Tag: banks
DAMN THIS DEAL! – says Cyprus Speaker
‘THIS decision is painful for Cypriot people. This decision was a defeat,’ Cyprus Parliamentary Speaker Yiannakis Omirou said yesterday. He was referring to the deal...
World capitalism is in its death agony – forward with the...
YESTERDAY’S ‘solution’ to the economic crisis of Cyprus is simply the decision of the EU bankers and the IMF to completely bankrupt the country...
Berezovskiy goes bust as capitalist crisis deepens!
POLICE were yesterday searching the home of Boris Berezovskiy. They were desperately looking for chemical, biological or nuclear material, so that they could...
Agree to robbery with violence or face eviction – Troika warns...
MPs in Cyprus have been told to agree, by Monday, on a series of bills to raise 6bn euros off the backs of the...
‘We need the TUC to organise a general strike’
CIVIL servants called for more action during their national Budget Day strike on Wednesday. PCS members at a lively picket outside the National Portrait...
Osborne to make £11.5bn spending review cuts!
ON a day during which it was announced by German bankers that Cyprus’ banks may never open again, and by the ONS that UK...
‘Clear-cut robbery in Cyprus’ – the penalty for the crime is...
THE Cypriot parliament yesterday postponed an emergency session on the 7-10% banking tax imposed by the EU on every depositor in the country’s...
Liam Fox’s ‘jihad’ against public spending
SPEAKING on BBC radio yesterday morning the LibDem business secretary, Vince Cable, described proposals being put forward by senior Tory MP Liam Fox as...
US Trade Gap Widens As Banks Get Ready For Economic Storm
THE US trade gap widened in January to $44.45bn (£29.53bn) from December’s figure of $38.14bn, the US Commerce Department has reported. Much of the rise...
Bedroom Tax – a savage assault on the poor and...
Nothing typifies the vicious war against the poorest and most vulnerable sections of the working class more than the introduction next month of...
No Compromise in the US – Workers must break with...
US President Barack Obama has signed in a wave of steep spending cuts that will take $85bn (£56bn) from the US federal budget this...
Cameron’s goose is well and truly cooked!
THE Liberal Democrats have won the Eastleigh by-election, with the UK Independence Party pushing the Conservatives into third place, with Labour as also-rans. Mike Thornton...
Coalition Crisis Deepening By The Hour
WHATEVER the outcome of yesterday’s by-election in Eastleigh, it spells disaster for the Tory-led coalition government. Should the LibDems scrape a win over the Tories...
Italy Vote Sends Shudders Through Markets
EUROPEAN stock markets fell sharply yesterday, with the election result in Italy producing no government, but marking a massive vote against austerity. Italy’s FTSE MIB...
Italy ‘Ungovernable’
THE bourgeoisie of Europe woke up on Tuesday morning to discover, to their horror, headlines proclaiming that the third largest economy in Europe had...
TUC appeal to Osborne – a conscious act of treachery
IN January the European Trades Union Confederation (ETUC) issued the call for trade unionists across the continent to rally on the eve of the...
UK loses AAA credit rating
Late last Friday, Moody’s Investors Service, one of the world’s three main credit rating agencies, downgraded the sovereign credit rating of the UK and...
EUROZONE CRISIS – Economy to shrink in 2013
THE European Commission (EC) yesterday admitted that the eurozone economy would contract in 2013, saying it will shrink by 0.3%. The EC warned that Spain,...
THE BANK looks to inflation to pauperise the workers and Middle...
THE pound fell sharply on Wednesday against both the dollar and the euro as the money markets were shaken to the core by the...
IRISH Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Chief Economist Paul Sweeney has told a high level global economic summit involving the IMF, World Bank and...
A police-Fire Service merger is a Tory plan to destroy FBU...
THE news that has emerged that the Tory police and crime commissioner for Northamptonshire, Adam Simmonds, has been in secret talks for twelve weeks...
