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GPs in Tower Hamlets in a demonstration against the sell-off of GP surgeries

£850 A Day To Cover Gp Shortages

MORE than half of family doctors say they are expecting to leave the profession early according to a new ComRes survey carried out for...

‘END ALL FEES’ –demands YS National Secretary

‘IT is not enough for tuition fees to be reduced they must be abolished in their entirety!’ said Joshua Ogunleye, national secretary of the...
Over 500 workers and youth marched through Athens on Thursday night against the Syriza betrayal demanding ‘Cancel the debt’

Germany signs austerity ‘deal’ – as Greek workers riot

THE GERMAN parliament voted yesterday to extend the ‘bailout package’ to Greece by another four months, while in Greece workers erupted on the streets...
A section of the march of PCS strikers and supporters as they headed from the National Gallery’s Sainsbury wing yesterday

NO PRIVATISATION! – demand National Gallery strikers

‘NO privatisation!’ chanted over 70 PCS strikers and their supporters yesterday as they marched off from a rally outside the National Gallery in Trafalgar...

Stormy Syriza Meeting

GREEK Prime Minister and leader of SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) Alexis Tsipras convened a meeting on Wednesday of SYRIZA’s 149 parliamentary deputies...

Devolving Manchester is wrecking NHS

‘THESE plans for the devolution of the health budget to a Greater Manchester regional government truly lob a wrecking ball at the National Health...
A section of the packed audience of striking firefighters at yesterday’s lunchtime rally at Central Hall, Westminster

24-Hour Firefighters Strike Solid!

‘THIS dispute is not over,’ declared Fire Brigades Union General Secretary Matt Wrack at a packed 2,000-strong rally of striking firefighters in Westminster, central...
Workers and their familes on last October’s TUC demonstration demanding a living wage – the Bakers Union warn the TUC  to carry out its Congress decision and fight for £10 an hour minimum wage

TUC must fight for £10 an hour minimum wage –demands Bakers’ Union

‘THE TUC and its affiliates must fight for the policy they voted for, to increase the minimum wage to £10 an hour,’ Bakers Union...
PCS strikers at the National Gallery yesterday morning, the second day of their second 5-day strike for the London Living wage and against privatisation

National Gallery strike against privatisation!

‘PRIVATISATION No Way!’ a lively picket of at least 40 strikers, chanted outside The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square yesterday, on the second day...

Syriza Submits To Troika

THE Greek government decided on Saturday to accept all terms laid down in a statement agreed at last Friday’s Eurogroup Finance Ministers’ meeting that...
Students demanding that the right to free state education be restored and fees abolished along with the massive student debt

‘Come clean over tuition fees’ – UCU tells Labour

‘IT’S time for Labour to come clean on university fees,’ the University and College union (UCU) said on Friday, as it called for education...

Carry Out Pledges – Demand Greek Workers

THE Greek Finance Minister has sent a letter of capitulation to the EU’s diktats, dated Wednesday 18 February 2015. It was sent to Eurogroup President...

Driving the sick back to work! – private company to displace GP practices

DOCTORS have slammed a new scheme to drive workers who are sick back to work. The extremely controversial proposal will see workers who are off...
Guinness Trust tenants rally outside the office of the Trust and celebrate the halting of an eviction

Guinness Tenants Halt Eviction

GUINNESS Trust tenants were celebrating a victory as the planned eviction timed for 10am yesterday morning was halted by a court hearing...

Oborne Quits Telegraph – – Calls For Independent Review Of Its Hsbc Coverage

THE chief political commentator of the Daily Telegraph, Peter Oborne, who resigned from the newspaper on Tuesday, yesterday called for an independent review of...
Greek workers have been demanding ‘not one step backwards’ in the struggle against EU austerity

Workers angry at Syriza retreat!

ON Wednesday morning, the Greek government announced that it will be making an application to the Eurogroup for an extension of the loan agreement,...
Young Socialists lobbying the TUC for proper jobs for youth at trade union rates of pay

Cameron’s war on youth!

PRIME Minister Cameron stepped up his war against youth yesterday by launching the new Tory ‘Community Work Programme’. The programme forces youth to carry...

Syriza Ready To Accept 70% Of Austerity Programme

THE Eurogroup meeting of finance ministers on Monday evening ended without agreement between the EU and Greece, after the Greek Finance Minister...
Youth on the TUC march last October demand an end to the attack on the Welfare State

Failing Universal Credit proceeds!

THE disastrous Universal Credit scheme, despite being lambasted by the National Audit Office for wasting tens of millions of pounds of taxpayers...
Demonstration outside Hammersmith Hospital in west London on July 31. The A&E was closed on September 10, one of the reasons given by the Trust was that there was no full time A&E consultant cover

Emergency Consultants Quit Over Cuts Policies

SAVAGE cuts policies are continuing to tear the heart out of the NHS! The entire consultant team, of four emergency consultants, running Accident and Emergency...
Sacked school guards demanding a complete end to austerity. Their banner reads ‘We want our jobs and dignity back’

Syriza Discussing Keeping Austerity Memorandum

THE Greek government’s proposals for a new agreement over the terms of the bail-out loan of 240bn euros were discussed at this week’s Eurogroup...
Over 40,000 Greek workers rally in Athens demanding of their government ‘Not one step backwards’

‘NOT ONE STEP BACKWARDS!’ – Greek workers demand of Syriza

OVER 40,000 Greek workers, many with their families, shop-keepers, professional people and youth rallied at the central Athens Vouli (Greek parliament) square calling on...

