
Daily editorials from the newspaper

The Imf Issues Warning To The UK And Europe

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its growth forecast for Britain for the third time in nine months and warned George Osborne that...

Miliband launches attack on unions and the Labour Party

LABOUR leader Miliband is planning to allow non-Labour Party members to be registered as supporters, and to vote in leadership elections, in the affiliated...

Merkel defeated in Berlin

THE economic collapse of the eurozone continues to drive a huge political crisis for bourgeois political parties across Europe as splits on how to...

Police demand sources for Dowler leak

THE Metropolitan police are seeking a court order to force Guardian journalists to reveal their sources for the information that Milly Dowler’s ...

EU crisis sharpening to breaking point!

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is attending the meeting of the EU Finance Ministers in Poland to convey the alarm of the...

Cameron, Sarkozy poised to send ground troops into Libya!

SARKOZY and Cameron visited Tripoli yesterday, not to celebrate any illusory ‘victory’, but to shore up the NTC counter-revolutionaries, who are already fighting amongst...

Unemployment and inflation surges as Cameron threatens immigrants’ benefits

THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 80,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to July, official figures have shown....

Inflation carries on cutting wages, pensions and benefits

THE Office of National Statistics has given the figures on inflation rates for last month which confirm that British capitalism faces total economic collapse,...

Spectre of revolution haunting TUC leaders!

THE real essence of the capitalist crisis penetrated into the heart of the Trades Union Congress yesterday, as delegates assembled for their annual conference...

Egyptian Revolution Drives Zionism Into Massive Crisis!

PALESTINIANS are poised to march in their millions on 15th September both inside and outside the occupied territories, and throughout the world, including...

US ‘job creation’ will come from Medicaid and Medicare cuts

LAST Thursday night US President Barak Obama addressed a joint session of the US Congress where he outlined his new initiative that would, he...

Force leaders who won’t fight to resign – organise a general strike!

THE third reading of the Health and Social Care Bill was approved by MPs by 65 votes on Wednesday evening, with just four LibDem...

Tax Cuts For The Rich – The Scrap Heap For The Workers

TWENTY five right wing ruling class economists have worked out the way to revive the dying capitalist economy, and it is, while continuing the...

Banking Crisis Heading For The Precipice!

THE INABILITY of the US economy to recover from its jobs slump, alongside the colossal indebtedness of the EU banks – German, Italian, French...

Coalition lies on NHS privatisation exposed – trade unions must act

THE oft repeated claim by Tory prime minister Cameron that the coalition will not privatise the National Health Service has finally been exposed for...

Imperialist Vipers At Work

FROM the early 1980s, the CIA and MI6, directed by the US and UK governments of the day, supported and armed the Mujahideen in...

Counter-revolution in the classroom

A report issued yesterday outlining proposals to establish in Manchester an army-run ‘free school’, has given yet another sinister twist to the campaign by...

Get ready to defend the NHS with occupations and a general strike

LORD Crisp, who was NHS chief executive in England from 2000 to 2006, has said there is over-capacity in the ‘hospital sector’ and that...

Hague refuses to halt assault on Sirte

ON Tuesday Foreign Minister Hague told Sky TV that he would not tell the counter-revolutionaries to cancel their planned assault on the city of...

Oil companies fight to carve up Libya

IT HAS not taken long for the hyenas of the giant oil companies to descend on Libya’s oil and gas resources intent on both...

World economy on brink of collapse

THE capitalist economy of Europe took a decisive step over the brink into the abyss of collapse with the news that the euro debt...

March ban aimed at trade unions, youth and students

THE news that the Tory Home Secretary, Theresa May, has issued a blanket ban on all marches and rallies in five London boroughs represents...

Stalinism betrays Libya – build Fourth International to smash imperialism

As forces loyal to the Libyan revolution and its leader Colonel Gadaffi continue to fight on against the NATO-led onslaught on Tripoli, the imperialist...

State violence escalates – three dead in eight days!

