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Tag: banks

Join WRP to build the revolutionary leadership!

THE leadership scuffling that is taking place in the Labour Party is underlining one major fact – its crisis is terminal. This is a party...

STUDENT LOAN RATES HIKE! –scrap all student debt, demands YS

Millions of graduates will now face paying interest on their student loans again as new interest rates came into effect yesterday. Payments to the Student...

Bankers failing to stem capitalism’s chronic crisis

THE Bank of Japan (BoJ) took emergency measures yesterday in a desperate attempt to rescue the country’s stagnant economy (growth rate 0.4%) and boost...

Build revolutionary leadership in South African strike struggle!

THE South African 300,000-strong National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has called a one-day solidarity strike with the 1.3m public sector trade unionists who have...

Pakistani workers & farmers pay for the imperialists’ crisis

EVERY day the number of people affected by the torrential rain and flooding in Pakistan is mounting. More than 20 million have been hit....

150 IRISH HOTELS TO CLOSE – as Bank of Scotland (Ireland)...

The Irish Hotel Federation (IHF) has claimed 150 hotels will be forced to close after the announcement that Bank of Scotland (Ireland) is to...

The US Falters, Shares Crash And Revolution Stalks Europe!

THE US, EU and Asian stockmarkets have taken yet another hit as the decline and fall of the US capitalist economy continues. On Thursday, the...

INDIA-SRI LANKA TALKS – while Fonseka is stripped of military rank

An official visit of a three-member top level delegation of the Government of Sri Lanka to India is scheduled to leave Colombo on August...

£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!

THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...

No recovery in the US, EU or UK – socialism the...

THE UK’S Bank of England yesterday followed the lead of the US Federal Reserve Bank whose Chairman Bernanke had on Tuesday said that...

Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting

JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...

BMA leaders collaborate with NHS privatisation plans

The Chairman of the doctors union, the BMA, wrote a letter to the medical profession on 30th July regarding the new health White Paper...

Cameron wants to create an army of the homeless

TORY LEADER Cameron yesterday unveiled the spectre of workers sleeping on the streets with his new diktat that council housing should no longer be...

US Economy Declines – As States Go Bust!

THE former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned that the US economy is heading towards a deepening of the slump...

NO benefits – and NO jobs either – the Duncan Smith...

WORK and Pensions Secretary, ex-army officer Duncan Smith, yesterday addressed the world about ‘our broken benefits system’, when most people know what has broken,...

Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’ Final Part

THE White Paper produced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government says that all NHS Trusts must become Foundation Trusts (FTs) within three years. There are...

‘We are going to create the largest social enterprise sector in...

PRIMARY CARE Trusts are to be abolished and replaced by Federations of GPs who will purchase healthcare for their patients from both the public...

STOP CAMERON ADDRESSING TUC! – RMT begins a national campaign

THE RMT transport union confirmed yesterday that it is mobilising grassroots opposition amongst rank and file trade unionists to an invitation to Tory Prime...

Labour Pressing Ahead With Heygate Estate Demolition!

ANGER IS growing at the attack on council housing and in particular because the drive to destroy big estates like the Heygate Estate in...

Tory coalition aims to smash council housing and housing benefit!

IN his Emergency Budget, the Tory Chancellor Osborne said his government’s intention was to eliminate the ‘structural current deficit’ of the government by cutting...

Obama brings in tough sanctions against Iran as he prepares to...

PRESIDENT Barack Obama has signed into law the toughest ever US sanctions on Iran. The measures, on top of new UN Security Council and...

HOUSING CRISIS LOOMS –as FTSE100 falls to 4,800

A MEMBER of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) admitted yesterday that he is having sleepless nights, worrying about the state of...

£20 billion of health service cuts means talk of ringfencing NHS...

AN All Trades Unions Alliance fringe meeting held in the evening of the first day of the British Medical Association’s Annual General Meeting was...

