Sunak Wants A War With Russia And A Class War Against The Working Class At Home!


THE British ruling class has decided that there is only one way out of the historic crisis of British capitalism, and that is to force the UK working class, and the working class of the world, and the oppressed nations, to pay for it with new wars and counter-revolutions, to destroy working class living standards and basic rights world-wide!

Tory PM Sunak has just travelled to Warsaw where he unveiled his programme of increasing military spending by £75 billion by 2030 – to fight Russia.

This, he said, will insure that the UK remains the second biggest contributor to NATO, after the USA, and will be able to play its part in the struggle against Russia and China and, of course, in counter-revolutionary attacks on the working class at home.

Sunak is planning to place the ‘defence industry’ on a war footing against Russia, with long term contracts to provide more modern weaponry.

The Prime Minister also announced another £500 million for the Ukrainian fascists as part of the ‘largest ever’ provision of UK equipment to Kiev, on top of the £2,5bn already provided this year.

The Telegraph considers that the Ukraine war has exposed the fact that ‘the army is too small and ill- equipped to conduct overseas combat operations at any meaningful level.

‘The Royal Navy has two 65,000 ton aircraft carriers that have neither the manpower or the planes to make them fully operational, while the Royal Airforce is desperately short of combat aircraft.’

Re-armament is the issue, and with it vast expenditures that the working class must provide, and the re-introduction of conscription to turn youth into cannon fodder.

For the Daily Telegraph, the essence of the matter is that: ‘At the forthcoming general election, Britain’s security must be the central issue between the parties, supplanting the usual arguments over who will spend more on benefits or an unreformed NHS.’

For the Telegraph, ‘The country’s defences can no longer be sacrificed on the altar of an ever expanding Welfare State.’

It is the Welfare State that will have to be sacrificed!

Never have the class interests of the ruling class and the working class been in such a violent contradiction to each other.

The UK bosses and their politicians want to scrap the UK Welfare State, all the better to fight imperialist wars against the working people of the world including the workers of Russia, China and the Middle East.

New imperialist wars will see the imperialist powers seeking to drive the working class back to the ‘dark ages’, when trade unionism was completely illegal and a criminal activity.

The issue facing the working class is the building of the World Party of the Socialist Revolution, the Fourth International.

This will unite the working class of the world and transform imperialist wars, where the working class is the cannon fodder, into civil wars where the working class of the world united in the Fourth International mobilises to carry out socialist revolutions and the victory of the world socialist revolution.

In the UK, this means building the Workers Revolutionary Party, and its youth section the Young Socialists, to force the TUC to organise a Special Congress to call a general strike to bring down the Tories, and to create the conditions for carrying out the British Socialist Revolution.

Only the Workers Revolutionary Party fights for the victory of the British Socialist Revolution.

Only the International Committee of the Fourth International fights for the victory of the world-wide socialist revolution, to put an end to the capitalist law of the jungle, and bring in planned production to satisfy people’s needs.

The ruling classes meanwhile are trapped in the crisis of their own system, its death agony, where huge economic collapses and slumps prepare the way for new world wars to redivide the planet.

The WRP is the British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of the Socialist revolution. The Young Socialists is its youth section. The WRP fights for the victory of the world socialist revolution – we urge all workers and youth to join us today!