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Forward to the socialist revolution – not the two-day week

IT IS now accepted that the capitalist system is in its greatest crisis ever, bigger than the crisis created by the First World War,...

‘MOTOR INDUSTRY FACING ARMAGEDDON’ states Tony Woodley –Vauxhall could be gone...

THE car industry in Britain is facing ‘Armageddon’, with GM Vauxhall set to close by the end of April unless it gets immediate financial...

Unison and EU public sector unions form ‘historic alliance’

UNISON and other EU public sector unions have formed an ‘historic alliance’. UNISON declared yesterday: ‘The fight back has begun. And UNISON is...

Bailing out banks and sacking public sector workers splits the unions

THE UNISON and Unite trade unions have split. The former has formed an alliance with the EU public sector trade unions ver.di and CGIL and...

50,000 March For Jobs And Justice

THE TUC-organised ‘Put People First’ march over jobs, justice and climate attracted up to 50,000 workers and young people in central London on Saturday. Trade...

Only A Socialist Revolution Can Defend Jobs, Homes, Basic Rights And...

THE TUC’s ‘Put People First’ march on Saturday brought 50,000 workers and youth onto the streets marching behind powerful contingents from the GMB and...

Obama Expands The War Into Pakistan!

US President Barack Obama yesterday announced a further 4,000 US troops will be sent to Afghanistan this summer, in addition to the 17,000 earmarked...


THe Liberal Democrats Treasury spokesman Lord Oakeshott has delivered a broadside against prime minister Brown and the secretive activities of Barclays Bank. He used parliamentary...

Irish Congress of Trades Unions ‘defers’ March 30 General Strike

THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has ‘deferred’ the strike action it has called for March 30 following a government offer of...

Huge food inflation as bosses and unions agree on wage cuts...

WORKERS in Britain are now feeling the ‘benefits’ of the British government’s policy of printing money to rescue the banks while allowing the pound...

The battle for public opinion has been won – now take...

THE postal workers have the support of the mass of the British people, the public sector trade unions and the other trade unions making...

‘We will stop the closure at Chase Farm’ – states second...

‘We’re determined to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital A&E, Maternity and Paediatrics departments, we will occupy if they move to close them,’...

No Fees Or Loans And Restore Student Grants For All!

AFTER Blair and Brown abolished students’ grants and introduced a regime of fee paying for university education – putting an end to free university...

ROYAL MAIL IS NOT FOR SALE! – say 1,000 marchers

‘If Royal Mail managers don’t back off we are going to have to ask our members again to take strike action,’ Communication Workers Union...

Mandelson’s Secret Business Interests!

PETER Mandelson is one of five Labour government cabinet ministers who insists on his business interests being a secret and for that purpose has...

Revolution emerging in Pakistan!

EX-PRESIDENT MUSHARRAF has not been lying in his political grave for six months and already the lawyers are marching against the new regime of...

Unite Helps Bosses Cut Workers’ Wages

THE UNITE trade union leaders yesterday were in full flight praising Toyota workers for taking their advice and assisting the bosses by accepting a...


Dear Editor, The Communication Workers Union (CWU) is working with other Trade Unions, politicians and members of the public to retain a wholly publicly owned...

Social Revolution Is The Issue Not Terrorism!

THE Continuity IRA and the Real IRA have opened fire and killed and wounded soldiers and policemen in the north of Ireland, breaking open...

‘CONSIGNING EDUCATION TO THE SCRAP HEAP!’ – Teacher training to be...

government proposals to cut teacher training to just six months were condemned by unions yesterday as consigning the ‘vision of a world class education...

Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism

EVERYWHERE capitalism is crashing! Yesterday the FTSE 100 index fell to 3472.68 points making a 50 per cent crash from the FTSE’s...

British shoot to kill forces return to the North

THEY were withdrawn from the north of Ireland because there could not be a ‘peace process’ and a power-sharing regime while they were there,...

Only the banks matter for Mandelson

MANDELSON began his speech to the City of London magnates at the Mansion House last Wednesday night by declaring his continuing support for the...

