Leff team wins big Hoxton support

WRP candidate JONTY LEFF (right) standing for Hackney South and Shoreditch is getting a lot of support for the WRP’s policies

A TEAM campaigning for Workers Revolutionary Party candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch, Jonty Leff, won big support on Saturday in Hoxton Market from local residents furious at the destruction of council housing.

Local resident Jerry said: ‘I’ve lived in this area for 20 years. I don’t agree with the demolition of council housing. There are too many people on the streets. I see more people now than ever before. It’s like going down Bombay high street. A day doesn’t go by when someone doesn’t ask you for money.’

Chris Murphy, a postal worker and CWU member, spoke of his anger over the High Court’s ruling to ban the Royal Mail strike last week.

He said: ‘On the day that I heard I was absolutely fuming. It wasn’t the court talking, it was the government talking. It was government interference because they’ve got Christmas coming and the election, so we were in a very strong bargaining position. This chief justice has done a lot of work for the government and was extremely biased towards the interests of the government.

‘The government sold off Royal Mail cheap. Look at all the buildings they inherited in prime locations. People in Highbury have to come all the way to Holloway Road because they sold off the sorting office to make profits for the shareholders. That is just one example. I am all for the working man and I support your party.’

Jonty Leff said: ‘We are determined to kick the Tories out. We need a general strike to drive through Brexit, breaking with the EU immediately without compensation. Shame on Labour MPs standing in this election who won’t respect the result of the referendum. They must be deselected immediately! Our party is absolutely clear where we stand. We are for the United Socialist States of Europe. We are winning big support.’

• Read WRP election Manifesto 2019