unions and social justice activists marched in London demanding equal rights for...

REVOLUTIONARY MAY DAY! – News Line Editorial Board Statement

THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings on this May Day to the insurgent workers of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The Iraqi insurgency...

British economy skating on thin ice

BA is currently approaching a number of private equity companies about forming a consortium to bid for Iberia airlines. Iberia said last month...

Trade unions must break with Blair and Brown to keep the...

THE right wing of the Labour Party was shaken to its core yesterday after Monday’s meeting of the General Council of the Scottish...

Build millions of council houses to solve housing crisis

PUBLIC sector workers such as firefighters, teachers, and nurses, cannot afford to buy homes in seven out of 10 UK towns, because of the...

Blair hits out at ‘black crime’ – calls to ‘take...

BLAIR in his Callaghan Memorial lecture in Cardiff came out as an admirer of the right wing Labour premier, who he says ‘had neither...

Angry Teachers Vote For Strike Ballot Against Pay Cut

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Harrogate voted unanimously on Saturday for a one-day strike against a pay-cutting two per cent...

Never mind the claimants – use lie detectors on the politicians

WORK and Pensions Minister John Hutton said yesterday that lie detectors will be used to help root out benefit cheats in job centres later...

UK ‘Practising Deliberate Policy Of Destitution’ Of Asylum Seekers

‘The government has indeed been practising a deliberate policy of destitution’ of vulnerable asylum seekers, say MPs and peers on the parliamentary Joint Committee...

Inflation up as Blair-Brown move to cut wages!

INFLATION in the UK is accelerating out of control. According to the latest Labour government figures which grossly underestimate the process the Consumer...

LEGAL AID BEING DESTROYED – Lawyers rally to defend ‘vital pillar...

LAWYERS have vowed to fight government plans that they warn will destroy the legal aid system. Hundreds of lawyers staged a mass lobby outside...

IRAQ – Attacks on US troops reached a peak in the...

THE US military has reported the deaths of three more troops, two in blasts and one hit by small arms fire in insurgent...

Blair and Cameron unite to split the Labour Party

NINETY Five Labour MPs voted against the government’s renewal of the Trident programme in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening as the Labour...

Heading For A Housing Crash!

ON MONDAY trading on the Wall Street stock market in New Century Financial shares was halted, as the second largest US sub-prime mortgage lender...

Tories to prop up Blair over Trident, the shape of things...

LARGE numbers of Labour MPs are opposed to Blair’s programme to renew the Trident submarine based, nuclear weapons delivery system. The eventual cost...

Bush Refuses To Aid Victims Of Alabama And Georgia Tornadoes

THE AFL-CIO US trade union federation has condemned President Bush for his lack of any action in support of the victims of the recent...

Reid rants against foreigners ‘stealing our benefits’

YESTERDAY Home Secretary John Reid showed that patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel when he attacked foreigners for ‘stealing our benefits’....

Tens Of Thousands March To Defend NHS

‘WE are going to fight to keep our hospitals, even if it means occupying them to keep them open,’ shouted demonstrators fighting plans to...

Kelly plans new attacks on council tenants

RUTH Kelly, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has backed proposals to end the long-term secure tenancies of working-class families living in...

Wealth redistribution in UK requires socialist revolution

UK child poverty levels are double those of 1979, after 27 years of the Thatcher, Major and Blair, Tory and Labour governments, while Brown...

Chagos Islanders Will Fight Until Victory!

TWO hundred Chagos Islanders and their supporters demonstrated in London on Monday, demanding their right to return home after 40 years of exile imposed...

MASS PICKET OF HIGH COURT – as Chagos Islanders fight Blair...

TWO hundred Chagos Islanders and their supporters descended on the Court of Appeal in London yesterday, demanding that the court upholds their right to...

200,000 Civil Servants taking strike action

ON Wednesday over 200,000 civil servants and over 200 government departments will be strike bound for the day. Civil servants...

Stop the privatisation of the Public Services

TRADE unionists from across the public sector spoke out on Tuesday, demanding action from the TUC to stop the privatisation of the NHS and...

Billionaire steps in to bail out the Labour Party

LAKSHMI Mittal, the Indian-born billionaire has donated £2m to the Labour Party, it was revealed yesterday. The fifth richest man in the world, who owns...

Rapidly rising inflation threatens wages, jobs, and homes

THE UK inflation rate has leapt to an 11-year high of three per cent according to the government’s Consumer Prices Index (CPI) which grossly...

Rate Rise Shock – Condemned As Panic By Tuc

BIG BUSINESS, the stockmarkets and the TUC were shaken yesterday midday when the Bank of England raised its interest rates by a quarter of...

Jobs For Youth – Smash The Cheap Labour Economy

Youth unemployment is now higher than it was in 1997, with 702,000 young people aged 16-24 jobless, according to official figures released just before...

2007 – The Year For Revolution!

THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2007 to the working class and youth of the world,...

Time For Debate On Bosses’ Pay And Perks – Says Barber

In his New Year message released on Thursday, 28 December, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber calls for a national debate about top pay. This is...


Over three hundred angry Camden trade unionists and residents lobbied the Town Hall last Wednesday night over suddenly announced plans to cut services. The Tory-Liberal...

Hewitt Demands An NHS £250 Million Surplus!

HEALTH Secretary Hewitt, who not so long ago said that there would be no limits to privatisation in the NHS, yesterday revealed that she...