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Automation will destroy nearly 15 million jobs & drive forward socialist...

MILLIONS of workers in Britain face the prospect of seeing their jobs replaced by machines in the next ten years, according to a report...

US janitors announce historic contract victory!

SEIU Local 1 janitors in Detroit, Michigan, joined by supporters and elected officials, have announced their historic contract victory which includes raises to $15...

Turkey strike ban is ‘a violation of constitution’

TURKEY’S Constitutional Court has ruled that the cabinet decree banning IndustriALL’s affiliate United Metalworkers’ Union (Birleflik Metal-Is) decision to strike in 2015 is a...


Universal Credit (UC) is allowing ‘abusers’ to take control of family finances, an investigation by a parliamentary committee has heard. UC is paid to...

SA union wins victory against labour brokering

THE Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa, has ruled that an employer cannot employ a worker for more than three months without...

Locked-out US steel workers lobby UK AGM

REPRESENTATIVES of United Steel Workers (USW) trade union members who are locked out in Massachusetts, USA, by National Grid, lobbied the parent company’s AGM...

Household debt £300bn! Council evictions soar! Bring capitalism down!

HOUSEHOLD debt in UK is worse than at any time on record a new report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows. Credit cards,...

US Steelworkers To Protest At National Grid Agm

MEMBERS of the United Steelworkers union working for the British multinational utility company National Grid in the US state of Massachusetts will be flying...

Parents Queue At 3Am To Get Their Children Into Breakfast Clubs!

MORE than 130 parents queued outside a school in Cardiff, Wales from 3am Thursday morning to try and get their child a space at...

No confidence in May move gathering pace

THE CHEQUERS Brexit compromise White Paper on the UK’s plans to leave the EU is to be published today. The plan, thrashed out behind...

US National Grid lock-out – workers health benefits stopped!

LOCKED-OUT United Steelworkers (USW) union members are blasting National Grid for stopping payment to their health care plans, but the company says it won’t...

USA public service workers fight anti-union attack

IN ITS 5-4 decision on Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Supreme Court ended the practice of requiring...

Universal Credit– McVey apologises!

WORK and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey has apologised to Parliament for making ‘inadvertently misleading’ statements about Universal Credit. She said she had ‘mistakenly’ told...

No Increase In Military Spending – The Enemy Is...

AFTER over a decade of savage austerity measures, during which wages have been driven down and millions made dependent on food banks, the House...

Thousands march in Ontario for $15 minimum wage!

JUST nine days after the Ontario election, thousands flooded the streets outside the Ministry of Labour and marched to Queen’s Park on Saturday in...

Windrush just ‘tip of the iceberg’ – time to kick out...

IN A MONUMENTAL act of cynicism, the Tory government on Monday announced that this Friday will be designated ‘Windrush Day’ and that henceforth 22nd...

Scrap Universal Credit and the Tory government with it!

‘THIS IS a time for revolution not patching,’ said Anthony Painter, Director of Action & Research at the Royal Society of Arts, calling for...

SA power workers demand 15% wage increase 0% pay offer rejected...

THE National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) have both officially rejected Eskom’s 0% wage offer, saying...

Ryanair cabin crew win historic union recognition agreement!

TRADE union Unite has signed a historic union recognition agreement with Ryanair, which is infamous for fighting to stop the unionisation of its workforce. This...

‘THE HEART OF REMAIN!’ – Boris Johnson condemns Treasury

FOREIGN Secretary Boris Johnson has declared civil war in the Tory Party and savaged Chancellor Hammond and the Treasury as being the main...

Saftu Condemns Energy Privatisation!

The South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) has condemned the privatisation of energy generation to ‘capitalist companies’ and expressed its support for...

Privatisation of social care is a ‘ticking time-bomb’ – GMB

THE GMB Annual Conference, which opened in Brighton on Sunday and finishes today, warned that there is a ‘social care ticking timebomb’ ... with...

Amazon Rugeley One Of The Most Dangerous Workplaces In Britain!

WORKING in an Amazon warehouse, a woman in the last months of pregnancy was forced to stand for ten hours a day, while another...

Unite Day of Action against Universal Credit!

