Cable grovels – a prisoner of the Tories
CABLE, the man who was threatening the ‘nuclear option’ of walking out of the Tory-led coalition, has meanwhile grovelled to his Tory betters. This was...
Record Rise Of Public Sector Debt Means More Savage Cuts
THE Tory-led coalition’s public sector debt for November has shot up to £23.3 billion, £5.9 billion more than the figure for November 2009. It...
McCluskey and the ideologically-driven Tory cuts
WRITING in yesterday’s Guardian newspaper the general secretary elect of Unite, Len McClusky, was forced to use the dread words ‘general strike’ in the...
‘WE ARE AT WAR’ says Greek PM as workers prepare to storm parliament
THE Greek Socialist Party Prime Minister, Yiorghos Papandreou, told his party’s parliamentary deputies last Saturday that ‘no one likes emergency procedures but we are...
Defend your homes with a socialist revolution!
THE Thatcherite dream of creating a nation of home owners is already a nightmare for millions struggling to make their mortgage repayments. It is...
Trade Unions must stop the New Year mass sackings with a general strike
UNEMPLOYMENT is set to rocket, over and just after Christmas, when up to 100,000 public sector workers are to get their redundancy notices so...
Holbrooke, Blair, Thaci, mafia wars and organ theft
THE Council of Europe has named the Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, as a mafia leader who organised the sale of drugs and weapons...
Inflation Out Of Control, Rate Rise On The Way
INFLATION is on the rise with the CPI rate increasing from 3.1 per cent to 3.2 per cent, while the RPI rate rose from...
Localism Bill a cover for mass sackings and privatisation
YESTERDAY saw the Tory-led coalition finally unveil its so-called ‘Localism Bill’, which is central to its plans to make massive cuts in local government...
Police want to use water cannon and rubber bullets
THE Metropolitan Police is considering its tactics after the failure of its containment and ‘kettling’ policies in Parliament square last Thursday, when...
Declare the Palestinian state!
LAST Tuesday night it was confirmed by the United States that its much-vaunted ‘peace’ initiative over Palestine had collapsed. The State Department was forced to...
100,000 Youth Lay Siege To Parliament!
YESTERDAY huge masses of youth marched on the House of Commons, which was deciding to bring in tuition fees of £9,000 a year, turning...
Tuc Must Call A General Strike To Bring Down The Coalition!
TRANSPORT UNION RMT has called on its members and the entire trade union movement to get out on the streets in full support of...
Free Julian Assange – Jail The Imperialist Butchers
WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange was arrested in London yesterday and is now in jail, awaiting hearings to extradite him to Sweden where he will...
Defending US ‘strategic interests’ leads directly to imperialist war
IT WAS CLAUSEWITZ who said that war is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means. In unveiling a large number of...
UK continuing to stab the Chagossians in the back
THE WikiLeaks revelations prove once again that British imperialism, although greatly weakened, remains just as poisonous and rotten as ever. This comes out clearly in...
Trade Unions Must Fight Alongside The Students!
THE News Line fully supports the call by the secretary of the Young Socialists Student Society for next week’s lobby and rally by the...
Obama Commission sets out a plan for massive attacks on working class
AFTER President Obama’s announcement that he intends to impose a two-year wage freeze on Federal workers, the Obama appointed US deficit commission has called...
Smash the capitalist state, sack the chief constables, no to police commissioners!
THE Tory-LibDem coalition is set to introduce a ‘reform programme’ for the police that will establish regimes of elected police commissioners, who will have...
Workers and youth forward to the Socialist revolution!
LAST Sunday the president of the National Union of Students (NUS), Aaron Porter, made a surprise visit to a meeting of students occupying University...
WikiLeaks reveals US gangster diplomacy
THE latest WikiLeaks release of US documents reveals the essence of US diplomacy, and it stinks to high heaven with its intense imperialist antagonism...
Miliband is a fraud!
ED Miliband’s speech to the National Policy Forum was devoted to the theme that Labour, while ‘going beyond’ the completely discredited open worship of...
