Tag: election
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis has warned politicians against making ‘selfless’ public service workers pay the price for the economic slump. In his New Year...
2010 – year for revolutions! NEW YEAR MANIFESTO by News Line...
NEWS LINE sends its revolutionary greetings for 2010 to the working class and the poor of the planet. We especially greet the insurgent masses...
The British Medical Association (BMA) has today unveiled a set of New Year’s resolutions for politicians to help them protect the future of the...
DOWN WITH RAJAPAKSE AND FONSEKA – Platform of Common Left candidate...
SO, ONCE again, at the cost of some Rs 12 billion of public funds, we have to face a Presidential election. Two equally bloody, corrupt...
The working class must win the class war
IN the middle of the Labour Party’s general election campaign, a section of the Labour cabinet led by Mandelson, Jowell and others is breaking...
‘World Powers Betrayed Besieged Gaza People!’
WORLD powers betrayed the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip by failing to end the Israeli blockade of the territory in the wake...
‘Tony Blair and Gordon Brown should be tried as war criminals,’ Peter Brierley, whose son Shaun was killed in Iraq in 2003, told a...
Pakistan’s creeping coup being organised by the US
A FEW weeks ago President Obama announced 30,000 extra US troops for Afghanistan. Now the US has given its full support to President Karzai of...
The Fight Of The Greek ‘Stage’ Workers
By DINA ROVITHAKI, President of the ‘stage’ workers’ trade union at the Institute for Agricultural Development and member of the National Co-ordinating Committee of ‘stage’...
THE President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and General President of SIPTU, Jack O’Connor, has attacked Budget 2010 as ‘callous, unjust and...
Darling’s plan to make workers pay for crisis
CHANCELLOR Darling made his pre-budget speech to the House of Commons yesterday afternoon in the form of a Labour general election manifesto. His line was...
STOP WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL CLOSING! – – we must all defend our...
WHITTINGTON Hospital is threatened with being reduced to a ‘local hospital’ through having its Accident and Emergency and other vital Departments closed, and...
Civil Service Unions ‘Outrage’ Over Redundancy Pay Cuts
The announcement of changes to civil service redundancy payments made today by the Cabinet Office is an outrageous breach of faith with the unions,...
Morgan Stanley having sleepless nights over the UK
THE Morgan Stanley bank is worried that the world crisis is going to shatter the already bankrupt UK economy, causing a flight of capital...
Drive To Close London NHS Hospitals
HOSPITALS are facing closure across London as the government begins making savage cuts to the NHS budget to deal with its debts crisis. With the...
NHS to be butchered to pay the bankers’ debts
LARGE-scale hospital cuts and closures are now being organised for immediately after the next general election. These cuts have been dictated by the current enormously...
Public Sector Disaster F0R British Capitalism
THE UK’s public sector net deficit for October reached £11.4bn and is the highest monthly deficit since records began. The national debt at...
‘STOP COWBOY CLEANING CONTRACTS’ – –RMT and Unite members lobby Metronet...
MEMBERS of the RMT rail union and the Unite union’s Justice for Cleaners campaign staged a protest in central London on Wednesday, demanding: ‘Stop...
GM’s Reilly insists no decision made on which plants are to...
GENERAL Motors’ head of operations in Europe, Nick Reilly, has a history – he was in charge of the operation that shut down Vauxhall...
Over 20,000 students, youth and workers took part in a militant anti-imperialist demonstration in Athens on Tuesday to commemorate the 36th anniversary of the...
Ussr: A New Stage Of Confrontation
THE DEEPENING world economic imperialist crisis is leading to a much worsening of working class conditions in all parts of the...
Labour holds seat – Tories just beat BNP and are as...
THE working class saw the Tories, and the Scottish Tories of the SNP, off in Thursday’s by-election in Glasgow North East. On...
Reject ‘John Lewis’ NHS!
‘The GMB is opposed to a John Lewis partnership running the NHS, and so would the 1.4 million staff employed by the service,’ GMB...
