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TUC must support junior doctors with a general strike!

THE decision by the British Medical Association to authorise fresh strike action by junior doctors over the imposition of a new work contract is...

Ttip Is Dead Says German Economy Minister!

BLURTING out the truth, the German economy minister, Sigmar Gabriel, has pronounced the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a free trade deal long...

Lilliputian Smith, the would-be great dictator!

LABOUR right winger Owen Smith, in his desire to satisfy the big bosses and the bankers, is going even further than the Tories after...

Labour Right Wing Plans For Two Parties!

TORY MP Andrew Bridgen yesterday claimed that Labour MPs who expect Jeremy Corbyn to retain the leadership of the party by winning...

Capitalist leaders have lost confidence in the system and are preparing...

THESE are fearful times for the leaders of EU capitalism. The fear factor is not just present in Brussels. Admiral Alan West, who...


THERE has been a £6 billion explosion in the pensions scheme deficit ‘black holes’ of Britain’s major retailers since the beginning of the year,...

The working class in its essence is Trotskyist – Now build...

WORLDWIDE the class struggle is being driven forward by the deepening world crisis of capitalism. This dictates to the bourgeoisie that its survival depends...

Right wing coupists routed in Labour NEC elections!

SUPPORTERS of Labour leader Corbyn have swept the board in elections to Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee, routing the right wing and giving it...

Scrap Hinkley Point deal!

THE City of London and the government were shaken yesterday after PM May postponed a decision to go ahead with the Hinkley Point nuclear...

Scrap the Hinkley Point C nuclear deal!

THE unfolding saga of the proposed nuclear power station, Hinkley Point C in Somerset, reached a new level of farce late on Thursday when...

Right wing getting ready to split the Labour Party!

THE hysterical witch-hunting of Jeremy Corbyn that is being carried out by the bourgeois media, marshalled by Labour’s right wing pro-Tory rebel MPs, is...

The Eagle cannot fly so Smith is to challenge Corbyn

NOW that the ‘Eagle’ has refused to fly as pledged, she has handed the baton, although just 25 votes behind and with votes still...

DROP IMPOSED CONTRACT – Royal College urges Secretary Hunt

HEALTH Secretary Hunt’s decision to impose the new contract onto junior doctors must be reversed since the premise behind the contract’s...

Turkish crisis strengthens the Syrian people and President Assad

SYRIA’S President Bashar al-Assad said on Sunday that the Turkish president Erdogan may be using the ‘coup attempt’ in Turkey to eliminate his opponents...

Labour Right Wing Ready For Breakaway!

150 LABOUR MPs are plotting to form a breakaway party codenamed ‘Continuity Labour’ when Jeremy Corbyn wins the leadership battle. Pontypridd Labour MP Stephen Kinnock...

May Refuses To Sack Hunt And Commits Herself To Class War...

PM MAY, under the guise of adopting a ‘one nation’ policy which treasures the poor and the needy much more than the rich, has...

May keeps Hunt as NHS Secretary

TORY Education Secretary Nicky Morgan and ex-Education Secretary Michael Gove were both sacked from the Tory cabinet yesterday as new Tory PM Theresa May...

Corbyn On The Ballot Paper – Another Defeat For Labour Right...

THE decision of the Labour Party NEC in a secret vote, by 18-14, for Labour leader Corbyn to go forward onto the leadership ballot...

US refused to prosecute HSBC money launderers

US officials refused to prosecute UK-based HSBC bank for money laundering in 2012 because of fears that it would cause a ‘global financial...

Egypt & Israel strengthen ties

THE British ruling class moved swiftly and ruthlessly yesterday to crush opposition to the election of Theresa May as leader of the Tory Party. Her...

The trade unions must follow the example of the ruling class...

THE British ruling class moved swiftly and ruthlessly yesterday to crush opposition to the election of Theresa May as leader of the Tory Party. Her...

Corbyn must demand a general election at once!

AS THE Tory and Labour Party crises deepen, the Bank of England yesterday announced that the outlook for UK financial stability is ‘challenging’. Bank of...

‘Opposition must be Syrian opposition,’ says Assad

SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has given an extensive interview with Australian TV channel SBS. In the interview, he covered such topics as Brexit, the hypocrisy...

Action Needed Now Over Housing Crisis!

HOMELESSNESS among households in England has risen by 54 per cent since 2010 – rising annually every year – shows the latest report by...

‘We can’t allow the City to sink beneath the waves’

‘WHILE there is a need for fundamental reform for the City, neither should we just allow it to sink beneath the waves,’ shadow Chancellor...

TUC refuses to fight for Corbyn or against austerity!

YESTERDAY, the TUC published the results of a survey of workers, taken in the immediate aftermath of last week’s vote to break with the...

EU raises the need for a European army, navy and airforce

THE super-imperialist ambitions of the European Union (EU) have begun to emerge in the wake of its Brexit defeat in the UK. So far, its...

Corbyn must stand fast, remain LP leader and demand a general...

ON June 23, the masses of the working class rose up and crushed the Cameron leadership of the Tory party by voting to leave...

Now sack the union leaders to bring down the Tories and...

THE ‘Leave’ victory in the just-held referendum constitutes a huge revolutionary victory for the working class and the poor of the UK who voted...

WORKERS BRING DOWN CAMERON –with massive vote against EU

YESTERDAY British capitalism was rocked to its core as the consequences of the massive Brexit vote to leave the EU emerged. Tory leader Cameron...

Project Fear Gives Way To Pledges Of Retribution

SPEAKING with Labour’s former Chancellor Lord Darling by his side, in full support, the Tory Chancellor Osborne yesterday pledged violent retribution against the electorate...

Vote Leave – bring down the Tories. For a workers government...

THE UK Prime Minister, Cameron, has delivered a thinly disguised deadly threat to the UK working class. This is that if it has the...

Cameron threatens savage cuts!

PRIME Minister Cameron and Chancellor Osborne have threatened more savage cuts in spending on pensions, the NHS and defence if the UK votes to...

Corbyn lets Labour’s right wing drag him into the ‘Remain’ camp!

LABOUR leader Corbyn was pushed yesterday for convincing reasons for voting to ‘Remain’ in the EU in the forthcoming referendum. He said that EU...

Vote ‘Leave’ on June 23 to get rid of Cameron and...

IT is rapidly becoming crystal clear how important it is to vote ‘Leave’ in the June 23rd referendum on the EU. A ‘Leave’ vote will...

Stevens intervention slammed!

NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens has intervened in the referendum debate to declare that leaving the EU could damage the NHS. Citing Bank of...

10,000-Strong May Day March Demands ‘Defend The NHS!’

WORKERS and youth on the 10,000-strong May Day march in London on Sunday expressed their determination to defend the NHS and the Welfare State. Many...

Junior Doctors Still Being Left To Fight Alone

OVER 10,000 trade unionists and youth took part in the London May Day march yesterday from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square. As well as trade...

Cameron-TUC alliance!

TORY PM Cameron and ex-TUC leader Brendan Barber have ‘put their differences aside’ and joined forces to write a joint article published in...

Tory Party tearing itself apart – Now finish it off!

THE spectacle of the Tory party tearing itself apart over the EU referendum will most certainly gladden the hearts of workers across the country. Last...


THE DECEMBER 12th election is a crisis election, in a situation where the worldwide crisis of capitalism is deepening rapidly to explosion point. Eleven...