Trade Unions Must Name The Date For The General Strike To Free Palestine And Bring Down Starmer!


OVER 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London on Saturday, protesting against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and Lebanon.

The protest, organised by the Palestine Coalition – which includes the Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al-Aqsa, the Muslim Association of Britain, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), and Stop the War Coalition – called for an immediate end to Israel’s attacks on Gaza and the lifting of the brutal blockade that has trapped over 400,000 Palestinians in northern Gaza under relentless bombardment.

Adnan Hmidan, Acting Chair of the Palestinian Forum in Britain, said: ‘Today, we gather to demand the lifting of the siege on Jabalia Camp, now in its 14th day, and to remind the world of the continuous crimes of the occupation and the ongoing genocide.

‘We also extend our thanks to members of the Labour Party who have called for a complete halt to arming Israel.

‘We encourage the families of victims and martyrs in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon to submit their testimonies to relevant human rights bodies to hold the criminals accountable.

‘We also reiterate the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, and to prevent further aggression on Iran, reining in the murderous and expansionist madness of Israel’s leadership.’

Large numbers of protesters have expressed their outrage at the British government’s continued political, logistical, and military support for Israel, despite Israel’s repeated violations of international law and rulings by the International Court of Justice.

Millions of demonstrators are demanding an end to the huge British arms sales to Israel and have urged the government to impose sanctions on the Israeli regime, which has killed over 42,000 civilians, most of whom are women and children, since the fascist attacks began.

The demonstrators on Saturday were fine and principled, and many of them told News Line in Trafalgar Square that they were strongly in favour of the TUC calling an indefinite general strike to recognise, establish and give full support to the State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital.

In fact, there is every reason for thinking that the bedrock of the opposition to the establishment of the government of the State of Palestine comes from the bosses and the bankers and their agents in both the Tory and and Labour Parties.

The essence of the situation is that if the establishment of the State of Palestine requires the establishment of a workers’ government in the UK, then so be it!

The fact that the Hezbollah movement has already been able to bomb Netanyahu’s house, giving the Israeli leader a taste of his own medicine, means that the end of the Zionist dictatorship in Palestine is nearing.

What is required to be done is that the working class of the world must now be mobilised to take action to smash the Zionist racists and imperialism.

The world’s trade unions must mobilise all of their members for this historic and much-needed struggle.

In fact, if the TUC does not move to give active and full support to the Palestinian revolution, then the TUC leaders must be removed through the calling of a Special Congress to sack those leaders that will not fight for Palestine.

Zionism, which is an agency of US and UK imperialism and depends upon the support of both, must be booted out by the Palestinian revolution and replaced by a revolutionary regime that will allow Arabs, Jews and Christians to live side by side as friends and good neighbours. That moment is now approaching!

This is why the TUC must call a Special Congress to bring forward a new and revolutionary leadership that will use the power of the working class to go forward to worldwide socialism.

Victory to Palestine. Forward with the Palestinian revolution ‘from the river to the sea’. There is not a moment to lose.

A Special Congress of the TUC must organise the whole movement to smash capitalism and imperialism, putting an end to the colonial status of the Arab peoples and uniting the working people of the world to live and flourish in the new Socialist Order of society, whose maxim will be ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need!