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Bring Down The Tories – Abolish Universal Credit – Forward To...

IT has become crystal clear that the Universal Credit system equals universal misery for the growing masses of the working poor in the UK. As...


THE Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu), the biggest union in South Africa’s ‘platinum belt’, says that Marikana has once again become a...

Labour Party leaders move to stab Brexit in the back! Forward...

AS IS to be expected the Labour leadership has been unable to hold fast to the Corbyn line that the party will support Brexit....

Break with the EU NOW! Forward to a Workers Government and...

FOLLOWING 17m plus workers voting to ‘Leave’ in the 2016 EU Referendum, the UK is leaving the EU on March 29th 2019, two years...

Tories turn their fire on the elderly! Kick them out –...

IT IS often said that a society is judged by how it treats its elderly and its youth. Young people, as we know, are...

School Funding In Crisis! Unions Lobby Against School Cuts On October...

UNISON is working together with other education unions to hold a Parliamentary Lobby Against School Cuts on 24th October, to show MPs that school...

Leaving the European Union will require a workers socialist revolution!

PM MAY last Monday afternoon, in her first statement to MPs in parliament since her Florence speech last month and her debacle at the...

Britain must apologise for Balfour – Abbas

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas told the ongoing meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council that the way to achieving national unity requires some time, the final...

May Government In Its Death Agony – Labour Must Act To...

PM MAY is battling for her survival and the survival of her government with the big bosses and bankers desperate to prevent her fall...

Tories Move To Knife May!

PM MAY, who had previously described her leadership as ‘strong and stable’, was yesterday struggling to keep her head above water as the Tory...

May is broken, as is the Tory party and the capitalist...

WHEN the Tory Daily Telegraph runs on its front page a headline that Theresa May is ‘limping into oblivion’ it couldn’t be a clearer...

President Sisi ‘played pivotal role’ in helping Fatah & Hamas overcoming...

EGYPTIAN President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi played a pivotal role in helping Fatah and Hamas overcome their differences to form a National Consensus Government in...

May Handed P45 At The Tory Party Conference

PRIME Minister May’s pledge to ‘renew the British dream’ turned into a nightmare yesterday, as she delivered the closing speech to the Tory Party...

Wind of Change blows through Labour Party conference as UK faces...

THIS Labour Party conference has been different in that the members of the Party and the trade unions have taken it over, and turned...

EU ripped apart by crisis – time to bring it down...

WITH the Labour right-wing openly organising at the party conference in Brighton this week to bind the party firmly to a campaign to remain in...

Corbyn won’t back ‘illegal’ striking workers!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn yesterday refused to back or oppose the Tory plan for a two-year transition period after the March 2019 withdrawal from...

Trump threatens to destroy North Korea and warns Iran, Cuba and...

PRESIDENT TRUMP began his speech at the UN by immediately patting himself on the back, stating that ‘Fortunately, the United States has done...

Teamsters Question Self-Driving Technology As Sanders Wants ‘Medicare For All’

TEAMSTERS General Secretary Treasurer, Ken Hall, has testified at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on self-driving technology, urging for the exemption of commercial...

Huber Ballesteros, Freed Colombian Trade Union Leader Addresses Tuc!

COLOMBIAN trade union leader, Huber Ballesteros, was finally able to address the TUC Congress in Brighton on Wednesday. Weeks before he was due to fly...

Corbyn addresses the TUC–no call for a general election!

TUC DELEGATES in Brighton gave a standing ovation to Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Tuesday afternoon despite the fact that he failed...

Corbyn has no answer for the Tory onslaught on workers...

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn yesterday at the TUC conference had no answer to the Tory onslaught on the trade unions. In particular, he ignored the...

Grenfell–Never Again!

THE TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady yesterday welcomed six emergency workers to Congress who had been involved in the Manchester, Westminster and Finsbury...

No single market! No Customs Union! TUC call a...

THE DIVISIONS within the Tory Party are rapidly sharpening, with an ever widening gulf between those who want to remain in the EU and...

The bosses refuse to back May! Now is the time for...

A PLAN by the Tories to demonstrate that the bosses of Britain’s leading companies are firmly behind the chaotic Brexit negotiations blew up in...