PERMANENT JOBS FOR ALL – demand thousands of Greek workers
OVER 2,000 Greek public sector workers on short-contracts staged a militant demonstration through Athens city centre on Wednesday, calling on the social-democratic government of...
Five Years Since Yasser Arafat’s Murder
PALESTINIANS around the world marked the fifth anniversary of the death of President Yasser Arafat yesterday. In the West Bank, where Arafat’s Fatah movement...
Abolish Fees, Restore Grants And Free State Education For All
A REVIEW of university student fees in England has been launched by Business Secretary Mandelson. The object of the review is to increase, perhaps...
Afghan war not worth fighting, say British workers
SIR Jock Stirrup, the British army commander, has admitted that the great majority of the British people are opposed to the imperialist war in...
Stop The Afghan War – The Enemy Is At Home
DEMOCRATIC presidents and prime ministers such as Obama and Brown have rushed into the Afghan breach to rubber-stamp their stooge Karzai as the president...
Afghan election re-run collapses – US, UK completely discredited!
AFGHANISTAN’S re-run election will be held on November 7th as scheduled, said the Afghan Electoral Commission yesterday. It is to have just one candidate,...
The US Senior Representative For Zabul Province Resigns!
THE following is a dramatic letter of resignation from senior US diplomat – America’s Senior Civilian Representative for Zabul Province in Afghanistan – addressed...
US Ex-Soldier Diplomat Resigns In Protest At Afghan War
WHILE President Obama remains undecided and continues to dither about what the US strategy should be in Afghanistan, his diplomats are making their...
Stand up to the bullying bosses with a general strike
THE ‘New Local Government Network’ was warning yesterday of a ‘tsunami of a public sector recession’ after the next general election when the just...
Karzai Won’t Go – US-UK Adventure On The Rocks
PRESIDENT Karzai is refusing to agree to a re-run of the Afghan general election, meaning that Karzai and his master President Obama are at...
Brown is hungry for cash – sell off the palaces and...
THE Prime Minister began yesterday to sell off anything and everything that can be used to raise much needed cash, £16bn in fact, to...
The first step towards a government of generals
GENERAL Sir Richard Dannatt is to become Defence Minister if there is another Tory government. He will do so, not by becoming a Tory MP...
Postal workers want indefinite strike action NOW!
CWU members have voted, in a 67 per cent turnout, a much bigger turnout than in a British general election, for strike action, with...
76% VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION – CWU must give 7 days...
‘If we don’t take a stand now, you will see the postal service in the UK destroyed for ever,’ Communication Workers Union (CWU)...
Greek Workers & Youth Will Fight New Bourgeois Regime Of Papandreou!
The Greek working class and youth have delivered a deadly blow against the conservative government of Kostas Karamanlis and his neo-liberal policies in Sunday’s...
Forward To The Greek Revolution!
THE PASOK socialist party and its leader, George Papandreou, won a landslide election victory on Sunday in Greece's snap general election, winning over 43...
‘royal Mail – not for sale! Mandy, Mandy, Mandy – Out Out Out!’ chanted over 200 postal workers as they lobbied the heavily-fortified...
Deeper Into The Afghan Quagmire
BRITAIN’S top general in Afghanistan has backed the call of his US commander for 40,000 more troops to be sent into the Afghan quagmire,...
Rats Starting To Quit Sinking Ship!
PRIME MINISTER Brown was yesterday under full scale attack from the bourgeois media. He faced the humiliation of appearing on the Andrew Marr...
Crisis Deepening – Revolution Not Recovery Is On The Agenda
THE CBI bosses organisation yesterday foresaw a ‘recovery’ from the capitalist crisis, but was forced by circumstances beyond its control to admit that, at...
Pre-empt savage cuts with a general strike!
LIB DEM leader Nick Clegg has reiterated his original claim there will need to be ‘savage’ spending cuts. Clegg put forward the same...
‘WE WILL NOT GIVE UP TILL WE WIN’ – sacked Gate...
The sacked Gate Gourmet workers marked the fourth anniversary of their struggle with a 200-plus strong rally and an evening of thrilling entertainment at...