Tag: broadcasting
Crabb–new disabled cuts
NEW Tory Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb used his first major speech yesterday to state that he believes the employment rate for...
Cameron produces tax returns ‘summary’ – There is more to come...
THE Panama Papers ‘leak’ of 11 million documents continues to explode underneath the Tory party leadership. After a week of equivocation PM Cameron has produced...
Demand the TUC bring down the Tories
ON Thursday Tory health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech proclaiming that as far as the government is concerned ‘the matter is closed’: he...
Cameron washes his hands of steel industry – steelworkers must occupy...
CAMERON yesterday gave the ‘V’ sign to the appeals by the Unite and TUC leadership that there must be a temporary nationalisation of Tata...
‘Open The Doors! Let The Refugees In!’
‘OPEN the doors, let them in!’ shouted trade unionists and youth and their families taking part in Saturday’s 8,000-strong Refugees Welcome, Anti-Racism national demonstration...
Striking NUT 6th form college teachers defy the Tories!
STRIKING 6th Form College National Union of Teachers (NUT) members from around England took part in a national demonstration on Tuesday to defend their...
Putin’s withdrawal from Syria sends message to Assad and Obama!
THE decision of President Putin to begin withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria, after giving President Assad just a few hours notice, constitutes a...
Rich 1% ‘Hoovering up’ all the wealth!
IN advance of the Tory budget on Wednesday, where chancellor Osborne is due to announce even more savage austerity cuts, the charity Oxfam has...
TURKISH DICTATORSHIP SEIZES ZAMAN Journalists work with armed police standing over...
EMPLOYEES working for Turkey’s Feza Media Group were allowed to enter the Zaman newspaper building in Istanbul at 8am Saturday after an ID check...
‘Only the Syrian people have the right to choose their president’...
THE cessation of hostilities agreed last week is ‘a glimmer of hope for all Syrians,’ President Bashar al-Assad has said. n an interview with ARD...
60,000 March Against Trident
‘WELFARE not warfare’ chanted protesters from all over the UK on a 60,000-strong Stop Trident march from Marble Arch to a rally in Trafalgar...
Tories Split Over Eu
PRIME Minister Cameron yesterday defended his renegotiation of Britain’s terms of EU membership, as a number of his cabinet ministers lined up to call...
US Orders Tories Stay In The Eu!
THE US has laid down the law to the Tory government that the UK must stay in the EU and keep its Trident...
Hunt attacks the BMA
FOLLOWING Saturday’s brilliant march on Downing Street by more than 7,000 junior doctors (see pages 6 & 7), and ahead of Wednesday’s 24-hour strike,...
‘Forming Unity government with Assad is delusional!’ – says Syrian opposition...
THE Syrian opposition’s chief negotiator in peace talks in Geneva said on Wednesday he was ‘not optimistic’ about strained efforts to end the nearly...
CORBYN VISITS DUNKIRK – as Brit haulage boss urges ‘send in...
CONDEMNING the ‘dreadful conditions’ in Grande-Synthe refugee camp near Dunkirk, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told Sky News that up to 3,000 people waiting...
BMA leaders run away after Cameron waves big stick
THE BMA and its Junior Doctors Committee yesterday ‘made the decision to suspend the 48-hour industrial action planned for 26-28 January. We are announcing...
‘Child neglect’ at G4S prison
The Howard League for Penal Reform has again slammed the Tories’ preferred prisons privateer G4S following the scandal revealed by the BBC Panorama programme...
SACK G4S demands Howard League
THREE G4S employees were arrested yesterday and are being held on suspicion of child neglect following an investigation into abuse at a young offenders...
Osborne admits UK capitalism ‘critical’ in 2016-17
IN a speech yesterday and in interviews with the BBC, the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, admitted that, contrary to everything he has said in...
Stop the return of British troops to Helmand province!
THE Taleban armed forces are now retaking Sangin town in Helmand Province, which was taken over as a British responsibility after the retreat from...
‘Shoot-to-kill’–law change!
PRIME Minister Cameron has ordered a review into the use of guns by police in England and Wales following the Paris terrorist attacks. The review...
Stop Bombing Syria! 10,000 March In Central London!
‘STOP bombing Syria! Welfare not warfare! David Cameron shame on you! Hilary Benn shame on you!’ shouted crowds at the end of a 10,000-strong...
