Tag: china
Down with barbaric vaccine wars! Put an end to backward capitalism...
A VACCINE war broke out between the European Union and the UK last week over the supply of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus. The...
Bankrupt capitalism is responsible for 100,000 deaths in UK – Only...
ON TUESDAY, the UK officially recorded 100,000 deaths from Covid-19 with half of these deaths being recorded since November 2020. Even this terrible number of...
Iran’s military manoeuvres display its ‘power and readiness’ says Chief of...
Iran’s senior military commander says the country’s recent back-to-back military drills have made the United States give up its threats of military action against...
US aircraft carrier group to enter South China Sea!
THE US has dispatched an aircraft carrier group to the South China Sea, in a move that is set to escalate tensions after China...
As The Economic And Political Crisis Of Capitalism Deepens The ...
WORKERS throughout the world have experienced, through massive job losses and huge wage cuts, just how the world crisis of the capitalist system is...
The future of bankrupt British capitalism is tied to a collapsing...
THE INAUGURATION of Joe Biden as president of the United States on Wednesday was enthusiastically greeted by prime minister Boris Johnson saying: ‘When you...
‘State terrorism is inscribed on the forehead of the US’
IRAN’S President Hassan Rouhani says that outgoing US president, Donald Trump, registered state terrorism on America’s official record by openly accepting responsibility for the assassination...
France Hit By Massive Strike Actions
WORKERS at Sanofi, which is France’s largest pharmaceutical company, went on strike on Tuesday following the announcement of 1,000 sackings as part of a...
Tories getting ready for class war! Time for the trade unions...
EVERYBODY knows that the Tory government was completely unprepared for the Covid-19 crisis that erupted in the UK in December 2020. The Operation Cygnus exercise...
Trump Faces Impeachment – US Capitalism Faces Ruin – Forward To...
LAST WEDNESDAY President Trump sent a 100,000-plus howling mob on a mission to break into the Capitol building to stop the certification of election-winner...
Tories have driven NHS to breaking point! The trade unions must...
THE NHS is at breaking point! This is the warning from doctors, nurses and NHS staff, furious that the Tories did absolutely nothing to...
Trade Unions Must Shut Down The Schools, And Kick The Tories...
CORONAVIRUS cases are now rising fast, driven by a new variant of the virus that has emerged in the UK and is much more...
2021 – Year For World Revolution!
New Year statement by the News Line Editorial Board THE News Line Editorial Board sends revolutionary greetings for 2021 to all our readers, and to...
UK Workers Are Threatened By Covid-19 Mutations – Trade Unions Must...
HOSPITALS in the south of England say they have seen a ‘real rise in pressure’ as the number of Covid patients needing treatment rapidly...
Tories are unable to beat Covid virus – time to bring...
YESTERDAY, the BMA revealed in a statement that thousands of doctors feared that the NHS would not be able to cope with the ‘incredible...
UK gov is bullying councils to keep schools open – while...
THE Johnson government’s Covid-19 crisis intensified as it ordered London and most of Essex and Hertfordshire to join Tier 3 at 00:01 GMT yesterday. This...
‘No justice, no peace’ chant marchers after Ohio police shooting of...
ANGRY demonstrators marched through the northwest city of Columbus in Ohio last Friday to demand justice and transparency in investigations into the police killing...
India’s Farmers And Workers Are On The March To A Socialist...
INDIA’S farmers have launched a nationwide general strike against new capitalist laws creating agricultural markets, which they rightly say go against their interests and...
CGT unions in France defend temporary workers against government ‘provocation’
THE FRENCH CGT union federation has condemned as a ‘provocation’ a short term ‘alms’ payment that ignores many workers. It said: ‘The government announced on...
US, Japan & France to hold military drill to ‘send message’...
JAPAN, France, and the United States are reportedly set to hold joint military drills for the first time in May next year, as part...
£16.5bn for the military as Tories plan a war on public...
THE TORIES have exceeded all previous borrowing records, taking the British bosses’ national debt to its highest level ever since records began, reaching £2.3tn....
GPs denounce Tory plans to roll out vaccine for putting patient...
VER 1,000 GPs have written to Tory Health Secretary Matt Hancock demanding that the government produces a ‘full plan’ for the roll out of...
President Assad blames US for stopping return of Syrian refugees!