UK banks will have to refinance £800bn of debt

JUST days after the Tory-led coalition’s ‘emergency budget’ declared war on the working class, the poor, the middle class, children and pensioners – with...

Banking Storm Ahead!

The European debt crisis is a ‘key risk’ to the UK banking sector and banks should build up their cash reserves in response, the...


COMMENTING on the Chancellor’s budget statement, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the major teachers’ union, said: ‘Despite the Chancellor’s opening remarks that...

Osborne launches savage attack!

TORY Chancellor Osborne’s Emergency Budget included measures to smash the spending on public services and smash the social security system, with the biggest spending...

Cuts to be met by sustained industrial action

A delegation of over 40 Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) members and officials lobbied the Treasury as Chancellor Osborne was making his budget...

Answer The ‘Shock And Awe’ Budget With A General Strike

THE Tory-Lib Dem shock and awe budget is due next Tuesday. Already workers, pensioners and youth are calling for action against this savage attack that...

Resistance erupts over ‘austerity’, as EU crisis worsens

THE government of President Nicolas Sarkozy announced yesterday the raising of the pension age in France from 60 to 62. Workers will have to...

Defeat Tory-Lib Dem attacks on public sector pensions!

TORY Prime Minister David Cameron and his Deputy Nick Clegg have declared war on six million workers in the public sector and their pensions. Clegg...

‘A CHILLING ATTACK ON THE PUBLIC SECTOR’ –Prentis condemns government cuts

‘Prime Minister Cameron’s plans to slash public spending will hit the poor and the vulnerable,’ TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber warned yesterday. Commenting on ...

Defeat Cameron’s Savage Cuts With A General Strike

PRIME Minister David Cameron promised yesterday that there are ‘painful cuts ahead’ that will last for years, and that he would be carrying out...

Bp Leads Shares Crash As Banking Crisis Grows!

OIL giant BP’s share price has fallen nearly 17 per cent to £4.12, its lowest level since March 2009. The sharp sell-off came as it...

OECD says UK rates must rise to 3.5 per cent in...

THE OECD said yesterday that state indebtedness, and rapidly growing inflation is threatening to bring down the entire banking system. Its secretary general, Angel Gurria,...


THE INITIAL £6.25 billion spending cuts announced by the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government on Monday, that will lead to thousands of sackings and closures...

Crisis deepens as shares crash worldwide!

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised its concerns about Spain’s economy, saying ‘far-reaching’ reforms are needed to ensure its recovery. It said the country...

Down with the junta of the IMF!

• No to the destruction of the state pension system • Down with the junta of the IMF-European Commission-Papandreou! • For an indefinite Political General Strike! Statement...

Cbi Tells Tories – Impose Two Year Wage Freeze And Privatise!

THE CBI BOSSES organisation yesterday called for an immediate freeze in the public sector pay bill for two years and a ‘re-engineering’ (destruction) ‘of...

Renegade Field joins Cameron – while Milibands search for a...

FRANK Field, the notorious Labour party right winger has joined the Tory coalition and is to be its ‘Poverty Tsar’, no doubt bringing back...

Tories Declare Class War – By Permission Of The Liberal Democrats

The draft coalition agreement reached by the Tories and the Liberal Democrats published on Wednesday makes clear their number one priority is to make...

‘IT’S GOING TO BE PAINFUL!’ Cuts must start this year –...

Bank of England governor Mervyn King yesterday warned that the next few years are ‘going to be painful’ and that ‘markets would expect a...

‘We need tougher regulation for oil giants!’ – says USW leader...

‘The governors of the Gulf Coast states, all Republicans, asked the federal government for help dealing with the BP oil spill – yeah, the...

Tories-Lib Dems declare war on the working class

The unemployment rate for the three months to March 2010 was 8.0 per cent, up 0.2 per cent on the quarter, the Office for...

Revolutionary crisis shaking regimes all over Europe

GERMAN Chancellor Merkel and French President Sarkozy on Saturday decreed that the preservation of the euro required a 70bn euro currency reserve fund and...