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Another mass picket at Gate Gourmet

THE mass picket of over 100 Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow Airport yesterday were angry at capitalist press revelations that at least two of...

‘Continue The March To Raise The Palestinian Flag Over Jerusalem’

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last Friday pledged to continue Yasser Arafat’s struggle to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, as thousands...

TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...

Capitalist Crisis Is Driving Forward World Revolution

THIS Sunday’s 65th Anniversary rally of the assassination of Leon Trotsky by an agent of the Stalinist bureaucracy in 1940 is taking place at...

Blair the leader of the Party of Order

PRIME Minister Blair held a meeting of his Cabinet yesterday morning and, true to form, the Cabinet, filled with his lackeys, found that he...

TGWU register 735 tribunal cases

THERE was a mass picket of over 200 locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow airport yesterday. Senior shop steward Mr Dhillon told News...

Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART – PART ONE Culture under the...

THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...

Government By Police Chiefs

AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...

The army and police – a law unto themselves

The Surrey Police re-investigation into the deaths of four teenage recruits at the Deepcut army barracks has been called a ‘farce’ by Geoff Gray,...

Gate Gourmet Workers Confront Woodley And Barber

GATE Gourmet workers lobbied the TUC General Council in central London yesterday. They brought their banner: ‘Justice for the Sacked Gate Gourmet Workers’ and...

Sharon Aims For Zionist ‘Greater Jerusalem’

THE PALESTINE Media Centre reports that ‘The Israeli Knesset on Monday approved a speech by the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that vindicated his “defense”...

ADULT EDUCATION UNDER ATTACK– funding crisis means sackings and course closures,...

Lower than expected college funding poses a severe threat to adult education and those who provide it, warns the latest edition of public sector...

Strong Picket By Gate Gourmet Workers

WELL over 100 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday near to Heathrow airport. TGWU member Manny Odedra told News Line: ‘The people the...

Economic Crisis Set To Wreak Havoc To Jobs And Homes

THE bosses organisation, the CBI, yesterday warned that thousands of manufacturing jobs are about to be slashed by employers seeking to reduce their costs,...

DEFIANT SADDAM – refuses to recognise stooge court

Saddam Hussein yesterday insisted he was the president of Iraq, and refused to recognise the US appointed court, declining to give his name or...

BRING OUT THE AIRPORT – urge Gate Gourmet workers

‘We are calling for the whole airport to come out, not just to support us but to defend themselves,’ Jaswinder Phal told News Line...

US slaughters Iraqis during the referendum on a constitution

WHILE US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their quislings in Baghdad were pumping out propaganda about ‘freedom and democracy’,...

Unions must act NOW to reinstate Gate Gourmet workers!

TODAY scores of T&G members will be picketing the Gate Gourmet plant at Heathrow Airport, as they have every day since they were locked...

NO MORE WAITING – demand Gate Gourmet workers

GATE Gourmet pickets said yesterday they were fed up with waiting. They poured scorn on a Transport and General Workers Union plea to British Airways...

Union Leaders Helping Bosses Say Gourmet Workers

angry Gate Gourmet workers told News Line over the weekend that they want their union, the TGWU, to provide them with information on who...

Terminal 5 – BA gets ready for its ‘Wapping’

THE buzz word in the financial media yesterday was ‘Wapping’. The media was referring to the union busting operation carried through by Rupert Murdoch in...

Iraqi puppets feel the noose tightening

IN the last few days the Iraqi puppet National Assembly, whose authority does not run outside of the Green Zone US fortress in central...

Gourmet locked-out workers determined to win

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers expressed shock and anger at the treatment of two hundred Xavier Gourmet workers who found the gate to their...

Fury At Gourmet Sell-Out Deal!

TGWU leader Tony Woodley told the mass meeting of locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday afternoon that the sell out deal he has negotiated...

‘throw Out Stinking Gourmet Deal’

‘WE want a hands up vote at the mass meeting tomorrow, and we want the provisional agreement between Gate Gourmet, the TGWU and the...

Sharon unleashes bombing raids and assassinations on the Palestinians

THE Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has launched a new war on Palestinians living in territories under Zionist occupation less than three...

‘WE WON’T SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS’ says Gate Gourmet shop steward

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers received a report back yesterday morning on the picket line at Heathrow Airport from their shop stewards, of a...

A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra

THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...

‘WE’RE READY TO FIGHT FOR VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet workers

GATE Gourmet shop stewards went to a meeting at the Trades Union Congress in central London yesterday with leaders of their union, the TGWU,...

HIGH ALERT IN BASRA! – tensions after tank attack ‘rescue’

British troops in Iraq were on high alert yesterday for fear of further clashes as tensions continued over the rescue at tank-point of two...

‘We have to keep our rights’ say Gate Gourmet workers

GATE Gourmet workers are opposing a ‘compromise agreement’, which the company and leaders of the Transport and General Workers’ Union are negotiating and which...

Grampian Foods Pensions Strike

A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...


THE Trades Union Congress yesterday voted unanimously to ‘call on the British government to set its own unilateral date for an early and speedy...

NO TO CITY ACADEMIES! – TUC rejects Blair ‘flagship’ policy

THE TUC yesterday voted unanimously to oppose city academies. The National Union of Teachers President Hilary Bills urged the TUC to step up a campaign...

‘We Want Action To Win’ Say Gourmet Workers

GATE GOURMET strikers were on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday in high spirits, after their successful intervention at the TUC in Brighton...

General strike now to stop destruction of the NHS!

NHS HOSPITALS are facing an immediate cut of £1.6 billion, with the government ordering NHS Trusts to ‘balance their books’ by making cutbacks and...

IMPOSSIBLE! – NUT condemns Kelly plan to close ‘failing’ schools after...

THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday accused Education Secretary Ruth Kelly of trying to impose ‘impossible’ targets on state schools that would lead...

BUSH TOLD ‘STOP TAX CUTS’ – as over 200,000 refugees...

LOUISIANA authorities say they now have control over the capital New Orleans and have restored law and order, almost a week after the chaos...

New Orleans war zone – 20,000 National Guards, and US army...

THE United States ruling class, running the world’s number one super-power and presiding over the richest nation on Earth, was yesterday shown to be...

‘FIGHT FOR EVERY JOB!’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

ANGRY Gate Gourmet strikers told News Line yesterday that Transport and General Workers’ Union head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, had visited them on...

NHS CATASTROPHE – BMA warning over developing crisis

THE chairman of the British Medical Association’s Consultants Committee has written an open letter to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, warning that the NHS is...


EVEN puppet politicians are complaining about the conduct of British troops in southern Iraq. The Basra newspaper Al-Manarah has interviewed National Assembly Deputy ...

Qurei Rejects Gaza ‘State’

Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei, also known as Abu-Ala, last Saturday said that an independent and sovereign Palestinian state will inevitably be established on...

Bush fails to get Iraqi puppets to agree ‘constitution’

OVER the weekend, President Bush made personal phone calls to both the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in...

Clarke’s New Security Measures . . . ‘Violate Human Rights’ Says...

‘The new measures, proposed today by the UK government, targeting non-nationals considered to be threatening public order, national security and the rule of law,...