The news that yet another person has died after a confrontation with the police brings the total of deaths arising out of such incidents...

From Low Wage To No Wage Economy – Tories Plan Chain Gangs For Youth

CRISPIN Blunt, the justice minister, announced yesterday that instructions were being issued to the courts to the effect that unemployed offenders sentenced to the...

Tuc Must Act Over Cameron’s War!

ON MONDAY the bourgeois press proclaimed the rag-bag of mercenaries and brigands who make up the so-called ‘rebels’ had crushed the forces loyal to...

Tories to make hundreds of thousands homeless – only socialism can solve housing crisis

THE policy of the Tory-led coalition to slash housing benefit for the unemployed and low income families will result in hundreds of thousands being...

Victory To Gadaffi – Defeat The Nato Gangsters!

ON Saturday, Colonel Gadaffi stated that the counter-revolutionary groups that had tried to rise up in a number of areas in Tripoli had been...

TAKE ACTION to stop Chase Farm closure!

THE Independent Reconfiguration Panel, set up to cut and close the NHS, has once again recommended to Health Secretary Lansley that the closure of...

Education cuts and £9,000 fees destroying the future for youth

AFTER record A-Level results, hundreds of thousands of students will be refused university places this year because of the coalition’s savage cuts policy. After being...

Zero Tolerance For Cameron Coalition

CAMERON and the coalition are currently conducting a ruthless campaign against youth. This is ruling class justice at its most hideous, red in tooth...

Rail fares and inflation are let rip – as wages and benefits are frozen...

RAIL commuters were protesting at Waterloo Station in London yesterday after they heard that ticket price rises of between 8% and 13% are to...

National Civilian Service a prelude to National army Service!

THE ‘master’, Cameron, and his well-trained ‘Labour servant’, Miliband, yesterday stood shoulder to shoulder once again, condemning the masses of youth who took to...

Crisis splitting Tories, police chiefs, and military

THE Tory leadership publicly lambasted what it termed the police chiefs’ ‘wrong tactics’ for dealing with the youth uprising, during the special sitting of...

Osborne seeking showdown with unions

ON Thursday the Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, made an emergency statement to parliament on the international economic crisis that is engulfing British capitalism to...

Cameron’s all-powerful police state is to fight the working class

THE beginning of PM Cameron’s speech to the recalled House of Commons was an attempt to divorce the youth uprising that is taking place...

NATO massacres Libyan civilians to loot the country’s oil

THE bloody massacre of 85 Libyan men, women and children by NATO in the town of Zlitan exposes once and for all that when...

16,000 Police Enforcers Hit London’s Streets

A VAST force of police was mobilised for last night’s action against the masses of youth who have been showing just how much they...

Big pensions for bosses, poverty for workers

A new report by the Incomes Data Services and the High Pay Commission has thrown the spotlight on the issue of pensions, and the...

Tottenham Uprising – The First Of Many

THE uprising that took place in Tottenham on Saturday night came 48 hours after the police shooting of a local man, Mark Duggan, and...

Only one solution to the death agony of capitalism: bury it now with...

EVEN sections of the bourgeois media, and the bourgeoisie that it represents, were yesterday able to describe the appearance of the current world...

Human rights groups quit UK’s fake torture inquiry!

TEN leading human rights organisations, along with victims of torture and their lawyers, have withdrawn from the British government’s Detainee Inquiry because they believe...

US debt deal increases economic crisis and puts the US on the road to...

THE National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare says the following about Obama’s debt deal that savages the poor and leaves the rich...

Foxconn to replace its Chinese workers with a million robots

TAIWANESE electronics manufacturer Foxconn, which assembles products for Apple, plans to have a million robots, by the next three years, in operation in its...

Since bankrupt capitalism offers workers a ‘bleak old age’– get rid of it!

LORD McFall, who has been examining private sector pension schemes, has concluded in his Workplace Retirement Income Commission review, that workers on private pensions...