Defend The NHS By Bringing Down The Coalition!
THE Tory-led coalition lie, that the NHS is safe in their hands, has been exploded by the announcement that over 1,630 frontline jobs are...
It’s a sick society, not a ‘sick-note culture’ – as Cameron insults the unemployed
A ‘UNIVERSAL Credit’ is to be introduced in 2013, to replace all existing benefits. Cameron’s Welfare Bill includes sanctions for those turning down jobs...
Economy is busted – a deeper slump, rate rises, wage cuts and revolution...
IN his letter to Chancellor Osborne, the Bank of England governor Kings asks: ‘Why has inflation moved away from the target?’ His answer is: ‘three...
Unions must take strike action over wages & jobs!
YESTERDAY’S inflation rate figures for January are not a shock, in fact, they are an understatement of what the real inflation rate is, as...
‘Big Society’ – wholesale destruction of the Welfare State
TORY prime minister, David Cameron, launched a desperate attempt yesterday to try and convince an incredulous public that his ‘Big Society’ policy is something...
Egypt – Revolution In Permanence!
MUBARAK has gone, while the revolution that removed him, at the cost of hundreds of dead, is continuing to develop. Workers and the middle...
Inflation Now Out Of Control!
ACCORDING to the latest figures, factory input inflation – that is the increase in raw materials paid for by manufacturers – rose by a...
The bankers’ man who is admired by Ms Le Pen!
LORD Oakeshott is the senior Liberal Democrat who quit their front bench in protest at the Tory-LibDem coalition’s decision to allow the bankers to...
BA’s nail in the coffin of legal strike actions – by courtesy of Unite’s...
THE UNITE trade union leadership announced yesterday that after the cabin crew membership ‘voted last month overwhelmingly, and for the third time, to take...
Mubarak regime offers 15 per cent rise in pay and pensions!
WORKERS and youth in Cairo held mass demonstrations yesterday following the release of the detained Google executive and facebook radical Wael Ghonim. The demonstrators in...
Bosses seek abolition of trade unions – answer attack with general strike
The Institute of Directors (IoD) has proposed a 24-point plan to the Tory-led coalition government to save British capitalism. Central to their ‘blueprint for growth’ is...
Britain’s ‘Black Hundreds’ Seeking State Support
UP to 1,500 English Defence League racists, plus foreign supporters, marched through Luton on Saturday, escorted by police from 27 forces as well as...
Build the Fourth International! Victory to the World Socialist Revolution!
YESTERDAY, millions of Egyptian workers and youth, from Alexandria to Cairo’s Tahrir Square and the city of Luxor and Ports Said and Suez, marched...
Greek crisis sharpens – the working class must take the power!
AHEAD of today’s summit of the European Union the Greek transport minister issued an open threat that unless striking transport workers returned to work...
Tahrir Square demonstrators stand fast against army command and secret police attacks
AFTER the dictator Mubarak’s insistence, on Tuesday night, that he will remain president of Egypt until next September, the ‘managed change’ for Egypt, favoured...
‘We are not asking the west to choose our leaders’
THIS was the defiant and revolutionary message that came out of Egypt from demonstrators, and was shown in the western media, in response to...
Defend NHS with occupations and a general strike to bring down the government
Yesterday saw the second reading of the Tory-led coalition’s Health and Social Care Bill in Parliament, a bill designed to facilitate the wholesale closure...
Mubarak is finished – Forward to the socialist revolution
The regime of Hosni Mubarak is finished, crushed by the millions of workers, middle class, poor and – most importantly – the youth who...
Tuc Must Call A General Strike To Bring Down The Tory-Led Coalition
THE TUC met yesterday afternoon to discuss pay and pensions and the planned mass demonstration and day of action on March 26 against the...
Obama seeks bloc with Republicans against unions
THE State of the Union speech by President Obama was all about the theme that the only thing that can save the crisis-ridden US...
The Way Forward – Starve The Working Class Says King!
THE governor of the Bank of England, in his Tuesday night speech detailed the source of the gigantic inflationary rise in living costs that...
Production Slump Shocks Coalition As Crisis Deepens
THE UK capitalist economy slumped in the fourth quarter of 2010, contracting by 0.5 per cent, instead of the meagre 0.5 per cent growth...
