Hague Must Resign Over Libyan Debacle
THE latest NATO war crime, the bombing of the Libyan TV station, killing three technicians, was a repeat of a similar war crime,...
World capitalism hanging over the brink
WHAT bourgeois economists thought was unthinkable just a few days ago is now about to happen. In just four days time the United States is...
Stop the great pensions robbery!
2.5 million public service employees are being told how much extra the coalition government intends to force them to pay in pension contributions from...
UK-France Moving To Partition Libya
FOREIGN Secretary William Hague yesterday ordered the Libyan charge d‘affaires out of the UK along with all Libyan diplomats. Hague said: ‘We’re inviting the...
UK-France defeated by the Libyan masses!
AFTER months of bombing and killing civilians, the Libyan imperialist adventure is nearing its end after both the UK and French governments have...
Staffing cuts causing ‘avoidable’ maternal deaths
AN independent inquiry into the unusually large number of maternal deaths in London over the past two years has confirmed that the government policy of...
The world crisis and the fascist slaughter in Norway
THE fascist, Breivik, who carried out the mass murder of up to 100, mainly youth in Oslo and attempted to murder the Labour Prime...
EU heads for economic collapse and revolution
ON Thursday the heads of the Eurozone met in emergency session in a desperate attempt to head off Greek state bankruptcy leading to the...
Government overruled – Mau Mau legal action is to go forward
THE High Court yesterday rejected the disgraceful British government attempt to strike out the claims of Kenyan victims of British Colonial torture and terror...
Cameron shows his contempt for parliament
TORY leader Cameron was allowed to bluff his way through yesterday’s debate, on his special statement on the Murdoch-Coulson scandal, held after it caused...
Bring down the Cameron-Murdoch police state
YESTERDAY’S parliamentary committee sessions saw News International stand brazenly in denial of any knowledge of the phone hacking that took place at the News...
End misery of bankrupt capitalism with socialist revolution
LAST Friday the European Banking Authority released the findings of this year’s Stress Test for European banks. These stress tests, introduced one year ago, are...
Close down the Murdoch press – forward to a workers government
LABOUR leader Miliband, true to form, has spoken up for new media ownership rules to limit Rupert Murdoch’s ‘dangerous’ and ‘unhealthy’ concentration of power. He...
Capitalism’s Historical Crisis Demands Socialist Revolution
THE historic crisis of world capitalism has come to a head with a vengeance, with both the once mighty US economy and the European...
5.5 million households live in ‘fuel poverty’
THE number of UK households in fuel poverty rose by one million in 2009 to 5.5 million. The figures from the Department of Energy...
Murdoch withdraws BskyB bid – Now bring down coalition!
YESTERDAY the Prime Minister announced that a judge-led phone hacking inquiry will have powers to call media proprietors, editors and politicians to give evidence,...
‘UNCONVINCING’ Yates refuses to resign
ASSISTANT Scotland Yard Commissioner John Yates – who reviewed a Metropolitan police investigation into phone hacking and decided not to proceed to examine at...
Southern Cross collapse– true face of privatisation
On Monday Tory prime minister, David Cameron, unveiled the long awaited White Paper that will enshrine in law the ‘presumption’ that public services should...
Greek contagion hits Italy and the US
Today the leaders of the Eurozone will be meeting once again in a desperate attempt to try and stop the collapse of the euro...
Shutting down News of the World won’t end Murdoch-Cameron crisis
RUPERT Murdoch has moved with great ruthlessness to try to make sure that he takes over BSkyB by shutting down the News of the...
British government inquiry into ‘complicity in torture’ is a fraud
ON Wednesday the government published the Evidence Protocol for the ‘inquiry’ into allegations of British complicity in torture – a year after the inquiry...
Murdoch – the police – the government and the state
THE admission by Met police chief Sir Paul Stephenson, that Murdoch’s News International was paying serving police officers, comes as no shock to those...
Unions must take action! Occupy Bombardier! Bring down the coalition! Nationalise to...
