Tag: hospital
CHEMICAL WEAPONS MASSACRE ‘THE LAST STRAW’ –Tamils blockade Westminster Bridge
‘Thousands of our people have been murdered with chemical weapons just an hour ago’, Tamil protester Shiva said on Monday evening. He was speaking from...
TAMILNET reports that Pararajasingam Kanagalingam, president of the Vanni People Welfare Organisation (VPWO), last Wednesday sent it a recorded affidavit on the civil situation...
STOP PRESCRIPTION CHARGES! – End unfair NHS in England urge Welsh...
DOCTORS in Wales yesterday called for doctors’ prescriptions to be made free to all patients in England. On the second anniversary of the abolition of...
THE world renowned American civil rights leader and peace campaigner Jesse Jackson attended the World Tamils Forum in central London on Thursday, as the...
Irish Congress of Trades Unions ‘defers’ March 30 General Strike
THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has ‘deferred’ the strike action it has called for March 30 following a government offer of...
Unions must take industrial action to defend the NHS
THE Labour government is continuing to pressurise NHS Trusts to become Foundation Trust businesses, and is continuing to force through the privatisation process. To...
ISRAEL SEIZES HAMAS LEADERS – as Palestinians discuss a Unity Government
ISRAELI forces seized Hamas leaders across the West Bank early on Thursday in an apparent attempt to pressure the group in the negotiations over...
Labour’s drive for Foundation Trusts and privatisation kills!
The Royal College of Nursing has described the Healthcare Commission’s investigation into emergency care at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust as ‘shocking’ and said that...
‘We will stop the closure at Chase Farm’ – states second...
‘We’re determined to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital A&E, Maternity and Paediatrics departments, we will occupy if they move to close them,’...
‘CONSIGNING EDUCATION TO THE SCRAP HEAP!’ – Teacher training to be...
government proposals to cut teacher training to just six months were condemned by unions yesterday as consigning the ‘vision of a world class education...
TOP British medical journal The Lancet has published a series of detailed research reports on the health status of 3.8 million people living...
EUROPEAN WORKING TIME DIRECTIVE – a tool for increased exploitation and...
‘THIS major change to junior doctors’ hours is probably the biggest challenge hospitals will face in 2009.’ This is the view of Dr Jonathan Fielden,...
England should follow the example of Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, and abolish all prescription charges, the British Medical Association (BMA) said today. The Department...
Greece – 24 Hour National Strike
Greek civil servants, teachers, local government and hospital workers took part in a 24-hour national strike on Wednesday, in defence of their pensions rights...
Growing Anger Over Threat To Chase Farm
‘You have to fight for what is right’, Chase Farm Hospital worker Paulette Wright told News Line at the North East London Council of...
120,000 March In Dublin To Defend Jobs, Wages And Pensions
Around 120,000 trade unionists and their supporters marched through Dublin on Saturday in defence of their jobs, wages, pensions and public services. The massive national...
Syrian doctors who returned from Gaza came back with images of the ‘spilled blood of a people that desired freedom and paid for it...
‘WORKERS ARE BEING THROWN TO THE WOLVES’ – ICTU national demonstration...
THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has called a national demonstration on February 21 at 2pm in Dublin to mobilise workers against...
2000 TAMILS KILLED IN VANNI – SLA shells and bombs safety...
TamilNet reports that the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) launched an indiscriminate artillery barrage into the newly announced ‘safety zone’ on Tuesday killing at least...
Top-up care will destroy the NHS
NHS PATIENTS suffering from the same illness, in the same NHS hospital ward, will now be able to purchase drugs and better care, under...
Tamil Tigers Call For Immediate Ceasefire And Negotiations
THE Political Division of the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) issued a political statement yesterday. ‘The Tamil homeland is witnessing one of the worst...
RAJAPAKSE GIVEN ‘A LICENCE TO KILL’ –by the International Community
THE British Tamil Forum has condemned the statement by the Co-Chairs (US, EU, Japan and Norway) of the international community demanding that...
‘BRITAIN – TAKE ACTION NOW!’ – to stop the Sri Lankan...
‘BRITAIN, Britain – stop the war!’, ‘British media – break the silence!’, ‘Don’t hide – genocide!’, were some of the slogans shouted by more...