Israel to build rail link into West Bank
IT IS well known that the desire of the Zionist ruling class in Israel to expand the area under its rule is unquenchable, and...
McCluskey must meet with Gate Gourmet sacked workers!
LEN McCluskey, winner of the election for the post of Unite general secretary, said on Wednesday that ‘I have a huge agenda in front...
Coalition Government announces plan to end council housing
Earlier this week the Coalition government’s Housing Minister, Grant Shapps, unveiled the government’s plans to destroy the last vestige of affordable social housing. In what...
Smash all fees – build a new leadership in the NUS!
TODAY will see the second wave of student anger against the Tory government’s decision to treble tuition fees from around £3,000 to £9,000 a...
Revolutionary generation will lead British socialist revolution
LAST Sunday’s News Line Anniversary meeting, which greeted the Young Socialists’ March for Jobs and Free Education, was a historic moment in the history...
Irish trade unions must call a general strike!
IRISH TUC leader David Begg said on Saturday ‘It appears that the day of reckoning has arrived. The barbarians are at the gates.’ ...
The Real Tory Voice Speaks Out
THE declaration by Tory grandee, Lord Young – a key member of the Thatcher and Major governments that fought the NUM and supported Murdoch’s...
Johnson wants Labour to junk the unions!
LABOUR’S Shadow Chancellor has declared that it is time for the Labour Party to completely dump the union bloc vote in future leadership elections. Johnson,...
Irish enforced bail-out will bring EU to breaking point!
IRISH Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, and the Irish government, are being forced onto their knees by the EU and the European Central Bank...
Torturers must pay for their crimes!
YESTERDAY’S announcement by the coalition government that it has agreed to make huge payments to former detainees at the notorious Guantanamo Bay concentration camp...
Eu To Throw Irish Workers To The Wolves
PRESSURE is being piled onto the Irish government to accept a further EU bail-out of between 60bn to 80bn euros, which will mean handing...
‘The war against terror’ – a war that cannot be won!
IT’S official. The western imperialist states are engaged in a ‘war against terror’, which they have been waging since the Bush-Blair axis was formed...
‘Currency wars’ will lead to imperialist war
THE meeting of the G20 group – the 20 leading countries in the world – concluded in Seoul yesterday with the usual empty claims of...
Trade unions must reject Coalition attack on the unemployed and the poor
EX-ARMY officer Duncan Smith, the Coalition’s Work and Pensions Secretary, yesterday announced a Universal Credit to replace all benefits, and also ...
UK – At The Mercy Of The World Crisis Of Capitalism
BANK OF ENGLAND Governor King looked into his teacup yesterday morning at his press conference and all he could see was leaves, leaving him...
General Strike To Smash Fees And Bring Down The Coalition
TENS of thousands of students and youth are marching today in central London to denounce the tripling of tuition fees to £9,000, and to...
NHS in crisis – bring down the Coalition
THE long awaited public inquiry into the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust opened yesterday. It was in Mid-Staffs hospital that between 2005 and 2008 an estimated 400 patients...
Duncan Smith – Coalition Slave Master
THE Coalition’s Duncan Smith, an ex-army officer, is proposing to discipline the unemployed with forced slave labour, as part of the Coalition’s plan to...
After November 5th rout build new leadership in the FBU
THE News Line salutes the London FBU membership which has stood firm in its defence of terms and conditions against a pre-planned massive onslaught...
‘Education not Emigration’ needs a socialist revolution in Ireland
IRISH government plans to increase university fees from 1,500 euros to 2,500 euros led to Wednesday’s 40,000 strong students march in Dublin, and to...
Leaving university £70,000 in debt!
MEDICAL students will be left almost £70,000 in debt under Government plans to allow universities to charge up to £9,000 in tuition fees, the...
Down with the Anglo- French imperialist war plans!
ON August 31 the Labour Party called on the Coalition to end the speculation that Britain is considering sharing its aircraft carrier capability with...
Take strike action to support the firefighters and trade unionism
THE use of police dogs to ‘protect’ scabs at a south London fire station during yesterday’s one day strike by London FBU members shows...