THE proposed sacking of 1,500 Bombardier workers in Derby is the beginning of the end for the train construction industry in the UK, and...
Greek ‘bailout’ derailed
The Chairman of the EU group of finance ministers, Jean-Claude Junker, spelt out at the weekend exactly what the EU and IMF ‘bailout’ of...
Greek workers and Palestinian masses are allies
THE Greek Pasok capitalist government, that is using its state forces to bludgeon and gas tens of thousands of workers protesting against its sell-off...
Chinese Stalinists Feeling The Anger Of The Masses
THIS week, as part of the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party, the party general secretary and China’s president, Ho...
Maude-Miliband Unite To Condemn Pension Strikers
YESTERDAY’S stoppage in defence of pensions saw 90 per cent of PCS members stopping work, the biggest turn-out for strike action in the union’s...
Revolution Only Way Forward For Greece And UK
WORKERS and youth in Greece have spent the last two days outside the Vouli being bombarded and attacked by riot policemen, some on motorbikes...
Coalition forcing in education commodity market
THE University and College Union (UCU) yesterday warned that the government was organising an ‘NHS-style crash’ pushing through ‘reforms’ to create an education...
Gove calls for parents to scab
Over the weekend the Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove issued a call for parents to volunteer to break Thursday’s strike by civil servants and...
Well Done – Unison Conference Rejects Histadrut
THE Unison National Delegate Conference has rejected ‘critical engagement’ with the Histadrut, the Zionist trade union, which plays a central role in the Zionist...
US capitalism in crisis – war at home and abroad is its only way...
US CAPITALISM, the most powerful in the world, is teetering on the brink of collapse under a tidal wave of debt. This dire warning was...
US-UK in a stampede to quit Afghanistan!
IN the light of President Obama’s determination to quit Afghanistan, and his acknowledgement that the US has been talking to the Taleban, the UK’s...
Don’t Cross Picket Lines On June 30Th!
MEMBERS of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), National Union of Teachers (NUT), Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) and University and College...
Forward With The European Socialist Revolution!
ON MONDAY in the House of Commons, ex-Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw rounded on the government stating: ‘Instead of sheltering behind complacent language and...
Abuse of elderly inevitable outcome of privatisation
A major study by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into the quality of home care for the elderly in England has thrown the...
Nato Murders Civilians In Tripoli Air Strikes
IN another night of terror, murder and horror NATO, allegedly making war on Libya to protect civilians from air attack, has been murdering...
Royal Mail is preparing mass sackings!
POSTAL workers throughout the country face crunch time in defence of their jobs and the very existence of their union, the CWU. This was spelt...
Whither the NHS is still to be decided!
THE fury of the Blairite Milburn over the changes to the Health Bill that have been forced on the Tory-led coalition by the massive...
June 30th must be a one-day general strike!
PUBLIC and Commercial Services Union leader Mark Serwotka said yesterday, just before the massive vote for strike action on June 30th by his PCS...
Gaza has 45.2 % unemployment – Greek youth unemployment is 45%!
GAZA’S unemployment rate is among the world’s highest, at 45.2%, the UN has found. The territory continues to be blockaded by Israel, while the...
Defend the NHS – kick the government out!
THE coalition’s much-vaunted consultation period over its proposals to smash up the NHS and privatise it out of existence finally came to an end...
Gates flays NATO and threatens the US will abandon ship
LAST Friday, at the NATO summit, the outgoing US Defence Secretary Bill Gates flayed NATO savagely and ridiculed the military alliance, threatening that the...
Libyan Counter- Revolutionaries Being Showered With Cash!
WESTERN and Arab countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia have pledged $1bn for the right-wing stooges of imperialism in Benghazi, at the latest...
There Must Be Action To Halt Royal Mail And NHS Privatisation
THE Royal Mail faces privatisation this summer after the passage of the Postal Services Bill through parliament yesterday after its third reading. The legislation will...