‘We are all tax avoiders’ says Tory Lord Fink

‘I STAND by what I said in the House of Commons, that Lord Fink was engaged in tax avoidance,’ Labour leader Miliband said during...
Trade unionists made their mind up about the role that Cameron and the Tory Party were playing a long time ago – picture shows placards from the October 2012 TUC demonstration against austerity in London

‘There’s something rotten at the heart of the Conservative Party’ – Miliband accuses Cameron

LABOUR PARTY leader Miliband clashed with Prime Minister Cameron over political donors who held Swiss bank accounts with HSBC, during questions in the House...
West Hendon tenants defending their homes condemning the private landlords who are trying to remove them

NO HOME FOR UNEMPLOYED! says Hastings council

UNEMPLOYED workers will not be offered homes under a new council ‘re-generation’ scheme, sparking outrage and allegations that the move stinks of ‘social cleansing’. Hastings...
Youth marching in London last October against any troops being sent to Syria or Iraq

BRITISH TROOPS FOR JORDAN! – Stop the War demands issue be put before parliament

2,000 UK troops and a RAF spy plane are bound for Jordan to ‘combat ISIS’ it emerged yesterday. The UK will send the ‘specialist troops’...

First speech of Greek PM Tsipras

THE new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made his first speech to the Vouli (Greek parliament) last Sunday night saying he would carry out...

Greenspan – ‘Greece will have to leave eurozone’

THE former head of the US central bank, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will have to leave the eurozone. Greenspan, chairman of the US...

US-UK War Talk Over The Ukraine!

LEADERS of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France will meet in Belarus’ capital Minsk on Wednesday to discuss a peace plan for eastern Ukraine,...
Sacked schools’ guards, part of the 10,000-strong workers’ protest outside the Greek parliament that defied the European Central Bank and shouted ‘We will not be blackmailed’

‘We will not be blackmailed’–Athens workers

SOME 10,000 workers and their families gathered outside the Vouli (Greek parliament) last Thursday evening in Athens in protest against the European Central Bank’s...
Ambulance workers on the picket line at Deptford Ambulance Station on the first of the national NHS strike days last October

Tory Health & Social Care Act Damaged The NHS!

TORY changes to the NHS were ‘opposed by patients, the public and NHS staff, but politicians pushed through the changes regardless’ Dr Mark Porter,...
The picket line at Harrow yesterday morning – RMT members respected the picket line

BUS STRIKE ‘GREAT TURN-OUT!’ – RMT refuses to cross picket lines

LONDON bus workers took their second 24-hour strike yesterday demanding that all drivers are paid the same rate of pay. There are further strikes planned...

‘Greece Will Come To The Boil’ – Varoufakis

GREECE’S new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has urged Germany not to humiliate the country over its debts. Varoufakis compared Greece’s plight with that of inter-war...

‘REOPEN ERT STATE TV!’ –Greek workers demand of Syriza

The sacked ERT state TV and radio workers’ union POSPERT has called a mass rally in Athens for Wednesday 11 February. They are demanding that...
National Gallery staff rally outside the gallery at the start of their strike against privatisation in July last year

National Gallery staff battle privatisation

WORKERS at the National Gallery struck for five days from yesterday over plans to hand all visitor services to a private company, the Public...

‘WAR ON SCHOOLS’ says teachers & lecturers union

TEACHERS unions said yesterday that the Tory government’s academy and free school programme has failed and its privatisation agenda amounted to a ‘war...
3,000 tenants march on London’s City Hall to demand an end to huge rent rises and evictions. There were two marches, one from north east London, the other from south east London

‘Social Housing Is Our Right’!

‘SOCIAL housing is our right!’ chanted over three thousand protestors on the March to Defend Council Housing on Saturday. The march began at Shoreditch Church...
The lead banner at the anti-facsist demonstration last Saturday evening in Athens. It reads ‘Our class task is death to fascism’

6,000 youth march against Golden Dawn

OVER 6,000 youth and workers demonstrated last Saturday evening throughout the Athens city centre against a rally organised by the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party....
NHS workers on last October’s TUC demonstration demanding a ‘Living Wage’ and no NHS cuts

NHS Funding Cuts Rejected!

IN AN unprecedented move, NHS hospital trust managers have rejected plans for next year’s NHS payment system, warning that they cannot any longer guarantee...
Unite and GMB pickets outside the Royal Hospital in Belfast yesterday morning

NHS STRIKE IN IRELAND! –while fury in England over NHS sell-out

AMBULANCE workers and other NHS staff are ‘determined’ and ‘out solid’ throughout Northern Ireland, the GMB regional officer, Michael Mulholland, said yesterday, during...

The Great Betrayal – NHS Union Leaders Surrender To Tories

NHS trade unions suspended the industrial action planned for today following proposals put forward by the government. Unison head of health and the unions’ lead...


THE Royal College of Nursing is concerned that a lack of focus on out-of-hospital care while A&Es are closing will result in an even...
Finance Ministry cleaners in Athens have spent 267 days fighting to get their jobs back and are now determined to return to work

Athens Cleaners Want Jobs Back

THE new Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA), announced his government on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the sacked...
Crowds in Athens celebrate Syriza’s victory – Germany is demanding every euro of the Greek debt is repaid

‘Debt must be paid in full!’ – German bankers threaten Greece

GERMANY has issued warnings to the new Greek government that it must ‘live up to its commitments to its creditors’, and ‘take measures so...
Thousands gathered late on Sunday night at the Athens city centre to hear a victory speech by SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras

Syriza Victory!

SYRIZA swept to power yesterday in the Greek elections winning 149 seats, just two short of an absolute majority. After the final results came in...