
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Royal Mail’s Privatisation Bill includes the end of the daily delivery

THE Coalition’s Business Secretary, Cable, told MPs last week in the House of Commons that the Bill to privatise the Royal Mail ‘will maintain...

Expropriate the landlords, build millions of council homes

WHEN the Tory Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, starts accusing his coalition government of ‘Kosovo-style social cleansing’ in the capital over the plans to...

Bankers fumble in the dark

‘THE recession has. . . certainly presented us with plenty of puzzles,’ says the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, Charles Bean. Addressing the...

Take strike action to support FBU!

THE London Firefighters one day strike last Saturday has drawn a swift response from the capitalist state, via their mouthpieces in the bourgeois press. Commenting...

Coalition ready for Mumbai-style heavy weapons battles in cities

UK security chiefs have ordered an acceleration in police heavy weapons training so that they can hold the line against Mumbai-style attacks in UK...

308 bullets fired at Freedom Flotilla 308 bullets fired at Freedom Flotilla blockade busters

ON May 31 this year, Israeli commandos abseiled onto the deck of the ‘Mavi Marmara’, which was sailing in international waters on its way...

US-UK war unleashed licenced mass murder onto the Iraqi people!

LAST Friday night, Wikileaks published the secret US field reports and war logs from the battlefield that is Iraq, detailing recorded civilian deaths, torture...

All out behind the firefighters

Today, the London FBU are staging the first of two eight hour strikes against the plans to sack the entire workforce of over 5,000...

Organise a general strike to kick out the Tory-LibDem regime

EVERYONE has had the chance to work out what the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition government’s Comprehensive Spending Review means, with £81bn in cuts hitting jobs...

Fight Tory class war programme – bring down the Coalition!

OSBORNE began his spending review speech yesterday by saying that: ‘Today’s the day when Britain steps back from the brink’. In fact, his speech represented...

Make It ‘Doomsday’ For The Coalition Not For Council Housing

THE ‘social housing’ budget in England is to be slashed by more than 50 per cent. Up to 90 per cent of the market rent...

One day FBU strikes must pave the way for a general strike!

LAST Friday the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) announced that it would kick off its defence of jobs and conditions with two days of strike...

Tories savage poor but grovel to Clinton and US

THE bankers coalition has set the scene for next Wednesday’s cuts announcements in true Bullingham Club style, by declaring that ‘welfare cheats’ equal muggers,...

Death while under ‘restraint’

THE death of a 46-year-old family man being deported from Heathrow has thrown the spotlight on the entire racist immigration policy and its private...

Workers do Battle All Over Europe!

GREEK riot police fired tear gas and beat Ministry of Culture workers yesterday morning after the workers had occupied the Acropolis in Athens demanding...

Defend the Royal Mail – Form a public sector alliance – Bring down the...

FOLLOWING the publication of the coalition’s Postal Services Bill, Billy Hayes, CWU general secretary, said: ‘The government has wasted no time in flogging...

Reject ‘unlimited fees’, restore free state education

LORD BROWNE’S Review was published yesterday, recommending unlimited tuition fees for university, with ‘the market’ setting the level. The coalition’s Business, Innovation and Skills Secretary,...

Met chief demands police be beyond the law

IT emerged yesterday that the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Sir Paul Stephenson, has been lobbying the Tory home secretary for changes in the...

Hague, Cameron are responsible for Linda Norgrove’s death

US special forces in Afghanistan mounted an attempt to rescue Linda Norgrove after the British government in the persons of Foreign Secretary Hague and...

Currency War Prelude To Shooting War!

LEADERS of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank came out yesterday with dire warnings about the emerging ‘currency war’. Speaking on the eve...

Stop the great pensions robbery with a general strike

HUTTON, the Blairite currently doing the dirty work smashing up public sector pensions for Cameron and Osborne, has come up with no surprises. He...

Taleban Offensive Actions On The Rise

THERE is no need for major changes in current Afghan strategy, US president Barack Obama told Congress according to a letter released by the...