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has blamed the United States for hampering the return of refugees to Syria. Assad was delivering a speech delivered via video...
UK Workers Must Continue To Welcome Refugees And Organise To Smash...
SINCE September, homeless people, including homeless asylum seekers and refugees, have been unceremoniously dumped back onto the streets of the UK. A study published in...
Lesson from US election is don’t ‘buy security from psychopaths’ says...
RAN says the United States’ presidential election that toppled Donald Trump bears a message for all those Middle East countries which take the risk of...
US trade unions must evict Trump and break with Democrats to...
PRESIDENT TRUMP has stated that he has no intention of leaving the White House and the presidency voluntarily. He said on Saturday: ‘We all know...
UK’s economic, political and health crisis is reaching breaking point! Only...
THE EDITORIALS in Friday’s and Saturday’s Daily Telegraph scream out for action to be taken by Labour leader Starmer to throw Corbyn and his...
EU in crisis – forward to United Socialist States of Europe
WITH THE second wave of the coronavirus pandemic ripping through Europe and overwhelming hospitals and health services, EU countries have been forced to implement...
Capitalist crisis will lead to all out war with China regardless...
THE DRUMS are beating ever louder for an all-out war against China as world capitalism plunges into recession while the economy of the deformed...
‘Black, Asian & minority ethnic people have been over-exposed and under-protected...
Covid-19 has ‘thrived’ among black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) communities because of structural race discrimination, a new Labour Party report from Baroness Doreen...
Tory split deepens as demand to end ‘health and safety authoritarianism’...
THE CRISIS gripping the British ruling class is being directly reflected in the splits that are tearing the Tory Party apart over how to...
Johnson Imposes Tier 3 On Manchester
TORY PM Johnson announced yesterday the government will impose the strictest measures – a Tier 3 lockdown – on Manchester, despite Greater Manchester Mayor...
Serco boasts of massive profits out of failed test and trace...
OFFICIAL figures released last week revealed the total collapse of the Tories’ Test and Trace programme run by private companies. Analysis of these figures show...
Grim prospects for capitalism warns IMF
THE INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund is projecting a deep recession in 2020, with global growth projected to be -4.4% in its latest update to the...
UK unemployment surges! – while IFS predicts debt to GDP of...
THE UK unemployment rate has surged to its highest level in over three years to 4.5% in the three months to August, compared with...
Tory Crisis Deepens As Economy Crashes And Coronavirus Surges!
‘WE WERE hoping for a V: a rapid economic bounceback. We would have probably settled for a W: a wobbly recovery, with dips along...
Second wave drives deaths up by 98%! Get rid of capitalism...
THE SECOND wave of coronavirus has hit the UK with devastating consequences, and the Tory government’s efforts at bringing in measures to curb the...
‘PM Johnson’s promises are nothing more than hot air’ says GMB
‘THE PRIME Minister’s promises are nothing more than hot air,’ the GMB trade union said in response to Boris Johnson’s speech to the virtual...
The Republicans Are In A Desperate Crisis While The Democrats Have...
US PRESIDENT TRUMP going down with the coronavirus has sharpened the crisis of the imperialist powers, including the UK, who were up till now...
1,002,296 have died from Covid-19 – Capitalism cannot deal with...
THE number of people worldwide who have died from Covid-19 has passed one million, reaching 1,002,296 with 33,378,462 infected, the Johns Hopkins University reported...
Trump seeks to expand conservative majority in the Supreme Court!
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has said he would nominate a woman to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of liberal Justice...
To Get Rid Of The Coronavirus – Get Rid Of The...
YESTERDAY, Boris Johnson announced new emergency laws making social gatherings of more than six people illegal in England from next Monday. This law applies to...
Defend Belarus and Russia from the attacks of the USA, UK...
THE ALLEGED ‘poisoning’ of Russia’s unsuccessful opposition leader Alexei Navalny by a ‘Novichok-like nerve agent’ has been trumpeted by the capitalist press as if...
SAFTU (The South African Federation of Trades Unions) has called on the South African Treasury and the Reserve Bank to ‘stop coddling economic criminals...
Israeli Military Attacking Gaza With Air Strikes And Artillery
THE Israeli military has carried out airstrikes and artillery attacks on various sites across the besieged Gaza Strip over what it cited as a...