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All news items from around the world

US terror raid on Libya!

US WARPLANES launched a major airstrike in Libya early on Friday morning killing, 40 people in one hit. The terror raid was launched from the...
Junior doctors on the picket line – they are now preparing to come out on strike again

Imposed junior doctors contract hits cancer patients

470 CANCER doctors have signed a joint statement warning Health Secretary Hunt that the new imposed junior doctors contract ‘will lead to worse outcomes...

Australian doctors demand ‘humane stance’

IN THE British Medical Journal today, a leading doctor is calling on the Australian government to stop constraining doctors in the care of asylum...

JOINT ENTERPRISE–JURIES HAVE BEEN MISDIRECTED!– hundreds of appeals now expected

JUDGES have misdirected juries in murder trials for thirty years, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday. The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that ‘joint...

Visa Rules Will Drive Doctors Out Of NHS!

THE BMA has warned that the Tory government’s recommendations on new visa rules from the Migrations Advisory Committee could lead to UK-trained doctors leaving...

Bombardier Mass Sackings

BOMBARDIER announced the sack for over 1,000 Belfast workers yesterday, as a portion of 7,000 sackings they are planning worldwide over the next two...

1 In 5 Surgeries Face Closure

ONE in five GP surgeries in London is threatened with closure within three years because of lack of staff, funding and pay, the Local...
Junior doctors marched through central London three days before their second strike – they call for Jeremy Hunt to go!

‘HUNT MUST GO!’ – ‘No confidence’ petition reaches 284,244

A PETITION calling for a vote of no confidence in Tory Health Minister Jeremy Hunt reached 284,244 signatures by yesterday afternoon, after his decision...

US Orders Tories Stay In The Eu!

THE US has laid down the law to the Tory government that the UK must stay in the EU and keep its Trident...
EARLY Thursday morning a large group of police escorting over a dozen bailiffs, arrived at the council estate on Benhill road, Camberwell south London to make a second, surprise attempt to evict Aminata Sellu and her three children.

42,728 evictions in 2015!

42,728 evictions in 2015 are ‘clear proof of the devastating impact that welfare cuts and the chronic shortage of affordable homes are having on...

Great Gold Rush Underway

THE GREAT gold rush has begun! Gold surged 5% on Thursday to a five-year high as plummeting world markets have driven investors to search...
Defiant junior doctors at Downing Street on February 6th are determined to beat Health Secretary Hunt’s attempt to dictate their contract

Junior Doctors Will Not Accept Imposition!

‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...
Junior doctors, NHS workers and supporters outside Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital on the second day of strike action

‘Strike until we win!’ – Junior Doctors strike solid

THOUSANDS of junior doctors, NHS workers, trade unionists and supporters took to picket lines across the country yesterday, as the junior doctors took their...
Junior doctors on the march last Saturday – they are furious at the government’s attempt to impose unsafe, unfair contracts

All Out With Junior Doctors

‘WE NEED other unions who are being attacked by this government to take action,’ BMA junior doctors committee member Aislinn Macklin-Doherty told News...

Prison staff at breaking point

‘WE NEED a general strike before this government dismantles everything. The trade union movement must stand up as one. There is a breaking point...
Junior doctors marching on Saturday to defend the NHS – NHS workers will not allow free healthcare to be abolished through privatisation by the Tories

Surge in privatisation threatens NHS – warn health unions

‘A SURGE in privatisation is threatening free NHS treatment,’ unions say. With contracts worth £5.5bn going to private firms, health sector unions warn of a...
A section of Saturday’s 7,000-strong junior doctors march against Tory-imposed contracts

Hunt attacks the BMA

FOLLOWING Saturday’s brilliant march on Downing Street by more than 7,000 junior doctors (see pages 6 & 7), and ahead of Wednesday’s 24-hour strike,...
Junior doctors joined by ambulance workers and supporters on a picket line in Norwich during their last strike on December 12th

Junior doctors march today

TODAY thousands of junior doctors, health workers, student nurses, march through central London demanding ‘Victory to the junior doctors!’ At 8am next Wednesday morning (February...
Demonstration in Wembley against Copland Community School being forced to become an Academy

‘FAILING TOO MANY PUPILS!’ – biggest Academy chain in England condemned

THE biggest academy chain in England has been accused by Ofsted of ‘failing too many pupils’. Inspectors say that almost half of pupils at secondary...

Gp Services Buckling Under Tory Attack

PATIENT care is ‘deteriorating’ in half of GP practices as GP services buckle under rising workload, a new BMA survey warned yesterday. More than half...

Putin turns to right with privatisation programme

RUSSIA’s Stalinist leadership is lining up at least seven state companies for privatisation because of the collapse of the oil market...
Junior doctors, health workers and supporters joined the mass picket outside St Thomas’ Hospital during the January 12th nationwide strike – they are out again on February 10th

Junior doctors strike on!

THE JUNIOR doctors strike, on Wednesday February 10th will go ahead, doctors union the BMA announced yesterday. The BMA said in a statement: ‘Despite the...

Mass Sackings For NHS!

LABOUR and the RCN have reacted angrily to instruction from NHS bosses and regulators to impose a ‘headcount reduction’ to reduce their deficits...

