Tag: election
‘Perfidious Albion’ betrays Palestine again!
THE British ruling class has played a special role as far as Palestine in concerned. In the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917, the United...
MANIFESTO FOR 2015 – The Year for World Revolution
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings, as we enter the new year of 2015, to the working people of the world. We...
Greek vote provokes revolutionary crisis
YESTERDAY''S Greek presidential vote heralds the start of a fresh eurozone crisis that threatens to bring down the Eurozone and with it the whole...
City Link Closure The Prelude To New Year Class Showdown!
THE Christmas Day announcement that parcel delivery firm City Link had gone into administration was ‘disgraceful’, the RMT said yesterday. Its general secretary Mick...
Mass Demonstrations Continue In Haiti
MASS demonstrations continued in Haiti on Xmas eve demanding the resignation of President Michel Martelly and that elections be held. The Haitian parliament’s mandate runs...
Greek Government Is On The Way Out
THE Greek coalition government has once again failed in a parliamentary vote to elect its candidate Stavros Dimas as the new President of the...
‘Set up an independent Judge-led inquiry!’ – ‘Keep your word’ Rights...
NINE human rights NGOs (non-governmental organisations), including Reprieve, are urging prime minister Cameron to honour his 2010 promise of an independent, judge-led inquiry into...
French Amazon Workers Strike!
FRENCH trade unions called on Amazon workers to go on strike on Monday, 22 December, less than four days to go before Christmas. Strike...
Plans to double ambulance times condemned!
DOCTORS’, nurses’, ambulance staff leaders and Labour yesterday slammed plans to more than double target times for ambulances to reach some seriously ill patients. A...
Defeat For Greek Government!
THE Greek coalition government’s presidential candidate right-winger Stavros Dimas received the votes of just 160 parliamentary deputies last Wednesday night in the first round...
Occupation must end by November 2016!
THE European Court ruled yesterday that Hamas be removed from the EU’s terrorism blacklist, a huge gain for the Palestinian people, after Hamas’ leadership...
Privatise Fire Service & NHS plus wage & job cuts –...
HOSPITALS and fire services will be run ‘outside the public sector’ Francis Maude, Tory Cabinet Office minister revealed yesterday, speaking to the Daily Telegraph. Firefighters...
Economic Crisis Is Smashing Up Europe!
YESTERDAY official statistics for France show that core inflation had actually fallen into negative figures, - 0.2%, for the first time in recorded history...
Greek Stocks ‘Meltdown’
THE Athens Stock Exchange collapsed again by 7.35 per cent on Thursday wiping 13 billion euros off shares. In the last three days it has...
Balls and Miliband argue for a permanent cuts regime
LABOUR leader Miliband’s speech of yesterday was a pre-election attempt to bolster up support from workers by arguing that Labour will be...
Budget cuts every year – says Miliband imitating Osborne
PARTY leader Ed Miliband yesterday set out how a Labour government would ‘deal with the deficit’. In a speech delivered at the New Economic Foundation...
Privateers awarded one third of contracts since 2012 Health Act!
A THIRD of NHS contracts have been awarded to private sector providers since the Health and Social Care Act came into force, finds an...
Savage attack on migrants – organised by PM Cameron
PRIME Minister Cameron yesterday announced plans for a new raft of savage attacks on migrant workers. In a widely publicised speech given in a...
Cameron Wants An ‘English Parliament’!
THE SMITH Commission has announced recommendations that devolution be strengthened, with new powers for the Scottish Parliament to set income tax rates, benefits and...
Smith Commission’s anti-working class Trojan Horse
THE Smith Commission has proposed, with the support of all the major parties, that the Scottish Parliament should have the power to set income...
Hundreds Of Thousands Of NHS Workers Take Strike Action!
HUNDREDS of thousands of NHS workers in England and the north of Ireland went on a four-hour strike on Monday morning. Nurses, cleaners, porters, midwives,...
CAMERON HUMILIATED! – Tories routed in Rochester
UKIP has its second elected MP at Westminster after Mark Reckless won the Rochester and Strood by-election yesterday. Reckless took 16,867 votes, 2,920 more than...
