Barnet Council Mass Lobby

Part of the 400-strong lobby of Barnet council on Tuesday night against its savage cuts programme
Part of the 400-strong lobby of Barnet council on Tuesday night against its savage cuts programme

Over 400 workers, youth, pensioners and local service users lobbied Barnet Council on Tuesday, furious at the massive cuts and privatisation imposed by the Tory Council.

They chanted ‘Tories Out Out Out!’, and booed the councillors as they turned up in their limousines.

They sang: ‘Private companies do not run, public services just for fun. Bullshit! Come off it! They want to make a profit’.

Banners and flags were there from the FBU, RMT, Unison and the GMB.

Sonia Harvard, Unison, opened the rally saying: ‘These 25% plus cuts are not just happening in Barnet but throughout the country.

‘We must stand solidly and make alliances with other council workers facing these cuts and sackings.

‘Connaught are shameless privateers – the reality is market forces have brought them down.

‘Services must be brought back in-house. The trade unions must get off their knees and start fighting.’

Paul Mackney, a UCU member of the Coalition of Resistance, said: ‘Barnet Council are preparing to give away their council housing stock to the rich.

‘The cuts are not necessary. Catch the tax evaders and you will save billions. Increase the top rate of tax. Corporate tax is less now than under Thatcher!

‘Get out of Afghanistan and Iraq to save money,’ he said to applause.

‘The cuts are ideological and political – to take everything away from the working class.’