Crucial Ballot To Continue Night Tube Strike!

RMT Night Tube strikers on the picket line at West Ruislip on Friday night

THE BALLOT for a new mandate to continue the powerful RMT Night Tube strike on London Underground has reached a crucial point, with the poll closing next weekend and the result due to be announced on Tuesday 7th June.

The strike since last November is already the longest ever strike on London Underground.

On the picket line at West Ruislip station on the Central Line late last Friday night, strike leader and RMT industrial rep, Darren Lalli told News Line: ‘On the Night Tube strike we are waiting for the ballot result on June 7th.

‘We are fighting to pass the threshold of a 50% turnout which was imposed by the Tory anti-union laws. We know there will be a big YES majority, but we need a high turn-out of voting to win.

‘We also started the ballot on Thursday for action to defend jobs, conditions and pensions on the Tube. It’s a four-week ballot of over 10,000 RMT members on London Underground.

‘There are 80,000 members of this union and I’m confident that this summer we will organise and all come together.

‘Our General Secretary Mick Lynch is also absolutely right to call for other unions across all sectors to strike together. A general strike is what we need to bring down this disgraceful Tory government.

‘This has to be the end of Boris the clown Johnson.

‘What is coming up is a huge rally on June 18th and there will be a strong RMT delegation.

‘The trade union leaders really need to join forces. Things are beginning to hot up, especially with the cost of living crisis and the bosses squeezing the workers more and more. People have had enough. It’s time to stand up and be counted.’

RMT member and train operator Vish Shingadia explained to News Line what the Night Tube strike is about, saying: ‘They had me on nights on Friday and Saturday this week, so if I was not striking I would be finishing working two nights at 7am on Sunday morning and then have to be back in at work at 5.50am on Monday morning.

‘That is one of the main reasons for this strike – work-life balance and safety – you cannot operate trains safely under these conditions. I am proud of the stand my union is taking. They are fighting for their members.’