Tag: europe
THE WAY OUT! – Negotiate with the Resistance, Punish the criminals!
The Brussels Tribunal and the International Anti-Occupation Network have issued the following statement on Iraq entitled ‘The Way Out’: ‘If the US military declare...
UK sanctions torture, police shootings and deaths in custody – Amnesty...
In its Annual Report 2007, covering events of 2006, Amnesty International (AI) is scathing about the UK. It says: ‘The government continued to erode fundamental...
Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil War
THE sacking of the Ukrainian prosecutor-general, Svyatoslav Piskun by President Yushchenko has brought the Ukraine to the brink of a civil war...
BLAIR ABUSED POWER! – when he ignored High Court decision on...
Chagos Islanders were yesterday jubilant after the Court of Appeal dismissed the government’s appeal against their right to return to their homeland. Following the ruling...
Hodge, Blears and Blair say foreigners to the back of the...
LABOUR Industry Minister Margaret Hodge has won the support of Hazel Blears (Chairman of the Labour Party and a candidate for the deputy leadership...
Tensions rise in the Baltics and the Balkans!
LAST WEEK the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice visited Moscow to meet with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. She insisted that although Russia...
AMNESTY! –We are all citizens says march of over 25,000 migrants...
OVER 25,000 people took to the streets to demand citizenship for migrant workers and refugees fleeing persecution to seek asylum in Britain, in a...
New North Of Ireland Police Powers Opposed By Nuj
The National Union of Journalists in Ireland and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission on Thursday joined together to condemn new powers which threaten...
General Rose supports the Iraqis right to fight occupiers
GENERAL Rose, who was the commander of the UN forces in Bosnia, has just publicly supported the right of the Iraqi insurgents to fight...
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
REGULARISATION FOR ALL! – march and rally for migrants’ and refugees’...
On the 7th of October 2006 a coalition of migrant groups, trade unions and social justice activists marched in London demanding equal rights for...
REVOLUTIONARY MAY DAY! – News Line Editorial Board Statement
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings on this May Day to the insurgent workers of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The Iraqi insurgency...
A billionaires’ paradise – the UK under Blair and Brown
IN the last 12 months the working class and the vast majority of the middle class have desperately struggled under a huge and...
‘We have been occupied for 40 years, we have the right to resist’, Farouq Khaddoumi, told a public meeting in London on Monday evening. The...
‘WE WON’T ALLOW REMPLOY CLOSURE PLAN’ – Remploy stewards tell News...
THE whole of the Remploy network of factories for disabled workers is under threat, because the government plans to limit the company’s funding to...
‘JIHAD ONLY WAY OF LIBERATING PALESTINE’ – Hamas marks 3rd anniversary...
The Hamas Movement on Tuesday affirmed that blood of Palestinian martyrs has mapped out the route of liberation for the next Palestinian generations to follow...
Al-Sadr Movement Says It Will Withdraw From The Iraqi Government
THE political bloc of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr says it is quitting the Iraqi government, as a wave of bombings left another 43 people...
Gettelfinger Has No Answer To ‘The Race To The Bottom’
UAW President Ron Gettelfinger spoke at the Michigan State University School of Labour and Industrial Relations in East Lansing, Michigan on April 10th...
Bush Rails As Pelosi Visits Damascus
US President George W Bush on Tuesday warned that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Syria sent ‘mixed signals’ that undermined US-led efforts...
IRAN FREES SAILORS – as a gift to the British people
‘Although Iran has the right to prosecute them by following the model of the Prophet, the fifteen people are pardoned and their freedom given...
‘The act of claiming asylum is not a criminal offence and should not be treated as such,’ say MPs and peers in a scathing...
Forward to the political revolution in the Ukraine
UKRAINIAN President Viktor Yushchenko has mounted a coup attempt in the Ukraine, dissolving parliament and calling a snap general election on May 27th. The parliament...
In their scathing report on the treatment of asylum seekers, including enforced destitution, MPs and peers on the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights,...
