‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK’ say Gate Gourmet workers
Locked out Gate Gourmet workers insisted to News Line yesterday they want their jobs back. On the picket line at Heathrow Airport Jarnail, said: ‘I...
BLAIR MUST ANSWER FOR WAR LIES say Military families against war
Rose Gentle, Susan Smith, Peter Brierley and Karla Hewett, whose sons and brother died in the Iraq war, set up a 24-hour Peace Camp...
Gate Gourmet ‘Blacklist’
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers are angry that they are being told by the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) to hold on and...
US Bombers Kill 70 Iraqis
US warplanes and helicopter gunships have carried out punishment raids on two villages near Ramadi, killing at least 40 Iraqi civilians. In a statement yesterday,...
Five US Marines Killed
Five US Marines were killed by a roadside bomb in Ramadi, western Iraq, on Saturday, the US military said in a statement yesterday. Their armoured...
120-strong Gate Gourmet picket
THERE was a large picket of about 120 sacked Gate Gourmet workers yesterday. Daljit said: ‘We are waiting to see if British Airways sign ...
NO MORE WAITING – demand Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet pickets said yesterday they were fed up with waiting. They poured scorn on a Transport and General Workers Union plea to British Airways...
‘We reject compulsory redundancies’ – say Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet workers were on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday, determined to win their rights, having been told on Wednesday that British...
MPs SLAM BLANKET BANS – Blears refuses ‘evidence’
PARLIAMENT is being taken ‘into very dangerous and damaging waters,’ Labour MP Alan Simpson said yesterday. He was speaking after the Blair government presented MPs...
‘UNCOVER POLICE LIES’ – demands the de Menezes family
‘JEAN Charles did not run from the police. He was unjustly assassinated on the London metro,’ the brother of Jean Charles de Menezes said...
Gate Gourmet Deal ‘Worthless’
‘The deal done between the TGWU and Gate Gourmet is worthless, I’m going to apply to an Employment Tribunal for unfair dismissal,’ Mr A...
‘Gate Gourmet Can’t Get Away With This!’
Yesterday was the beginning of the third month since the more than 700 Gate Gourmet workers were locked out at Heathrow Airport. Speaking on the...
HOSPITALS WILL CLOSE! –warn BMA and Audit Commission
THE British Medical Association yesterday challenged the Blair government to say what will happen to chronically ill or emergency patients, ‘if the local hospital...
Big Picket At Gate Gourmet!
THERE was one of the biggest turnouts on the picket line at the Gate Gourmet dispute yesterday, with more than 200 locked out workers...
Union Leaders Helping Bosses Say Gourmet Workers
angry Gate Gourmet workers told News Line over the weekend that they want their union, the TGWU, to provide them with information on who...
WAR CRIMINALS! –Scott Ritter compares Bush and Blair to Nuremberg Nazis
‘HE broke the law. He engaged in an illegitimate war of aggression that history has condemned,’ former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter said yesterday,...
GATE GOURMET pickets were angry yesterday that they have still not been told who is to be offered their jobs back, or who is...
UNLAWFUL! Law lords condemn Clarke’s terror plans
Home Secretary Clarke’s plans to give police powers to hold people for 90 days without charge has been condemned as ‘unlawful’ by Law Lord,...
‘THIS IS A LIE’ – Iran condemns Blair weapons allegations
PRIME Minister Blair yesterday repeated allegations that Iran had a hand in the deaths of British troops in Iraq. Speaking at a joint press conference...
US & ISRAEL STOKING GAZA CLASHES says Hamas call for national unity
THE political leader the Hamas Palest-inian liberation movement has said that the US and Israel are responsible for last week’s clashes between Hamas...
Bosses keeping Gourmet locked-out workers waiting
‘IF I’m told I’m to be made compulsorily redundant I will not accept. I’m fighting for reinstatement and will not give up my claim...
Five US Troops Killed In West Iraq
A force of up to 2,500 US troops, supported by puppet Iraqi troops, moved into Iraq’s western Al Anbar province yesterday in the biggest offensive...