Shrewsbury trial and jailing ‘a conspiracy at the very heart...
THE government has rejected calls to release confidential files relating to the Shrewsbury 24, who were charged with various offences after the first national...
NEXT SLASHES WAGE BILL – employs hundreds of cheap labour apprentices
MONDAY night’s Channel 4 Dispatches programme claimed the Next shopping chain has slashed £2.5m off its wage bill by employing hundreds of low-earning apprentices,...
Secret Shrewsbury papers to be revealed this week
DOCUMENTS kept secret by the Cabinet Office that implicate former prime minister Edward Heath in a concerted attempt to influence the jury in the...
‘Spectre of Iraq’ hangs over debate!
PRIME minister Cameron repeatedly refused to apologise, as he opened the debate on bombing Syria, for calling Labour MPs who oppose the bombing ‘a...
Ifj Demands Free Turkish Journalists!
The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) call on the Turkish authorities to immediately release journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül...
100 Palestinians killed & 147 children arrested since October
ISRAELI forces shot dead a Palestinian man on Sunday after he allegedly stabbed and injured an Israeli police officer near Damascus Gate in occupied...
Corbyn announces ‘free vote’ on Syria
LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn announced yesterday that he will give Labour MPs a ‘free vote’ on the crucial issue of whether the UK joins...
DON’T BOMB SYRIA! – demand 4,000 in Whitehall
‘DON’T bomb Syria! Don’t bomb Syria!’ chanted a crowd of over 4,000 that blocked Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Saturday. The mass protest was one...
Follow Holby City Equity Take Strike Action With Junior Doctors
THE Equity trade union members who play the doctors and medical staff in the BBC medical drama Holby City have offered their full support...
Powers Bill to be rushed in! –as Labour shifts ground over...
THE British state yesterday stepped up security measures in the wake of Friday night’s terror attacks in Paris. Cameron held a Cobra emergency committee meeting...
‘Generalised strike action!’ – urges bakers union leader
‘THIS anti-union legislation has to be answered by unified, generalised strike action from the entire trade union movement.’ Bakers Union leader Ronnie Draper was responding...
Cameron Launches Campaign For UK To Remain In The Eu
CAMERON yesterday launched his campaign for a ‘Yes’ vote in an EU referendum – which has been pencilled in for June 2016 – telling...
The British army enters politics, and won’t tolerate a non-nuclear UK!
YESTERDAY saw General Sir Nicholas Houghton, the Chief of the Defence Staff openly entering politics and fighting for Tory Party policy, telling SKY TV...
Israeli Forces Storm Hebron Radio Station
ISRAELI forces on Tuesday morning stormed the offices of a Palestinian radio station in Hebron, where they destroyed equipment and ordered the station’s closure,...
McDonnell offers cooperation if Osborne drops Credits Bill
AHEAD of today’s debate in the House of Lords, shadow chancellor John McDonnell said that Labour would ‘co-operate’ in future efforts to review the...
‘Uprooting homeless families now the norm in London!’
HOMELESS charity Shelter yesterday condemned the practice of ‘out-of (London)-borough placements’ as ‘unacceptable’. This came as Labour-run Luton Borough Council, Bedfordshire, is considering legal action...
Tories launch war on ‘all extremism’
‘IT is no good simply talking about violent extremism, we need to confront all extremism, we need to recognise that the poison of extremism...
Saudis Will Be Dealt A Historic Blow In Yemen Says Hezbollah!
HEZBOLLAH Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Friday that Saudi Arabia will be dealt a severe, historic blow in Yemen, stressing that victory...
Allies warn Russia to stop bombing ISIS
TURKEY, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have called on Russia to stop its air strikes in Syria,...
UK Trade Unions Condemn Bahrain’s ‘Systematic Abuse’ Of Human Rights!
BAHRAIN’s ‘widespread and systematic’ abuse of human rights has been condemned by the entire trade union movement in the UK in launching a new...
Hands Off Addenbrooke’s – Stop The Savage NHS Cuts By Bringing...
THE prestigious and world famous NHS Addenbrooke’s Hospital has been placed into special measures. UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis commented yesterday: ‘This is a shocking...
MI5 chief urges war on liberty! – ‘blank cheque for unlimited...
FOR the first time ever, the serving director of MI5, Andrew Parker, yesterday gave a live BBC interview in a bid to push MPs...