£150bn MORE FOR BANKS – as B 0f E starts printing...

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee yesterday cut interest rates from one per cent to a record low of 0.5 per cent. Interest rates...

Smash Yellow Trade Unionism

TODAY the working class is fighting against a crisis-ridden capitalist system whose banks and industries have collapsed, and whose political leaders, such as the...

NATIONALISE GM – occupy Luton and Ellesmere Port to stop closures

THE head of General Motors Europe warned yesterday that without government finance Vauxhall Luton and Ellesmere Port face immediate closure as ‘the obvious next...


THE developing world-wide economic crisis is now bringing the contradictions inside the EU together and sharpening them to the point of a massive transformation...

SHARES DIVE – as HBOS reports £10.8 billion loss

Tens of billions more pounds were wiped off the London Stock Exchange yesterday, in the wake of Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) reporting its HBOS...

Bourgeois Lunacy At Rbs

YESTERDAY the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) announced the largest annual loss in UK corporate history of £24.1bn, made up of a £7.9bn trading...

‘WE MUST WIN THIS BATTLE’ – speakers tell CWU mass rally

The Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) held a 500-strong ‘Keep Royal Mail Public’ national rally before a bigger lobby of MPs on Tuesday against the...

UAW-Ford deal on VEBA health care trust

US autoworkers union UAW and Ford have reached a tentative deal to modify terms of their agreement on the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association...

Police prepare for ‘summer of rage!’

YESTERDAY the bourgeois media was full of the thoughts of police chiefs who are preparing for a ‘summer of rage’, and pointing to the...

120,000 March In Dublin To Defend Jobs, Wages And Pensions

Around 120,000 trade unionists and their supporters marched through Dublin on Saturday in defence of their jobs, wages, pensions and public services. The massive national...

‘WORKERS ARE BEING THROWN TO THE WOLVES’ – ICTU national demonstration...

THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has called a national demonstration on February 21 at 2pm in Dublin to mobilise workers against...

World crisis lays waste Putin’s oligarchs!

HISTORY has played a huge joke on the Stalinist bureaucracy. Under the rule of Gorbachev and Yeltsin it thought that it would be able to...

CWU will not stand forLabour Party betrayal over Royal Mail privatisation

THE Communication Workers Union will collect petitions and raise public awareness of the threats to privatise Royal Mail when it descends on Corby Town...

Occupy BMW Cowley – reinstate the sacked 850 agency workers

IN August 2005 800 Gate Gourmet workers were sacked by megaphone in the car park of the Heathrow company. The TGWU, led by Tony...

‘Hammer of the poor’ quits Labour to join Tory leadership

EX-BANKER and City financier, Sir David Freud, is Labour’s ‘Workfare’ programme architect. He drew up the plans to force single parents and all but the...

The laws of the capitalist crisis dominate

AT the centre of the current media drive to find out, identify, and persecute the individuals, whether bankers and/or politicians who are held to...

Trade union leaders trying to manage capitalism

Rising unemployment is a national emergency declared the TUC yesterday after the government revealed that 150,000 workers had lost their jobs in the last...

‘NATIONAL EMERGENCY!’ – TUC condemns 1.97 million unemployed

THE Trades Union Congress (TUC) warned of a ‘national emergency’ yesterday as the latest unemployment figures were published, showing that UK unemployment rose to...

Balls reveals intense ruling class fear

ED BALLS, the Schools Minister, and the former economics advisor to the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, over the weekend dropped his political master right...

Billions for the bankers – wage cuts and sackings for...

THE Royal Bank of Scotland was rescued with billions of taxpayers’ money after it made the biggest losses in the history of British banking,...

Rbs Thumbs Nose At Jobless!

The Royal Bank of Scotland, which received a £20bn bail-out with taxpayers’ money, is to proceed with a £1bn payout in annual bonuses. This is...

Greek Banks Downgraded!

Three of the top Greek banks have been downgraded by the economic agency Moody’s, after losing 70 per cent of their share price in...