Bush moves towards intervention with ‘free hostages’ call
PRESIDENT BUSH has laid the basis for military intervention against Iran with his condemnation of Iran’s ‘inexcusable behaviour’ in arresting the 15 British sailors...
Gadaffi Refuses To Attend The Riyadh Arab Summit
COLONEL GADAFFI has given some of his reasons for refusing to attend the summit of Arab leaders at Riyadh. He said that he decided not...
US Admits To Holding Talks With Insurgents
The outgoing US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad has admitted for first time to holding talks with insurgent leaders. Meanwhile bomb attacks killed five...
State ownership brings MG Rover back from the dead!
THE state-owned Nanjing Automobile company, which bought MG Rover for a knock down price of £53 million and then transferred and reassembled 10,000 tonnes...
Hands off Iran – NO British Troops in the ...
‘IT simply is not true that they went into Iranian territorial waters and I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this...
Blair Fended Off Caution With Resignation Threat
LABOUR MP Jack Straw yesterday announced that he is to run Gordon Brown’s campaign for the Labour leadership. Straw’s declaration was answered in...
A&E CUTS WILL COST LIVES!– ‘dying patients will be abandoned’
‘THE idea that acute district general hospitals ( DGHs) can be run safely without acute surgical cover, a proper intensive care unit (ITU) and...
‘I welcome you all on this great day’, said Ismail Haniya last Saturday, just before he was sworn in as Prime Minister of the...
Lift the siege on the Palestinians!
PRIME Minister Ismail Haniya’s Palestinian Authority (PA) national unity government, sworn in on Saturday, is being recognised and supported by more and more...
Woodley And Barber Know No Shame!
Trade union leaders in Europe have warned that the present ‘spectacular growth’ of the private equity venture capitalist deals is ‘unsustainable’ and ‘stoking up...
IRAQ – Attacks on US troops reached a peak in the...
THE US military has reported the deaths of three more troops, two in blasts and one hit by small arms fire in insurgent...
Shut down Campsfield – repeal all racist immigration acts
ONCE again yesterday morning, Campsfield detention camp was on fire, with coachloads of prison officers, the ‘tornado team’ armed with riot shields, arriving and...
Riot Police Launch Savage Savage Attacks On Athens Demonstration
Over 30,000 Greek students and lecturers demonstrating against the government’s Education Bill were viciously attacked by the armed riot police outside the Vouli (Greek...
Reid rants against foreigners ‘stealing our benefits’
YESTERDAY Home Secretary John Reid showed that patriotism is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel when he attacked foreigners for ‘stealing our benefits’....
REPORT MINIMUM WAGE CHEATS – GMB warns Virgin Media contractor Cobra
THE GMB trade union yesterday called on workers being cheated of the national minimum wage to contact their local GMB office to enforce their...
ACTION must be taken by the trade unions to defend the...
THE crisis of the NHS has reached the point of its transformation. Because of the fake NHS pricing mechanisms imposed by Labour, NHS hospitals are...
Airbus Workers Take To The Streets!
STRIKES and protest marches are taking place at Airbus plants in France and Germany for a third day after it was announced that over...
Gmb Members Picket ‘Vulture Capitalists’
GMB members yesterday went to Germany to demonstrate outside a gathering of the European Venture Capitalists Association (EVCA), at the same time as Prime...
Venture Capitalists Are Targeting Sainsbury!
Venture capitalists Texas Pacific and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts are this week expected to bid for the supermarket group, J Sainsbury. Their take-over will mean sackings,...
End The Occupation Of Iraq! End The US/UK War Alliance!
OVER 100,000 people marched in London and many thousands more marched in Glasgow on Saturday, to demand the immediate withdrawal of all British troops...
Unions Must Take Strike Action To Stop ‘Son Of Star Wars’
THE real content of the ‘war against terror’ (a tool for promoting imperialist interests and for grabbing the world’s resources) has been proven with...
International aid agency Oxfam said on Wednesday that conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are close to melt-down. It called on members of the EU,...