Great support for Southall WRP candidate!

Ealing Southall residents gave a lot of support for the WRP general election campaign to elect candidate Hassan Zulkifal as their MP

THE Elect Hassan Zulkifal WRP Ealing Southall campaign got great support on Southall Broadway yesterday.

Heathrow Airport worker and GMB member Kutesh Sashikint said: ‘I agree with Hassan’s policies and I am voting for him. Quit the EU now and let’s have a general strike to bring in a workers government.’
Aliya Naveed said: ‘I’m  a patient at Ealing Hospital, having had two operations there. It would be too hard to have to travel further.’
Local mother Dulma Sali said: ‘We must reopen Ealing maternity unit. It takes two hours to get to Northwick Park. I want Hassan to win and he will win with that platform. They wanted to close Ealing A&E but we beat them. It was unacceptable and inhumane.’
Mahamoud Hassan said: ‘I will vote for my namesake. He is fighting for all of us.’
Outside Southall College Ajit Kaur, a worker at Greencore food factory in West Drayton, said: ‘I agree with Hassan’s policies, he’s got my vote. Ealing Hospital Maternity must be reopened, my two children were born there and it was perfect.
Also, I support his policy on Brexit. We want Brexit now, they are messing about too much, we voted for it and it must happen.’
Southall mum Kani Afrida said: ‘I had my daughter at Ealing Hospital in the last year before they closed the maternity in 2015. It’s very wrong, there are lots of people here who need it back.’
Farida Darwish, ESOL (English as a second language) teacher at Southall College, told Hassan: ‘I love your policy to reopen Ealing Hospital. My grandchild was born at Hammersmith and it was difficult to travel and park. I will definitely vote for you.’
Nineteen-year-old Joel Coutinho said: ‘I’m just off to a job interview at Royal Mail, but I’m going to come to your meetings and join the campaign. Vote for Hassan!’
Hassan said: ‘We have had a very positive response and everyone we have come across supports our policies.
‘People are invigorated by our message of reopening the maternity at Ealing Hospital and we get a lot of positive response from people over our stance on Brexit.
‘I feel that given the current political climate we can only make gains in the Ealing Southall Constituency and we must utilise this historic opportunity in order to mobilise a mass movement to take the power in this country.’
Speaking to the Jonty Leff WRP election campaign yesterday morning, construction worker Laine Henry gave the WRP his full support.
He said: ‘The cost of living is shocking. Money just seems to get tighter and tighter. It’s as if we are getting rinsed from every angle.
‘There is always something more to pay for and there is always another excuse why we have to pay yet another cost.’
‘I work 50-60 hours a week and I have difficulty paying my bills. Construction should be one of the best paid jobs, we are building up the city. We should not have to pay for the banks and the banking debt.
‘There is enough wealth in this planet for everyone. Why should there be millionaires and billionaires? Why should anyone need more than a human could possibly need?
‘I am a socialist and I support the WRP’
‘Where I live in Dagenham there is dangerous flammable cladding on every tower block. Some have been stripped, but none have been made safe yet.
‘When I visit my friends in Essex it’s the same. Death should not be caused by negligence. Those responsible for the Grenfell Tower fire should be jailed.’
‘Why is it a justice system only to put the little man away? Why should it be any different for those responsible for the fire?
‘What is the cost of those lives lost? Children lost their lives in that fire. Those responsible must face justice.’

• Read WRP 2019 election Manifesto