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Labour To Slash The Benefits Of The Sick And The ‘Suspect’

The Labour government is absolutely determined to impress its big business backers and show them that it is ready to take action against ‘slackers’...

FOREST GATE SHOOTING – ‘It had to happen,’ Blair tells MPs...

Prime Minister Blair has once again refused to apologise for the police raid and shooting of an innocent man in Forest Gate, as he...

‘SHAMING DESTITUTION’ – CAB slams treatment of asylum seekers

In a report titled ‘Shaming Destitution’, the Citizens Advice Bureaux condemn the Blair government’s treatment of refugees to whom it refuses asylum and ...

National Guard ‘armed, locked and loaded’ in New Orleans

LOUISIANA State Governor Kathleen Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin have deployed 300 heavily-armed National Guard troops and 60 state police on the streets of...

Labour to let multi-nationals take over NHS Primary Care Trusts

THE government is set to turn the screws of further NHS privatisation on the NHS with its plans to invite private health insurance...

Greek students defeat privatisation attack

THE Greek right-wing government has been forced to withdraw its plans to push through the Greek parliament, an Education Bill, and a revision of...

Blair Has Questions To Answer

THE question and answer session with Prime Minister Blair at the GMB conference yesterday just illustrated the unbridgeable gulf between him and the working...

NHS BEDS NOT SACRED! – says Managers NHS Confederation

Health unions yesterday condemned NHS bosses’ plans to slash thousands of hospital beds to concentrate on care in the community. The proposition...

Nurses Call For National Strike Action To Defend The NHS

NURSES and other National Health Service workers called for national strike action from all unions to defend the NHS last Thursday. RCN and UNISON health...

Herts FBU – Two Eight Hour Strikes

HERTFORDSHIRE fire crews have given seven day’s notice of two eight hour blocks of industrial action on 15 and 20 May. They said late proposals...

Clarke Sacked – Refuses Other Job

One of the most senior figures in government, an unwilling Charles Clarke was yesterday sacked as home secretary in the biggest cabinet reshuffle of...


OVER 25,000 refugees, workers and youth marched through the centre of Paris on Saturday, demanding, ‘Withdraw the CESEDA’! and ‘Immigrants are not disposable like...

Restore the NHS! Bring down Blair

PRIME Minister Tony Blair made clear yesterday that the government is determined to force through the cuts and closures, privatisation and destruction of...

The Easter Rising a powerful blow against ‘the power of the...

OUR theses were written before the outbreak of this rebellion, which must be the touchstone of our theoretical views. The views of the opponents...

1.5 Million Take Strike Action

YESTERDAY’s massive one-day strike stopped whole regions of the UK, but is only the start of the campaign, local government workers warned. Striking local government...

Blair an imperialist from head to foot

YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...


FRANCE has risen. After the brutal attack by the forces of the French capitalist state, led by the CRS, on demonstrators at the Place de...

Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo

A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of...

‘RESTORE OUR HARDSHIP PAYMENTS’ – demand Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

Gate Gourmet locked out workers are calling on all trade unionists to act in their support. The TGWU members are fighting for reinstatement on their...

Delphi workers rally against cuts in jobs, pay and healthcare!

UAW members in Flint, Michigan, announced last Tuesday they will be marching through the town against Delphi autoparts maker’s attack on their pay, healthcare...

Greek Phone-Tapping Storm

A political storm of the highest order has broken out in Greece over mass phone-tapping. This follows revelations, at a special press-conference last Thursday in...

Trade Unions Must Stop Labour Destroyng NHS

THANKS to the Labour government’s health market the NHS is on the brink of a large number of hospital trust closures and thousands...

SAFETY RULES BROKEN says RMT leader Bob Crow

‘There was chaos on the Underground this morning,’ rail union RMT general secretary Bob Crow said yesterday. Commenting on the 24-hour strike by 4,000 RMT...

January 1– police to get blanket arrest and covert op powers

POLICE are to have blanket arrest and covert operations powers of a type that will make tinpot dictatorships throughout the world green with envy,...

US Class Struggle Sharpens

THE TWU Local 100, the New York transit union, is on strike and has picked up the gauntlet flung down by Mayor Bloomberg, the...

Mass Picket For Victory For Gate Gourmet Workers

‘WELCOME to all of you. We are very proud of all of you,’ Parmjit Bains told a rally on the hill near the Gate...

Abbas Accepts Italy’s Offer To Host Peace Talks

President Mahmud Abbas on Friday accepted Italy’s offer to host Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, urged international commitment to the UN-adopted ‘roadmap’ peace plan, the Palestine...

‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...

‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...

MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...

‘LISTEN TO US OR ELSE!’ – US & France warn Syria

THE US and France yesterday threatened Syria with sanctions. They accused Syrian President Assad of failing to cooperate fully with the UN investigation into the...

Take Strike Action To Defend The NHS

THE Royal College of Nursing, the nurses trade union, yesterday announced that it is seeking a judicial review to force the Blair government to...

REJECT WOODLEY’S ROTTEN ‘COMPROMISE’ DEAL! – Don’t sell your rights for...

ON August 10 2005 Gate Gourmet locked out and dismissed over 700 workers in a pre-planned operation designed to secure the introduction of their...

Fury At Gourmet Sell-Out Deal!

TGWU leader Tony Woodley told the mass meeting of locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday afternoon that the sell out deal he has negotiated...

‘throw Out Stinking Gourmet Deal’

‘WE want a hands up vote at the mass meeting tomorrow, and we want the provisional agreement between Gate Gourmet, the TGWU and the...

‘WE WON’T SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS’ says Gate Gourmet shop steward

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers received a report back yesterday morning on the picket line at Heathrow Airport from their shop stewards, of a...

Grampian Foods Pensions Strike

A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...

FULL SUPPORT! – pledge the TUC and trade union leaders

‘NO to redundancies!’ ‘We want our jobs!’ ‘We want justice!’ shouted over 300 locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday inside the TUC Congress in...

T&G & TUC must call strike action to reinstate Gate Gourmet...

THE 670 Gate Gourmet workers, members of the Transport and General Workers Union (T&G), sacked over a month ago for taking strike action, know...

‘WORSE THAN THE VICTORIAN ERA’ –T UC exposes conditions of up...

‘UP to 11 million UK workers could face serious health problems from prolonged standing at work, and they are offered less protection than employees...

West Bank settlement expansion ‘undermines Gaza gains’

PLO Executive Committee member Yasser Abed Rabbo has called on the European Union to take a firm stand against moving the Zionist settlers evacuated...


‘THEY are trying to break our unity. We reject this deal,’ Gate Gourmet picket Mrs Gill said yesterday. She was responding to proposals brought forward...

ROYAL FREE BED CUTS! – 100 beds and a number of...

London UNISON health convenor Geoff Martin yesterday slammed plans by the Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust to slash up to 100 beds and close...

14 Marines Killed In Al-Anbar

Fourteen US Marines and their civilian translator were killed by a roadside bomb blast in north-western Iraq early yesterday. The Marines were killed...

SHOOT-TO-KILL POLICY STAYS And more innocents may die says Commissionair Blair

‘I feel unsafe,’ Alex Alves Pereira, the cousin of the unarmed Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes, killed by the Met police, told News Line...

UK Troops In Iraq Made Britain A Terror Target

There is ‘no doubt’ that support for the US-led war on Iraq ‘puts the UK more at risk’ of terrorist attack. This is one of...