Tory war on two fronts against Russia and working class at home


THE RUSSIAN army on Saturday accused the UK of being involved in the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, and that the same British military specialists had helped Ukraine plan the drone attack on Moscow’s Black Sea Fleet.

In a statement on Saturday, the Russian defence ministry said: ‘Today at 4.20am the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian vessels.’

It continued: ‘It should be emphasised that the ships in the Black Sea Fleet that were subjected to a terrorist attack are involved in ensuring the security of the “grain corridor” within the framework of the international initiative for the export of agricultural products from Ukrainian ports.’

Immediately after this attack, Russia suspended its participation in the agreement, leading to howls of outrage from the imperialist nations that Russia is ‘weaponising’ food, conveniently ignoring the fact that the safe corridor designated solely for the transport of food was used by the Ukrainian military to carry out the terrorist attack.

Pointing the finger at the involvement of British military forces in the September attack on the gas pipelines, the statement said:

‘Representatives of this unit of the British navy took part in planning, provision and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on September 26 that blew up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines.’

The British military was up to its neck in the attacks on the gas pipelines which caused a massive blow to the energy demands of both Europe and the UK, driving prices into the stratosphere, and now in organising and facilitating the drone attacks on Russian navy and civilian vessels.

So far, the Tory government have not refuted the accusations of military involvement in the drone attacks which mark a rapid escalation in the military involvement of Britain in the war to weaken Russia and prepare the ground for a regime change.

Clearly, making the working class of Europe and the UK suffer extreme fuel and food poverty as a result of this imperialist war drive is of no consequence to the Tories and the ruling class.

Their policy is to carry out a regime change in Russia to liquidate the gains of the Russian Revolution, to open up that vast country and all its mineral wealth to capitalist exploitation in an effort to ‘save’ a bankrupt capitalist system.

Billions of pounds have been given to the fascist-supported Ukrainian government to wage this war, and now increased military operations to keep it going.

So what, if it plunges the working class into abject poverty or causes wheat supplies to be halted to starving millions in countries like Yemen? – this is the price worth paying for an imperialist war for survival as far as the capitalist class is concerned.

In their desperation, the bosses and the Tories are willing to see the working class starve in the war to strengthen a bankrupt capitalist system collapsing into recession.

The war against Russia being driven by the UK capitalist class is being accompanied by a war against the working class at home to drive it back to the poverty conditions of the 19th century.

The Tories have armed themselves with laws to make striking illegal, where trade unions face million-pound fines for taking industrial action – all backed up by the courts and police – in a war to turn the clocks back to the days before unions and when workers had no rights except the right to starve or work for slave wages.

The enemy of the working class is not Russia or China. The enemy is at home, it is the increasingly desperate capitalist class of bosses and bankers and the Tory government.

The way forward to put an end to capitalism’s war on two fronts is to force the TUC to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and go forward to a workers’ government and socialism.

A socialist Britain will form an alliance with the working class of Russia and China and call on European and US workers to join in taking power to go forward to the World Socialist Republic.