NHS must remain free! – says RCP

Students at Goldsmiths College in New Cross, south London, march to defend the NHS
Students at Goldsmiths College in New Cross, south London, march to defend the NHS

‘STOP reorganising the NHS, increase NHS funding, and commit to an NHS free at the point of delivery,’ demanded the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) yesterday.

The RCP said in a statement on the eve of the party conference season, the government and politicians must stop reorganising the NHS from the top down, increase funding to avoid a crisis in care, and commit to an NHS free at the point of delivery.

The RCP’s five-point plan for the next government, published today – Future hospital: more than a building – sets out a series of clear messages to improve patient care and safeguard the NHS from an impending financial crisis.

It states:

‘1. Remove the financial and structural barriers to joined-up care for patients. It should be easier for hospitals, GPs and social care teams to work together than separately. Financial incentives must help, not hinder, patient care. Shared outcomes should be the norm. Fines that target one part of the system – such as penalties when patients are re-admitted to hospital – should be removed. Quality must always be valued over competition. There should be an urgent review of the barriers to teams working together, including the role of large-scale tendering of health services in England.

‘2. Invest now to deliver good care in the future. Our hospitals are under-resourced and under pressure. A crisis in care can only be avoided by a significant increase in health funding. Healthcare costs are rising, and improved efficiency and reconfiguration will not deliver the savings we need to balance the books. Investing now will help us save in the long-term. Transition funding to support hospitals and care partners transform the way they deliver care should be set up. To provide excellent care for patients in the future, government must invest in medical education and support research. Training the next generation of doctors must be part of all health service planning and delivery.

‘3. Prioritise what works in the NHS and improve what doesn’t. There must be no “big bang” change to national NHS structures. Government must focus on long-term change that delivers joined-up care for patients. A “10-year vision” should set the tone for all spending and policy decisions. Difficult decisions need to be made about the design of services. Change should be patient-centred and clinicians must be listened to and allowed to lead. Evidence should drive policymaking. National support for clinical leadership and quality improvement schemes will support this. Politicians must promote informed public debate on local health services.

4. Promote public health through evidence-based legislation. Support local prevention and recovery services combined with national leadership on public health, social disadvantage and inequality.

‘5. Adopt the Future Hospital model as a template for service redesign. Government and politicians should support the development of the Future Hospital model, nationally and in constituencies. The Future Hospital model should be the template for hospital service redesign. Barriers to accessing early expert care must be removed. Specialist medical care should reach from wards into the community. Swift access to expert diagnosis and treatment improves outcomes for patients and can result in long-term savings. Supporting patients to recover and manage their conditions must be a priority in all policies.’