Tag: election
FBU Angry Over Police Attack On Black Firefighter!
THE Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has welcomed the news that three Metropolitan Police officers are to face disciplinary proceedings following a racially motivated attack...
Labour Right Wing Ready For Breakaway!
150 LABOUR MPs are plotting to form a breakaway party codenamed ‘Continuity Labour’ when Jeremy Corbyn wins the leadership battle. Pontypridd Labour MP Stephen Kinnock...
Hunt left in place to spearhead NHS Privatisation!
ANYONE naive enough to believe for one second the promise made by the new Tory leader that dumping former chancellor George Osborne and replacing...
May Refuses To Sack Hunt And Commits Herself To Class War...
PM MAY, under the guise of adopting a ‘one nation’ policy which treasures the poor and the needy much more than the rich, has...
Corbyn On The Ballot Paper – Another Defeat For Labour Right...
THE decision of the Labour Party NEC in a secret vote, by 18-14, for Labour leader Corbyn to go forward onto the leadership ballot...
Egypt & Israel strengthen ties
THE British ruling class moved swiftly and ruthlessly yesterday to crush opposition to the election of Theresa May as leader of the Tory Party. Her...
The trade unions must follow the example of the ruling class...
THE British ruling class moved swiftly and ruthlessly yesterday to crush opposition to the election of Theresa May as leader of the Tory Party. Her...
Right Wingers Provoking Labour Split
UNITE leader Len McCluskey has issued a statement refuting the claims that Jeremy Corbyn was responsible for Tom Watson’s ending the union-led efforts to...
UNITE general secretary Len McCluskey on Saturday issued an important statement refuting claims that Jeremy Corbyn was responsible for Tom Watson’s withdrawal from...
Corbyn will fight any bid to keep him off ballot paper!
LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn told the BBC yesterday that he was ‘disappointed’ Angela Eagle had chosen to run against him and would fight any...
Unite Warns Over ‘Shameful’ Agency Practices!
UNITE has warned that ‘shameful’ agency practices towards workers at Sports Direct have contributed to its falling profits and reputation. The high street retailer, which...
Corbyn must demand a general election at once!
AS THE Tory and Labour Party crises deepen, the Bank of England yesterday announced that the outlook for UK financial stability is ‘challenging’. Bank of...
TUC prepares for treacherous deal with Labour’s coup leaders
YESTERDAY morning Angela Eagle, one of the main conspirators behind the right-wing plot to oust Jeremy Corbyn from the leadership, announced publicly for the...
Teachers strike today – worst funding cuts since 1970s
‘SCHOOLS are facing the worst cuts in funding since the 1970s,’ the NUT warned as teachers at every school in the country walked out...
‘Opposition must be Syrian opposition,’ says Assad
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has given an extensive interview with Australian TV channel SBS. In the interview, he covered such topics as Brexit, the hypocrisy...
Action Needed Now Over Housing Crisis!
HOMELESSNESS among households in England has risen by 54 per cent since 2010 – rising annually every year – shows the latest report by...
McCluskey slams Blairite coupists – but calls on unions to broker...
Unite leader Len McCluskey said yesterday that Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been the victim of a ‘political lynching’ orchestrated by ‘sinister forces’,...
‘We can’t allow the City to sink beneath the waves’
‘WHILE there is a need for fundamental reform for the City, neither should we just allow it to sink beneath the waves,’ shadow Chancellor...
Corbyn must stand fast, remain LP leader and demand a general...
ON June 23, the masses of the working class rose up and crushed the Cameron leadership of the Tory party by voting to leave...
Deselect the right wing Blairite MPs who want to split the...
THE DECISIVE move of the working class to vote to leave the EU has not only upset the bankers and bosses of the EU,...
Anti-Corbyn coup attempt!
SEVEN right wing Labour shadow cabinet members quit yesterday, with more resignations expected, as a coup attempt got underway to remove Jeremy Corbyn as...
Now sack the union leaders to bring down the Tories and...
THE ‘Leave’ victory in the just-held referendum constitutes a huge revolutionary victory for the working class and the poor of the UK who voted...
Project Fear Gives Way To Pledges Of Retribution
SPEAKING with Labour’s former Chancellor Lord Darling by his side, in full support, the Tory Chancellor Osborne yesterday pledged violent retribution against the electorate...