Royal Commission ‘to break up the NHS’ says KONP

KEEP Our NHS Public (KONP) is demanding that Labour oppose the setting up of a Royal Commission to look at the NHS and...
Yesterday’s lively mass picket of Ealing Hospital of over 50 local residents, health workers and supporters to stop department closures

Battle For Ealing Hospital

‘WE ARE going to win this battle and we will keep our hospital here forever!’ Kaushalya Gussar declared on Friday’s mass picket of Ealing...

89 Prison Suicides In 2015

EIGHTY-NINE people took their own lives in prisons during 2015 as the suicide rate behind bars remained at an alarmingly high level, figures...
BMA Junior Doctors – fighting Tory attempts to dictate contracts will be demonstrating outside the BMA GP conference on  Saturday at 5.15pm at the Mermaid Centre, Puddle Dock, EC1

‘NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE!’ – GPs condemn the Care Quality Commission

THE Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection regime aimed at GP practices is damaging patient care by diverting resources and GP time away from treating...
The long campaign by thousands of working people who have been oppressed by the Bedroom Tax and benefit cuts won a big victory yesterday in the Court of Appeal

Verdict A ‘massive Blow’ At Bedroom Tax!

THE Tory government’s flagship Bedroom Tax was delivered a ‘massive blow’ yesterday when Court of Appeal judges declared it to be ‘discriminatory’. The judges’...

Turkey Buys Isis Oil – Says Yaalon

ISRAEL''S defence minister has accused Turkey of buying oil from IS, thereby funding its activities. Speaking in Athens, Moshe Yaalon said IS had ‘enjoyed Turkish...

Tory police, fire & ambulance merger plan slammed

TORY plans to merge fire, ambulance and police services are being pushed forward as the Home Office called for ‘shared control rooms’ yesterday. The proposal...

Patient records now open to state

FOR the first time, the Department for Work and Pensions will have access to patients personal GP records, including their ‘fit notes’...

CORBYN VISITS DUNKIRK – as Brit haulage boss urges ‘send in troops’

CONDEMNING the ‘dreadful conditions’ in Grande-Synthe refugee camp near Dunkirk, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told Sky News that up to 3,000 people waiting...
Steelworkers from Port Talbot, Teesside, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire lobbied parliament on October 28th. Many of them called for occupations and a national strike to secure the nationalisation of the steel industry

NATIONALISE TATA! –Occupy to defend jobs and stop the sackings

THE steel industry in the UK faces shut-down, as the capitalist crisis deepens. The demand that the trade unions must organise occupations to halt the...
Meeting – Don't Let Junior Doctors Strike Be Defeated!

Meeting – Don’t Let Junior Doctors Strike Be Defeated!

THE decision to postpone the 48 hour strike action by junior doctors from 26 January without any attempt by the government to meet the...
Junior doctors outside the Maudsley Hospital in Camberwell where the GMB is planning to have a strike ballot for a living wage of £10 an hour and an end to a two-tier workforce

Living Wage Battle!

GMB officers are seeking permission for a strike ballot after pay talks broke down covering 175 GMB members employed as domestics and hostesses by...
Don't Let Junior Doctors Strike Be Defeated!

Don’t Let Junior Doctors Strike Be Defeated!

THE decision to postpone the 48 hour strike action by junior doctors from 26 January without any attempt by the government to meet the...
Junior doctors and nurses have been fighting side by side against Tory plans to impose tuition fees and a new contract on the doctors

Nurses will defend Bursaries! – they condemn doctors’ strike suspension

STUDENT nurses demanded action to defend their bursaries at a Unison student nursing summit held at the union’s headquarters in Euston, central London, yesterday. Sophia...
CAM STOCKS (far right in hat) joins junior doctors, nurses and supporters on the picket line outside the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, east London during last Tuesday’s strike

Junior doctors strike suspended by BMA

THE BMA has suspended next week’s 48-hour junior doctors strike. In a statement, the BMA said: ‘The decision comes as ACAS talks continue this week...

999 pilot–lethal consequences

A TORY pilot trial extending ambulance response time by two minutes has had lethal consequences, with many more patients suffering heart attacks not making...
Steelworkers from plants across the UK demonstrating outside parliament in October last year

RENATIONALISE STEEL – demand workers as 1,050 jobs go

‘OCCUPY the Port Talbot plant and demand that the government renationalise the steel industry immediately,’ Robbie Wheatley, Community union Branch Secretary at Lackenby...
Teachers marching on a TUC demonstration against Tory policies

Children are arriving hungry every day at school!

THE number of struggling families sending their children to school hungry has increased over the past year, according to a poll of almost 900...
Pupils, parents and teachers demonstrated outside St Andrew & St Francis Primary School during a teachers’ strike against the school being forced to become an academy

Classrooms bursting!

SCHOOL classrooms are at bursting point, with half a million pupils squeezed into classrooms with more than 40 in a class. Labour Party analysis highlighted...
Families and friends of those who have died in police custody – over 1,000 have died since 1990 – there are now 2,600 armed police on the streets of London alone

2,600 armed police on London streets

SIX HUNDRED extra armed officers are to be trained and put on the streets of London in case of ‘terrorist attack’, bolstering the...

SACK G4S demands Howard League

THREE G4S employees were arrested yesterday and are being held on suspicion of child neglect following an investigation into abuse at a young offenders...
A 200-strong picket line at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow

MASSIVE JUNIOR DOCTORS ACTION! – shakes the Tories to their core

MASS picket lines packed with enthusiastic doctors and supporters were the rule in every part of the country yesterday on the first day of...