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Put up with the Tories for five years and don’t strike,...

THE new Labour Party leader Ed Miliband spelt out yesterday his intention to act as a tame and loyal leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition,...

Sodexo Oppressing Workers In The US And Colombia

Sodexo laundry workers in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday delivered a petition to management calling for greater safety standards. The petition included hundreds of signatures from...

‘White Paper Like Floating NHS On The Stock Exchange’

THE future of the NHS is at stake, delegates to the TUC conference in Manchester were warned in a debate on Tuesday. However, the TUC...

RMT WALKS OUT! –as King heaps praise on TUC’s Barber

The RMT delegation walked out of the conference hall in Manchester yesterday as Bank of England governor Mervyn King stood up to warn the...

TUC leaders refuse to call to bring down the coalition

DELEGATES to the TUC Conference in Manchester on Monday voted almost unanimously – with just one dissenting voice from BALPA pilots’ union leader Jim...

Tuc To Lobby Tories!

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber yesterday warned that the coalition’s cuts ‘not only threaten services but risk economic recovery’. He was speaking ahead of the...


The GMB trade union yesterday pledged to defend jobs and services in the wake of the results of the BBC-commissioned Experian survey. The results of...

‘We will fight £30m cuts at Epsom & St Helier NHS’

‘The ink was barely dry on the new coalition government’s pledge that the NHS would be ring-fenced from the cuts before we were hit...

Trade unions need their own political representation

AMID the media frenzy surrounding the publication of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s autobiography, A Journey, ballot papers were sent out for the Labour...

Fight for jobs, and against evictions and benefit cuts!

THOUSANDS more working-class families are going to their local Citizen Advice Bureau because of the effects of unemployment, debts, threatened loss of homes and...

A milestone in the failure of the US-UK war against Iraq

THERE were no pictures beamed around the world yesterday of United States President Barack Obama at a passing out parade in Baghdad on the...

Tory-Lib Dem Budget hitting the poor hardest – IFS report

WORKING class families and pensioners are being hit hardest by Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. This is the key finding from a study by the...

STOP TUC TALKS WITH TORIES – Barber must be sacked!

‘The TUC-Tory talks must stop’, Dave Wiltshire the All Trades Union Alliance Secretary told News Line yesterday. Wiltshire said: ‘Brendan Barner is discussing with Cameron...

CAW donates $40,000 to Pakistan Relief Fund – AND URGES ALL...

The Canadian Autoworkers union (CAW) announced last Saturday it will be donating $40,000 to the Pakistan relief effort and is urging local unions across...

BMA collaborating with Tory White Paper!

Leaders of the British Medical Association (BMA) are pressing ahead with assisting GP commissioning, as outlined in the government’s White Paper to privatise the...

UK crisis can’t be contained!

THE CAPITALIST CRISIS is beyond control and moving according to its own laws, with the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) admitting that...

Demand TUC call a General Strike!

The leaders of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have refused to condemn Labour right-winger Alan Milburn for accepting a position with the Tory-led coalition...

18-59% food prices hike!

The price of staple foods has shot up by between 18 and 59 per cent over the past three years, as world supply problems...

£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!

THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...

Long-Term Youth Unemployment Up 41.9% In A Year

THE number of young people in long-term unemployment has soared by 41.9 per cent in the last year, the latest unemployment figures from the...

Cameron ‘Bounty Hunters’ Condemned!

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) yesterday condemned the coalition government’s decision to use ‘bounty hunters’ to tackle alleged benefit fraud. The charity was commenting...

Rates kept down – but inflationary leap and collapse ahead!

INTEREST rates were kept down at one per cent in the EU and at 0.5 per cent in the UK yesterday. The European...

Rates kept down – but inflationary leap and collapse ahead!

INTEREST rates were kept down at one per cent in the EU and at 0.5 per cent in the UK yesterday. The European...

US Economy Declines – As States Go Bust!

THE former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned that the US economy is heading towards a deepening of the slump...

California’s budget ‘meltdown’

CALIFORNIA’S Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal state of emergency yesterday in a move to put pressure on members of California State Legislature...

$8.7 Billion Iraq Oil-For-Aid Cash ‘missing’

ALMOST 96 per cent of oil and petrol money earmarked for humanitarian needs and reconstruction in Iraq after the 2003 invasion has gone missing,...

US workforce falls by 652,000

THE US was shocked and shaken yesterday after learning that the workforce shrank by 652,000 jobs in the month of June alone. Former US Labour...

Capitalism cannot solve housing crisis – only socialism can!

IN his emergency budget Chancellor Osborne made it crystal clear that the Housing Benefit of those struggling to exist under crisis-ridden capitalism was one...

750,000 Homes At Risk! – From Housing Benefit Cuts

More than 750,000 people are at risk of losing their homes in London and the south east because of caps being introduced on housing...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part

THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’: Part Two

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government’s White Paper on the NHS contains plans for sweeping changes. NHS Commissioning Board The sole commissioners for the NHS will...

Volunteers To Replace The Welfare State!

Public sector unions yesterday slammed prime minister Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ plans as a threat to public services and the welfare state. Commenting on Cameron’s speech...

HALT EDUCATION CUTS! – Teachers, pupils, parents and unions demand

Parents, pupils, teachers, school leaders, governors, local authority representatives and trade unions are lobbying MPs today to ‘Save our Schools’. The lobbyists will be...

‘We are going to create the largest social enterprise sector in...

PRIMARY CARE Trusts are to be abolished and replaced by Federations of GPs who will purchase healthcare for their patients from both the public...

Tories want GPs to do their cuts dirty work!

The coalition government is pressing ahead with plans to make GP practices responsible for purchasing health care in England, replacing Primary Care Trusts and...

STOP CAMERON ADDRESSING TUC! – RMT begins a national campaign

THE RMT transport union confirmed yesterday that it is mobilising grassroots opposition amongst rank and file trade unionists to an invitation to Tory Prime...

Tory coalition aims to smash council housing and housing benefit!

IN his Emergency Budget, the Tory Chancellor Osborne said his government’s intention was to eliminate the ‘structural current deficit’ of the government by cutting...

200,000 on £4.82 an hour – as Schwarzenegger imposes California wage...

Faced with a $19bn deficit, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered some 200,000 state workers to be paid the minimum wage because the state...

£20 billion of health service cuts means talk of ringfencing NHS...

AN All Trades Unions Alliance fringe meeting held in the evening of the first day of the British Medical Association’s Annual General Meeting was...

Tories seek to inspire fear as they tell unemployed ‘get on...

EX-ARMY officer Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory Work and Pensions Secretary, was yesterday planning just how to force unemployed workers to give up their...

UK banks will have to refinance £800bn of debt

JUST days after the Tory-led coalition’s ‘emergency budget’ declared war on the working class, the poor, the middle class, children and pensioners – with...

‘BREATHTAKING ARROGANCE – PCS slams Tory Coalition’s cuts

The country’s largest civil service union, PCS, has condemned the suggestion that public servants should put forward ideas for spending cuts as ‘breathtakingly arrogant...


COMMENTING on the Chancellor’s budget statement, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the major teachers’ union, said: ‘Despite the Chancellor’s opening remarks that...

POOR HAMMERED! – by Osborne budget says the IFS

CONTRARY to Tory Chancellor Osborne’s claims that his Emergency Budget is ‘fair’ and ‘progressive’, it is actually unfair and regressive, hitting the poorest hardest. That...

Osborne launches savage attack!

TORY Chancellor Osborne’s Emergency Budget included measures to smash the spending on public services and smash the social security system, with the biggest spending...