Red Cross Condemns Sri Lanka Shelling Of Wounded And Sick
TamilNet reports the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), in a statement issued from Colombo on Sunday, expressed shock at the shelling...
£32 million cuts planned at NW London NHS – 400 jobs...
The North West London Hospitals NHS Trust yesterday confirmed that it is looking to cut £32 million (ten per cent) from its budget over...
Permanent ceasefire call – by Tamil Tigers
LIBERATION Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Political Head, B Nadesan, yesterday blamed the Colombo regime for the stepped up genocidal artillery attacks on civilian...
Tamils Massacred By Sri Lankan Army
TAMILNET reports that the Sri Lankan army is massacring Tamil civilians in heavy fighting in the North of the island. Initial...
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA), in an urgent press statement, has called upon the international community to use all its influence with the Sri...
Greek Farmers Join The Revolutionary Masses
Over 8,000 tractors and tens of thousands of small farmers have occupied sections of motorways and national roads in central and northern Greece, setting...
NHS is running out of surgeons, nurses and midwives!
ON Thursday midwives handed in a petition to 10 Downing Street condemning the government on the grounds that it was putting the lives of...
‘A SMOKESCREEN FOR MORE PRIVATISATION’ – ‘Unite warns over NHS constitution
TWO major health unions have reacted cooly to the Labour government’s new NHS Constitution, launched last Wednesday, which contains ‘rights’ and ‘responsibilities’ for both...
Ban Ki-moon calls for ‘full investigation’ into Israeli war crimes
United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-moon called on Tuesday for those responsible for the bombing of UN-run buildings and schools in Gaza to be...
BMA SLAMS DIRECT PAYMENTS – Healthcare as a commodity’
The Health Bill introduced by the government yesterday ‘undermines the founding principles of the NHS’, warned Unison – while the BMA said the bill...
Tens Of Thousands Mourn Hamas Leader
Hamas officials headed to Cairo for ceasefire negotiations yesterday after tens of thousands of Palestinians, many of them Hamas supporters, attended a mass funeral...
Israel Bombs Unrwa Hq!
PALESTINIAN Legislative Council member Mustafa al-Barghouti challenged the head of the United Nations to personally go into Gaza, after Israel shelled the UN’s humanitarian...
ISRAEL USING BANNED WEAPONS – to kill children, men and women...
‘It was a night of terror, we were terrified, we thought we were going to burn to death,’ said 27-year-old Fadia Al-Najjar from Khaza’a...
900 KILLED IN GAZA – as Israel uses phosphorous weapons
TWENTY-THREE Gazans were killed on Sunday morning and dozens injured by illegal weapons that ensure the incineration of buildings and people hit by...
Israel Ignores UN Resolution – And Carries On Killing
ISRAELI forces killed 21 Palestinians in the early hours after midnight Thursday ignoring the UN Security Council agreement on a draft ceasefire resolution. These included...
MORE GAZA MASSACRES! – as Israel intensifies bombardment
Israel early yesterday ignored a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for an ‘immediate, durable and fully respected cease-fire, leading to the full withdrawal...
Thousands Mourn 47 Dead
Tens of thousands of Palestinians yesterday attended a funeral procession for 47 defenceless civilians who were killed on Tuesday when Israeli artillery shelled a...
YOU FACE DEFEAT – Hamas warns Israel
Nine more Israeli soldiers were injured in the northern Gaza Strip yesterday, two of them seriously, as fierce fighting continued on the tenth day...
Fierce Fighting Taking Place In Gaza
AS it has vowed, the Palestinian resistance was waiting for the Israeli occupation soldiers to foil their aggression, killing nine of them and wounding...
‘IT’S LIKE HELL HERE NOW’ – Doctor Mads Gilbert condemns Israeli...
Fifteen Palestinian civilians were killed yesterday and at least 40 others were wounded when Israeli shells hit Gaza City shopping centre. Among those killed by...
Israeli warplanes continued to pound targets including a mosque in Gaza yesterday as Hamas ordered a ‘day of wrath’ against Israel over the killing...
US & UK Won’t Condemn Israeli Terrorism
The US and UK has blocked an emergency UN resolution condemning Israel and demanding it end its savage bombardment of Gaza. The UN Security Council...