PFI, Foundation Trusts and £20bn of Tory cuts are preparing NHS...
FIGURES publicised by Labour’s shadow health secretary, Andy Burnham, have shown that one third of England’s hospitals have been completely full at some time...
Johnson’s Fire Service Cuts Rejected!
OVER three hundred firefighters lobbied the Fire Authority meeting in SE London yesterday, where the decision was being made to defy Tory Mayor Boris...
Hunt trying to assassinate the NHS!
JEREMY HUNT, who did a stint as a very pro-Murdoch Culture Secretary, was reshuffled out of that job and became Health Secretary as a...
100,000 march through Dublin
OVER 100,000 workers in their unions, with students and youth marched on Saturday through the centre of Dublin, furious at the 64 billion euros...
End Croke Park talks–call a general strike!
THE Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has warned that it will pull out of the corporatist Croke Park talks if the Government does not...
Francis report will be used to impose mass hospital closures
NHS staff should face prosecution if they are not open and honest about mistakes, according to the public inquiry into failings at Stafford Hospital. In...
50% rise in SA farmworkers’ wages is just the start!
THE Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) has welcomed, as a ‘short term victory’, an increase in the minimum wage for farmworkers from R69...
Osborne’s capitulation to banks
Yesterday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, introduced legislation on banking reforms – reforms which he is desperately trying to insist will prevent the continuing...
DUBLIN – The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has warned that Ireland faces ‘the most dire consequences’ without a significant deal on the country’s...
Occupy to stop hospital closures – trade unions must bring down...
IN THE UK at the moment there are dozens of District General Hospitals – some of the best in the world – set for...
Petrol Market Working Well, Says The Oft
WITH petrol poised to rise to £7.40 a gallon, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has intervened to rub salt into the gaping wounds...
Defend The NHS, The Fire Service & The Welfare State By...
THE response of the Tory-LibDem government to the greatest ever crisis of the capitalist system has been to try to force the working class,...
Occupy To Stop The Closure Of Hospitals And Fire Stations
A STARK reminder of what the real face of privatisation means for the public services has been provided this week with the revelation that...
Ireland being robbed by EU
DUBLIN – Niall Shanahan, Communications Officer of the Impact trade union, has blogged Irish workers that the repayment of Ireland’s bank debt ‘has already...
King warns Carney and Coalition – don’t open inflationary floodgates
BANK of England Governor King is going into retirement a worried man – that his successor, the Canadian banker Carney in alliance with a...
Only Gold Is Money, The Rest Is Paper Masquerading...
WEDNESDAY’S announcement by the German central bank (Bundesbank) that it was going to physically repatriate its vast gold holdings from New York and Paris...
Class War In The NHS
2013 OPENS with Michael Farrar, the NHS confederation chairman, appealing for fewer hospitals and beds, and more care for elderly people in their own...
Capitalism Plunging Downwards – Socialist Revolutions Required
ON Monday, President Obama addressed the prospect of the USA going bust saying: ‘So to even entertain the idea of this happening – of...
Geithner-Obama Warn Republicans ‘Don’t Hold Usa To Ransom!’
BOTH US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and President Obama issued warnings to the Republican Party on Monday that, so dire is the world crisis,...
Teachers In Ontario Strike Against Education Bill
Public school teachers in Ontario in Canada are set to go on strike against the state government for imposing new contracts under a controversial...
Euro crisis hits youth hardest – forward with European socialist revolution
THERE is no more pathetic sight than that of European bourgeois politicians and economists manically trying to convince both themselves and the world at...
Benefits slashed while bankers prosper
Today Parliament votes on the Tory coalition bill to place a 1% cap on all benefits and tax credits for the next three years...
Defend the NHS – kick the government out
THE final report into the crisis at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Hospital Trust is due to be published in January after a considerable delay. In fact, the...
Labour has no answer to the problems that the working class...
MILIBAND’S Labour Party yesterday said that if it was the government it would offer the long-term unemployed a guarantee of a six-month job. This...