Thatcher funeral–a state of siege!

Thatcher’s law at work – miner lies badly injured at Maltby in September 1984. He had been battered by police forces sent up from London to attack miners picket lines
Thatcher’s law at work – miner lies badly injured at Maltby in September 1984. He had been battered by police forces sent up from London to attack miners picket lines

THATCHER’S state funeral on April 17, is to be a Tory state provocation of the working class.

Her coffin is to be carried through the streets of London by 700 troops from units associated with the Malvinas (Falklands) war.

The great leader is so popular that the skies above her coffin will be defended by planes, helicopters and missiles.

All the drains, and other bomb friendly structures along the route, will be searched, sealed and guarded.

Barriers will be in place to prevent trucks or other vehicles being driven into the funeral procession.

Lists are being drawn up of people who have a record of active hostility to Thatcher.

Since large numbers of people are in this category, time is being spent on compiling a list of the ‘most dangerous’.

These are to be got out of the way for a number of days by house arrests, or illegal jailings, in fact kidnappings.

Troops from the SAS and Special Boat Service will be in the vanguard of the security operation, that signifies that the gloves are coming off in the struggle to smash the NHS and the Welfare State.

Special targets of the operation are Irish Republican and left-wing groups.

Detectives are monitoring social media, internet forums and Blackberry messaging networks in the expectation that attempts will be made to halt the funeral.

Yesterday afternoon, PM Cameron put himself forward as the heir of Thatcher and her chief mourner.

Workers are getting the message that the Tory-imposed civil war is being stepped up.

News Line editor Paddy O’Regan commented: ‘There should be a general strike on April 17 to show that nobody is cowed by this display of secret police might.

‘There is certain to be a massive lobby of the TUC General Council one week later on May 24 when it meets in London.

‘On their agenda is the calling of a 24-hour general strike against the coalition’s austerity programme.

‘Workers will be demanding that Thatcher’s provocative state funeral be answered by the TUC calling an indefinite general strike, to bring down the coalition and bring in a workers government.

‘This coalition must be politically buried next to Thatcher as soon as is humanly possible.’

• Yesterday afternoon it was announced that the proposed one-minute silence at the Reading vs Liverpool football match this weekend to remember Margaret Thatcher was cancelled.

The cancellation came after the Hillsborough Families representative Margaret Aspinall said: ‘To have a minute’s silence for her at any football ground would be an insult to all fans