Vote Leave – bring down the Tories. For a workers government...
THE UK Prime Minister, Cameron, has delivered a thinly disguised deadly threat to the UK working class. This is that if it has the...
‘UK Too Like The US – Gender Inequality And Student Debt’
‘I WANTED to pick the flowers not the weeds,’ says Michael Moore of his new film ‘Where to Invade Next’. The producers point out: ‘Michael...
Corbyn lets Labour’s right wing drag him into the ‘Remain’ camp!
LABOUR leader Corbyn was pushed yesterday for convincing reasons for voting to ‘Remain’ in the EU in the forthcoming referendum. He said that EU...
Blair the man who helped create IS warns of the dangers...
IT would be a ‘very dangerous experiment’ for the UK to give Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn power, Tony Blair has told the BBC’s This...
Vote ‘Leave’ on June 23 to get rid of Cameron and...
IT is rapidly becoming crystal clear how important it is to vote ‘Leave’ in the June 23rd referendum on the EU. A ‘Leave’ vote will...
Labour Sets Out To Transform Capitalism!
SHADOW Chancellor John McDonnell made it perfectly clear at Labour’s Conference on the Economy that the Labour Party was now for ‘transforming capitalism’, and...
Junior doctors will vote to reject rotten Hunt-BMA deal!
THE BMA leadership have allowed themselves to be taken for a ride by Health Secretary Hunt! The government that imposed provocation after provocation onto the...
TURNING THE TIDE: the 1966 seamen’s strike
Turning the Tide – The 1966 seamen’s strike and the making of modern maritime trade unionism. An RMT pamphlet, available free from RMT head...
The working class is the hero of the hour – it...
IT says something about the scale of the defeat that the Tories and the bosses have suffered over the Mayoral election in London...
Demand TUC take action! – Anna Athow tells BMA’s Representative Meeting
BMA chair Dr Mark Porter told the union’s Special Representative Meeting yesterday that ‘Twenty-four years ago, it was the first reforms that established an...
The Tory crisis is the source of the Labour ‘racism’ provocations!
THE attempt to frame up Ken Livingstone as a rabid racist, after similar attempts to do the same to Labour leader Corbyn, who was...
Rout The Tories With A General Strike – Forward To A...
THERE is not the slightest doubt that the Tories, headed by Cameron, Osborne and Hunt, have picked their quarrel with the junior doctors. It is...
Remembering the Hillingdon struggle
IT’S a shame that the All in a Day’s Work book of interviews, recording lives and the struggles of west London workers from 1945-1995,...
ALL IN A DAY’S WORK – Working Lives & Trade Unions...
All in a Day’s Work Working Lives and Trade Unions in West London 1945-1995 Published by the Britain at Work Project £12.80 with p&p ALL in a Day’s...
Corbyn comes good for the bosses’ and bankers’ EU
CORBYN has been transformed into his opposite as far as the ruling class and Labour’s rabid Blairite right wing is concerned. He has gone...
SYRIAN ELECTIONS HUGE TURNOUT! ‘The Syrian people will decide their own...
THE People’s Assembly elections for selecting 250 members from over 3,500 candidates from across all Syrian provinces began at 7am on Wednesday April 13th,...
Syria Goes To The Polls
SYRIANS were voting in parliamentary elections yesterday, with the ceasefire holding and the Syrian government gaining more ground against terrorists in the war-hit country. Over...
Cameron must resign! – demands John Mann MP after tax haven...
LABOUR MP John Mann yesterday called for PM Cameron to resign in light of the ongoing scandal regarding Cameron’s father’s offshore bank account, exposed...
Forward With The World Socialist Revolution!
ON every front – the economic, the political and the ideological – the capitalist ruling classes and their system are reeling and in desperate...
IMF out to bankrupt Greece, leak reveals
THE Wikileaks organisation dropped a bombshell on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) last Saturday when it published the transcript of a private conversation between...
Irish Teachers Set For Strike Action
SCHOOLTEACHERS in Ireland are set to strike over a number of issues, including the 10% pay cut that has affected as many as...
Strike Wave Sweeps Australia
A STRIKE wave is sweeping Australia as Liberal PM Malcolm Turnbull declares war on the unions and threatens to dissolve both houses of parliament...