OPENING the debate in the House of Commons on the EU Withdrawal Bill, Brexit Secretary, David Davis, said the bill was ‘the next step...

SMASH 1% PAY CAP! 40,000 nursing vacancies in NHS

THERE are not enough nurses to provide safe patient care, shows a survey released today to coincide with a mass lunchtime demonstration...

Fast-food workers in 300 US cities striking on Labor Day

LOCAL Miami cooks and cashiers from McDonald’s, Burger King and other restaurants announced they are walking off the job on America’s Labor Day, today,...

Reject Eu Diktat Attempt – Leave The Eu At Once !

THE GIGANTIC farce of the Brexit negotiations hit a brick wall this week with EU officials accusing the British of failing to reveal its...

Smash Labour’s right wing coup attempt – Leave the EU at...

THE Labour Party leadership has moved to sell out and stab the Brexit referendum result and the working class in the back. Keir Starmer, Labour’s...


LABOUR yesterday pledged to end the ‘unprecedented’ squeeze on wages with a Labour government introducing a ‘Real Living Wage’ of £10 per hour for...

Kick out the Tories to end Universal Credit attacks on benefits!

ON SUNDAY the Guardian newspaper published a letter signed by 30 Labour MPs and the one Green Party MP expressing their concern about the...

Carpetbagger Cable Incites Youth Against The Elderly!

LIBERAL leader Cable yesterday launched a vicious attack on the elderly stating that by voting Brexit they had ‘comprehensively shafted the young’. Writing in...

Break with the EU NOW! Forward to a socialist UK!

FOLLOWING the intervention of ex-PM Tony Blair to demand that the UK remains in the EU, all the counter-revolutionary, anti-working class forces have begun...

EU and US fall out over oil, gas and Russian sanctions!

THE INCREASINGLY fractious relationship between the US and its rival capitalist bloc the European Union, is on the point of erupting into a full...

Ufcw Fighting For Permanent Jobs At Phillips Seafood

THE United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) returned to leaflet customers of US Phillips Seafood restaurants in support of The International Union of...

Nissan Agree On Ballot To Join Uaw At Mississippi Plant!

THE UNITED Auto Workers union and automaker Nissan said on Monday that they reached an agreement to let workers at a Nissan plant in...

Trump Can’t Get Rid Of Obamacare – But US Workers...

PRESIDENT Trump’s efforts to smash ex-President Obama’s healthcare system, which provides cheaper health insurance for the low paid and the poor (Obamacare), have...

£9,000 pinched from public sector pay packets since 2010 says Unison

‘FACING 10 years of pay cuts in real terms, our vital public sector workers – nurses, midwives and refuse collectors – have had an average of...

BOSTON NURSES TAKING STRIKE ACTION – Nissan workers organise for a...

BOSTON’S first nurses’ strike in 30 years began on Wednesday after a last-ditch negotiating session failed to resolve the disagreements between the Massachusetts...

University applications are plummeting! Call General Strike to scrap all uni...

SOARING university tuition fees, rents in student halls being hiked up, the complete removal of the student grant and the spiralling cost of living...

Corbyn must reject May’s plea to keep her in power –...

THIS pathetic minority Tory ‘government’ is so weak that Theresa May is forced today to make a speech begging for the Labour Party and...

Labour wants to write off all student debt!

SHADOW education secretary, Angela Rayner, said yesterday that the Labour Party’s ‘ambition’ is to write off all student debt at a cost of £100bn. But...

UK workers will not go the way of Greece and Syriza...

THE G20 has concluded with the imperialist powers at each others’ throats after being under permanent siege by tens of thousands of anti-capitalist youth. The...

Israel collective punishment ‘vicious, vindictive & ugly’

THE ISRAELI public prosecutor for the Jerusalem district has filed ‘a precedent-setting’ civil lawsuit against the widow and young children of Fadi al-Qunbar –...

300,000 March To Get Rid Of Tories!

WORKERS, trade unionists and youth on the more than 300,000-strong march from the BBC Broadcasting House to Parliament Square on Saturday demanded that...