Coalition To Use Prisoners To Cut Wages

PRISONERS will be forced to work 40 hours a week, Thatcherite veteran Clarke told the Tory Party conference yesterday. The Justice Minister...

CBI calls for more anti-union laws!

YESTERDAY the employers’ organisation, the CBI, was joined by Tory London mayor, Boris Johnson, in demanding further laws to outlaw strike action against the...

Revolution – only way out for Ireland and Europe!

THE Irish Government’s guaranteeing 100 per cent of all banking deposits has resulted in the Irish state drowning in a bottomless pit of bail-outs....

Defend benefits! down with ‘universal credit’!

THE announcement yesterday that the work and pensions minister, Iain Duncan Smith, had won his battle with the treasury over bringing in a single ‘universal...

Revolution is the only way forwards!

THE working class of Europe is rising up to fight the savage spending cuts now being imposed by governments across the Continent. When the UK...

Forward with the European socialist revolution

YESTERDAY Europe shook as millions of Spanish workers took to the streets in a general strike, while over 100,000 workers from all over Europe...

Put up with the Tories for five years and don’t strike, says Miliband

THE new Labour Party leader Ed Miliband spelt out yesterday his intention to act as a tame and loyal leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition,...

Defend state university education against the coalition barbarians!

LORD Browne’s review of university funding is to recommend a threefold increase in tuition fees. Lord Browne (former head of BP) is proposing to raise...

Miliband to support Tory cuts and Royal Mail privatisation!

ED MILIBAND, the new Labour Party leader, has made it perfectly clear that his victory does not mean that he is going to oppose...

Unions Must Stop Queen Mary’s Closure!

THE news that the Accident and Emergency and maternity units at Queen Mary’s Hospital are to be closed for the coming winter is a...

To The Hague With The Israeli Leadership

AN inquiry ordered by the UN Human Rights Council said on Wednesday that Israel violated human rights law and international humanitarian law when its...

Defend the Royal Mail – bring down the coalition!

The Tory-led coalition’s Business Secretary, Vince Cable, yesterday launched a demagogic attack on ‘spiv’ and ‘gambling’ bankers and their bonuses at the LibDem Conference. This...

Deepening crisis means revolution in the UK and Ireland

THE amount of new public sector borrowing in the UK hit a record of £15.9bn for August. This is £1.8 billion higher than in...

Cbi Demands Huge Cuts To Save The Bosses

THE employers organisation, the CBI, yesterday demanded that the Tory coalition government go even further than it has pledged, in destroying benefits and...

No evidence for ‘street cleaners’ plot’ against Pope

TO ADD to the drama surrounding the visit of the Pope – who set the scene with his, and his associates’ attacks on...

Pope Arrives To Organise Counter-Revolutionaries

THE visit to Britain by Pope Benedict XVI has only one aim, to make a pact with the British ruling class, to help strengthen...

Public sector must strike alongside the firefighters!

‘You want a war pal, you’ve picked on the wrong union and we’re going to take you on and you will not win,’ GMB...

Wolf in sheep’s clothing at the TUC

THE ‘Wolf’, the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, at yesterday’s TUC Congress, sought to explain to the ‘sheep’, the working class,...

Lesson from TUC is build the WRP NOW!

AFTER only two days of the annual TUC Congress the message is startlingly clear, the trade union and the working class movement stands at...

Afghan war lost – withdraw British troops now!

THE imperialist invasion of Afghanistan is coming apart at the seams. In fact, the UK troops themselves are now rejecting it, as a legitimate operation,...

TUC to lobby Tory Party conference – to change Tory policy

THE TUC General Council statement issued on Saturday constitutes a betrayal of the working class and the trade unions. It seeks to divert...

Call a General Strike!

THE Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT) have submitted a motion to next week’s TUC congress calling for the TUC to organise a co-ordinated...

Expropriate the bankers and bosses!

IT WAS asserted by economists long ago that labour is the source of all wealth, and Federick Engels – the lifelong friend and collaborator...