Cameron and Osborne’s Waterloo
AFTER the Tories’ defeat at the hands of a defector to UKIP in the recent Clacton by-election, David Cameron vowed that he would ‘throw...
UNIONS AGREE WELSH NHS PAY DEAL! – Monday’s Welsh strike action...
HEALTH unions have agreed a separate deal on pay for NHS workers in Wales, meaning they will not be taking part in Monday’s four-hour...
Students March For ‘Free Education Now!’
SEVERAL students were arrested at the end of an occupation of Parliament Square by hundreds of student protesters on Wednesday. They were part of a...
‘There must not be any cooperation between Volkswagon and yellow unions’...
THE head of the German union (IG Metall) representing automotive workers has spoken out against Volkswagen working with anti-labour groups at its plant in...
MORE than 200 workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched through Whitechapel to Bethnal Green in central London on Saturday to the News Line...
UN Makes ‘Freeze Zones’ Initiative To President Assad
‘THE US and the West continue to blunder after the Gulf and Ottoman (Turkish) bets failed to bring down the Syrian state thanks to...
Tories post-election cuts being planned!
THE UK Treasury has told senior Whitehall officials that a post-2015 election government will have to make £25bn-£30bn worth of spending cuts. Cuts are being...
Global strike for higher wages at McDonald’s
McDonald’s employees are planning a global strike next week. McDonald’s workers from New York, Chicago and Los Angeles will travel to eight countries on three...
Fairpoint Workers Hold Portland Rally
STRIKING FairPoint workers and their supporters from across the Northeast of America held a major rally in Portland, Maine, on Saturday, November 8. Negotiators from...
Labour’s crisis deepens the more it embraces Tory austerity!
THE bourgeois press is awash with the news that Labour leader, Ed Miliband, is facing calls from within his own shadow cabinet for him...
US workers must form a Labour Party
THE Republican Party has won control of the Senate in the US mid-term elections, and now controls both Houses of Congress, turning the final...
US unions slam ‘Fast Track trade policy’
THE AFL-CIO trade union federation considers that the Fast Track trade policy has has helped depress wages for America’s workers over the past...
STRIKING firefighters were in a determined mood on Friday evening at the start of the Fire Brigades Union’s (FBU’s) four-day action in defence of...
One year on . . . Remploy workers remain jobless!
A GMB union survey has found that the majority of Remploy workers did not get another job, one year on from the last of...
Kerry Warns Russia Over Eastern Ukraine
THE US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned Russia that it must not recognise the elections that are due to take place this...
World Crisis Is Ripping Eu Apart
THE crisis of the European Union’s attempts to overcome the contradictions of European capitalism has landed the Tory Party into the gravest crisis of...
Cameron, Farage and Iwaszkiewicz forming a common front
NEO-fascist movements in Ukraine are operating with the connivance of the Kiev authorities, which is absolutely unacceptable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on...
Fury Over Cancellation Of Philadelphia Teachers’ Contracts
FURIOUS over the Philadelphia School Reform Commission’s (SRC) move to unilaterally cancel its teachers’ contract, 3,000 people shut down North Broad Street last Thursday,...
Civil servants strike solid!
TENS of thousands of civil servants and allied workers expressed their anger at poverty pay, attacks on their pensions and privatisation during Wednesday’s solid...
‘Enough is enough!’ say striking PCS members
PUBLIC and Commercial Servants union (PCS) members were out on picket lines since before dawn yesterday as tens of thousands came out in support...
House of Commons recognises Palestine!
‘THAT this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel, as a contribution to securing a...
Voters Reject Tories And Warn Labour
THURSDAY’S by-elections saw voters completely rejecting the Tories, destroying the LibDems and giving the Labour Party a very stiff warning. UKIP gained its first elected...
Fight against anti-union ‘right-to-work’ legislation is critical for US workers –...
AS working people in the US are gearing up to get out and vote in mid-term Congressional and state elections on November 4, AFL-CIO...