PNA leaders bankrupt – unions must boycott Israel
The leak of confidential documents covering the ‘peace’ negotiations between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israel reveals starkly the bankruptcy and futility of...
Irish government disintegrates – forward to a workers and small farmers government
AFTER the resignation of the Foreign Minister and four other members of the Irish cabinet, the Prime Minister, Cowen has resigned as the...
Coulson, Cameron tools of the Murdoch empire
THE resignation of Coulson yesterday as Prime Minister David Cameron’s Director of Communications, follows on, almost immediately, from the police being forced to re-open...
World capitalist crisis driving forward Arab socialist revolutions!
THE ARAB leaders meeting on Wednesday at an economic summit in Egypt’s resort of Sharm el-Sheikh expressed ‘fears’ that poverty, unemployment and recession, coupled...
Defend every job! Bring down coalition! Expropriate the bosses!
UK unemployment rose by 49,000 to almost 2.5 million in the three months to the end of November, the Office for National Statistics (ONS)...
Inflation Surges As Bosses Slash Wages And Jobs
THE government revealed yesterday that inflation shot up in December with CPI inflation reaching 3.7% (up from 3.3%), and the RPI rate, which...
Public Debt doubles – overthrow bankrupt capitalism
The coalition government will be forced to accept this month that the bank bailout has more than doubled the size of the Public Debt...
Managers oppose the ‘enormous risk’ of the NHS White Paper
NHS managers have warned in a report from the NHS Confederation that the Lansley NHS White Paper will lead to hospital closures and constitutes...
Tories and LibDems routed – now bring down the coalition
THE result of the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election points to one thing, that the working class and large sections of the middle class...
Inflation rages, the trade deficit widens and the bosses demand even tougher anti-union laws
THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee yesterday kept rates at 0.5%. Inflation however is continuing to rise as world oil, wheat, meat, cotton and...
Tunisian Revolution Brings Down Interior Minister
TUNISIAN President Ben Ali has dismissed his interior minister and ordered the release of most of those detained during the current clashes over food...
Bankers get their bonuses – workers get stick
THE coalition, as expected, has signalled to the bankers that their multi-million bonuses are safe, emboldening the head of Barclays to tell the House...
‘We are the masters now’ say Tories and employers
THE TORY-led coalition is poised to give all power to the employing class through neutering employment tribunals and giving the employers their own ‘charter’...
Top of the capitalist agenda – raising food prices and starving the world
THE United Nations is warning of disturbances and revolutions in developing countries worldwide as its food price index hits an all-time high. The UN’s food...
News International, Parliament and the state
THE revelation yesterday that the News of the World (NoW) newspaper had quietly suspended its assistant editor (news), Ian Edmondson, just before Christmas, has...
Haiti one year on – hungry masses live in tents, under threat from cholera...
ALMOST one year after the Haitian earthquake that made millions homeless, the working class and the poor of Haiti are still suffering. They are still...
Massive price rises, mass sackings, business crashes and revolution in the New Year of...
THE GMB warned yesterday of 200,000 council job losses in England, with many more to take place in the rest of the UK. GMB national...
Israel steps up brutal attacks on Palestinians
OVER the New Year the killing of Palestinian men women and children has continued unabated and in the most brutal fashion. On Sunday Israeli forces...
Fight VAT increases with mass actions to bring down coalition
THE increase of VAT from 17.5 per cent to 20 per cent today will mean destitution for millions of unemployed and low paid workers...
Sinn Féin Dumps Socialism
IRISH capitalism, its banks and industries have been entirely bankrupted, and what national sovereignty the country had has also been destroyed, after the...
GMB, Unison and Unite refuse to call action to bring down coalition
‘WORKING people in the UK can help stop the Conservative-led coalition from taking a wrecking ball to the fabric of daily life.’ This is the...
Build The Fourth Internati0Nal!
THE news last week that more than 100 cities in the United States are set to go bankrupt in the new year spells complete...
Trade unions, the economic crisis and the class struggle
Brendan Barber, general secretary of the TUC, and other trade union leaders met secretly with David Cameron last week, the first such meeting between...