‘We will win this dispute!’ says John McDonnell at Heathrow

JOHN McDONNELL MP (centre) joined a mass picket of the 1,400 striking Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) Terminal 5 workers on Saturday morning

‘WE’VE won every dispute at Heathrow in recent years and we’ll win this one,’ local Hayes and Harlington Labour MP John McDonnell said when he visited 1,400 Terminal 5 security workers on their mass picket line on Saturday morning.

The security workers are holding a 10-day strike, joining other civil servants and workforces across the UK industries to walk out of their jobs in a demand for higher wages in face of the skyrocketing inflation.

Unite says the strike at Heathrow Airport Terminal Five, which is used exclusively by British Airways, has resulted in the airline cancelling around 5% of its flights during the Easter period.

Speaking on the picket line on Saturday morning, McDonnell told News Line: ‘There was a time when people would fight to get a job at Heathrow because of good wages, decent pensions and good working conditions.

‘Over the last 10 years wages have been cut, pensions eroded and working conditions under attack.

‘Workers here, many of whom are my constituents, have had enough.

‘The strike has got overwhelming support, both among the workers and in the community.

‘We’ve won every dispute at Heathrow in recent years and we’ll win this one.’

Two strikers spoke to News Line only on condition of anonymity, saying that this is what Unite has instructed them.

One striker said: ‘The Tories need to be gone. They are lining their own pockets and ruining everything. We want a pay rise in line with inflation. We need a workers government for all the people.’

Another striker said: ‘We’re fighting for fair pay. During the pandemic the Heathrow CEO’s pay went up from £800 to £1.4 million in one year.

‘In the same year they made cuts to staff and forced them either to sign new contracts, some with 22% wage cuts, or leave.

‘We need the TUC to call a general strike to kick the Tories out.’

Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham said last Thursday: ‘Unite has a laser-like focus on our members’ jobs, pay and conditions.

‘The workforce at Heathrow Airport will receive the union’s unswerving support in this fight for a decent deal.’