Putin Calls For Referendums In The Donbass And For Workers To Decide To Join Russia!


ALL WORKERS, youth and trade unionists must support the decision of Russian leader Putin to call up reservists to serve in the Ukraine, and to oversee referendums in the various Donbass Republics in Eastern Ukraine to allow them to join Russia.

The US and UK brigands have a clear policy. This is that they must clear Russia and then China out of their way so that ‘normal service’ can be resumed and the imperialist powers will be able to rebuild the worldwide domination that they once enjoyed.

They have supplied the Ukraine with billions of pounds and dollars of advanced weaponry, and when the ensuing war flared up and halted oil, gas and wheat supplies worldwide – with whole countries and millions of people facing death from starvation – they again replied ‘so what!’ and that British workers, in particular, should be proud of being able to make such sacrifices on behalf of the UK boss class.

The other side of the Ukrainian collapse is the massive inflationary wave that has destroyed workers’ living standards worldwide, that Truss and Co are so proud of.

The truth is that this operation began a long time ago, and its first victory was the organisation of gangs of Ukrainian fascists in Maidan Square, armed to the teeth, to bring down the Yanukovych pro-Russian government, and to bring in a pro-US extreme right-wing regime.

This 2014 coup was organised in the USA. That the coup was financed by US imperialism and its European allies is in no doubt, as is the fact that President Biden’s son was in Ukraine trying his hand at being a billionaire banker.

Indeed, as far back as 13th December, 2013, the right-wing US assistant secretary of state, Victoria Nuland, in a speech in Washington at a meeting sponsored by the US-Ukrainian Foundation, boasted that the US government had spent $5 billion to finance the neo-Nazi thugs, who operate under the umbrella of the Right Sector, and who provided the shock troops and leadership of the demonstrations.

These thugs, who openly call for war against Russians and Jews, were unleashed by the imperialist powers to carry out a brutal war against the Ukrainian working class and open the country up to economic and political domination by the US and EU.

Workers from Odessa to the Donbass refused to allow them to take over, and fought them tooth and nail.

The fascists were kept out of eastern Ukraine, but did their worst in Odessa where they burnt down the House of Trade Unions, burning 40 workers to death. In the Crimea, workers kept the fascists at bay and rallied at Lenin’s statue, and won a referendum that allowed them to join Russia.

Heavy fighting has been taking place in Eastern Ukraine for years. The Ukrainian fascists have been kept at bay by a fierce and revolutionary working class, determined to defend the gains of the Russian Revolution.

Now, the imperialists are seeking to complete the job, and take back Eastern Europe for the bosses. The UK working class and the US working class must not just look on at this struggle, they must join it!

The position of the US and UK bosses is so desperate that they are willing to starve you out with a fantastic rise in inflation, while they seek to get to grips with the Russian workers.

The masses of the Ukrainian workers are not fascists, as they will show in the days ahead in defence of the gains of the Russian Revolution, and to restore the Soviet Union and rule through workers’ soviets from Vladivostok to Kiev.

We urge the UK workers to take action against the UK bosses who are willing to see you starve so that they can weaken Russia and strengthen capitalism and imperialism.

On Tuesday 18th October, the Trades Union Congress is holding its conference. Thousands of workers must lobby it and demand that the TUC calls a general strike to bring down the Tories and bring in a workers’ government and socialism.

A workers government will nationalise the banks, the oil companies and the major industries under workers’ management and bring in a planned socialist economy. Such a government will encourage socialism throughout Europe and Asia and create the conditions where the Soviet Union can be restored as part of a World Socialist Republic.