THURSDAY was Unite’s National Day of Action against Universal Credit! There was a rally at 1pm in Old Palace Yard and a march to...

Windrush and Grenfell Tower prove one thing – this Tory...

PRESS reports this week revealed that vulnerable members of the Windrush generation are still being forced to live in conditions of complete destitution, forced...

‘Insecure Work Is The Biggest Issue Facing Australian Workers’

Australia is a global pacesetter in the creation of various forms of insecure employment, leaving only 60% of the workforce in standard, secure work,...

‘TRUST ME!’ – May pleads with Cabinet

UNDER HEAVY FIRE, PM May yesterday was reduced to pleading with fellow ministers and MPs to ‘trust me to deliver’ over Brexit. Writing in...

Workers will not get any ‘new deal’ from the Tories! Make...

THE WINDRUSH scandal, missiles launched at Syria without even seeking permission from Parliament, the Grenfell fire disaster, the winter NHS meltdown, homelessness and rough...

Junior Doctors Defend Pay Band!

JUNIOR DOCTORS have defended their protected pay banding after a year-long struggle. The BMA supported 15 foundation doctors at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS...

Tories wage starvation war against children of immigrant families and...

THE children of immigrant families are being deliberately starved by the Tories as part of their ‘hostile environment’ policy towards immigrant workers. Headteachers and...

Workers must stop the war against the Iranian, Palestinian and Syrian...

TRUMP’S decision to withdraw the United States from Iran’s nuclear deal with the imperialist powers (JCPOA) and re-impose sanctions against the Islamic Republic of...

3.1 million children living below poverty line – the TUC advocates...

This is a treacherous abdication of all responsibility by the trade union leaders for this crisis of poverty. They have not lifted a single...

Patients’ lives put in jeopardy

PATIENTS living in the north west have had their lives put into jeopardy, the GMB union warned, as the ambulance transport service announced it...

Rudd and May refuse to resign over Windrush, so no alternative...

AT WEDNESDAY’S Prime Minister’s Question Time, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called for Tory Home Secretary Amber Rudd to resign – the only problem with...

Corbyn limits his call to Rudd’s resignation

‘WE ARE talking about the environment created by her (PM Theresa May) as Home Secretary for six years when she knew full well of...

No harassment! No discrimination! Demand students working for California University

STUDENT workers from the University of California demanded the UC implement new anti-discrimination and harassment provisions at a union contract negotiation session last Thursday. UAW...

IMF demands destruction of welfare state to save capitalism from debt...

THE IMF (International Monetary Fund) this week sounded the alarm bells for the world capitalist crisis when it announced the real scale of the...

Tory racist ‘hostile environment’ ‘Reminiscent of Nazi Germany’ Forward with socialist...

SPEAKING on the BBC Newsnight programme on Wednesday, a former head of the Civil Service, Sir Bob Kerslake, damned the Tories and Theresa May...

Carney fears wages and job losses driving workers to Marxism

THE GOVERNOR of the Bank of England Mark Carney is a very worried man. Giving him sleepless nights is the spectre of a working...

The Great Pension Robbery – Contributions have tripled! This government...

MILLIONS of workers, as of yesterday, have been hit for six. The amount that comes out of their wages in pension contributions now...

30,000 Oklahoma teachers march as strikes spread ‘like wildfire’

TEACHER strikes and massive demonstrations of teachers, parents and students are spreading across the United States ‘like wildfire’. In Oklahoma City, at the state...

British capitalism is collapsing – TUC must call a general strike...

NEW car sales in Britain plunged in March by 15.7% compared to the same period last year, a massive drop that spells out the...

UCU – New Pensions Offer

UNIVERSITY and College Union (UCU) branch representatives will meet at 11am on Wednesday 28 March to discuss members’ feedback on a new pensions offer...

Numsa Takes To Streets Fighting Anti-Union Laws

ANGRY members of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), took to the streets of Johannesburg protesting...

Eight Out Of Ten Academy Schools Are In Deficit!

ACADEMY school budgets are in a desperate state with eight out of 10 in deficit, say their accountants. ‘Two more years like this and...