Gourmet locked-out workers determined to win
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers expressed shock and anger at the treatment of two hundred Xavier Gourmet workers who found the gate to their...
XAVIER GOURMET LOCKS OUT 200 WORKERS – says workers must claim their money from...
A GATE Gourmet supplier locked out 200 workers in Heston, one mile from Heathrow Airport, yesterday. Xavier Gourmet, which was trading up until seven months...
‘THIS DEAL WILL COLLAPSE’ – Gourmet pickets tell News Line
‘A LOT of people feel the same as me. We believe this deal will collapse,’ Mr Singh told News Line on the Gate Gourmet...
Heathrow Conflict Is Set To Widen
New British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh, who takes up his post this weekend, plans to sack 6,000 out of BA’s 46,000-strong workforce, starting...
‘We’ve been sold out’ – say Gate Gourmet workers
ANGRY Gate Gourmet workers were on the picket line yesterday after Wednesday’s sell-out deal between the Transport and General Workers’ Union leaders, TUC leaders...
Family of Jean Charles de Menezes visit site of their son’s murder
A distraught Maria Otone de Menezes visiting Stockwell tube station yesterday, the site of her son's murder. she called for her son, Jean Charles'...
Fury At Gourmet Sell-Out Deal!
TGWU leader Tony Woodley told the mass meeting of locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday afternoon that the sell out deal he has negotiated...
‘throw Out Stinking Gourmet Deal’
‘WE want a hands up vote at the mass meeting tomorrow, and we want the provisional agreement between Gate Gourmet, the TGWU and the...
Brown Attacks Unions On Pay
In his keynote speech to the Labour Party Conference yesterday, Chancellor Gordon Brown declared for ‘New Labour renewed’. Assuming he will succeed Blair as...
DON’T PRIVATISE ROYAL MAIL – CWU tells Labour Party conference
Hundreds of angry postal workers are lobbying the Labour Party conference in Brighton today against government plans to privatise Royal Mail. Communication Workers’ Union (CWU)...
‘The whole airport must come out’ demand Gate Gourmet workers
‘THE whole airport must come out to win our jobs back and to defeat the victimisation of BA workers who took sympathy strike action...
Withdraw UK Troops Now!
OVER 100,000 will be gathering in central London today, on the eve of the Labour Party conference, to demand the withdrawal of British and...
BA SUSPENSIONS ‘TEST OF THE UNION’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE GATE Gourmet mass picket at Heathrow airport was visited by Transport and General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Woodley and the union’s General...
NHS Staff Face Privatisation!
The coming clash between the trade unions and the Labour government over plans to step up the privatisation of the NHS was yesterday...
Met Chief’s Call For Troops
‘This militarisation of the police will increase the risk that we run already, not just to our civil liberties but to our very safety,’...
‘WE WON’T SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS’ says Gate Gourmet shop steward
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers received a report back yesterday morning on the picket line at Heathrow Airport from their shop stewards, of a...
‘WE’RE READY TO FIGHT FOR VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet shop stewards went to a meeting at the Trades Union Congress in central London yesterday with leaders of their union, the TGWU,...
HIGH ALERT IN BASRA! – tensions after tank attack ‘rescue’
British troops in Iraq were on high alert yesterday for fear of further clashes as tensions continued over the rescue at tank-point of two...
3,000 Junior Doctors Jobless!
AS many as 3,000 junior doctors are unable to find posts and are being driven to seek work either abroad or outside the NHS,...
NO ‘COMPROMISE AGREEMENT!’ say Gate Gourmet workers
SHOP Stewards representing the 670 locked out Gate Gourmet workers are meeting Transport and General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Woodley at the union’s...
Young Socialists march in Birmingham
MORE THAN 100 youth won enthusiastic support from shoppers as they marched with the Young Socialists through Birmingham city centre on Saturday afternoon, as...
‘We have to keep our rights’ say Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet workers are opposing a ‘compromise agreement’, which the company and leaders of the Transport and General Workers’ Union are negotiating and which...
Grampian Foods Pensions Strike
A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...