The Great Betrayal – NHS Union Leaders Surrender To Tories


NHS trade unions suspended the industrial action planned for today following proposals put forward by the government.

Unison head of health and the unions’ lead negotiator, Christina McAnea, said: ‘This isn’t a great offer but it addresses some of the key concerns unions have about low pay in the NHS. In the interest of patients’ safety unions will now consult members.

‘It will be up to members to decide whether to accept or reject the proposals. If they choose to reject them we will move to further industrial action.’

Unite’s assistant general secretary, Gail Cartmail said: ‘The offer moves the NHS towards becoming a living wage employer and begins to address issues around low pay.

‘Members will decide on whether to accept or reject the offer of what we believe is the best that can be achieved by negotiation.’

The GMB said that ‘The new offer has enabled GMB to suspend the 24-hour strike action by members in the ambulance service on 29th January as well as the 12-hour strike action by GMB members in the rest of the NHS on that date.

‘A national meeting of GMB NHS, Ambulance & Nursing Committee Senior Representatives will take place on Wednesday 4th February 2015. At the meeting, full details of the offer will be set out and the timetable for a consultation will be agreed.’

Rehana Azam, GMB National Officer, said: ‘GMB is pleased that after a week of talks we have secured a new offer. This enables us to suspend the strike action while we consult with our members on whether they wish to accept the offer or not.’

Jon Skewes, the lead negotiator for the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said: ‘We believe that we have achieved a good deal in challenging circumstances that has been improved significantly following your industrial action and campaigning. The RCM said the offer is

• a 1% consolidated pay rise for all staff up to the pay point 42 from April 2015;

• the Government reaffirms its commitment to the NHS Pay Review Body and the PRB will continue to make future recommendations on pay uplift for NHS staff in relation to 2016/2017 and thereafter;

• abolition of the first pay point of the Agenda for Change pay scales and an increase to the second pay point so that the first Agenda for Change pay point is £15,100;

• an additional £200 consolidated payment to staff in pay points 3-8;

• a one-year increment freeze in 2015/16 for staff on pay point 34 (second point on Band 8A) and above (to end April 2016);

• talks to take place with a view to the proposed redundancy changes being implemented from 1 April 2015; and

• the Trade Unions commit to talks on further reforming Agenda for Change which would aim to produce an agreement for implementation from April 2016. This will be part of a more general review of terms and conditions for all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers.