China responds to Obama!
CHINA’S state media have responded to Barak Obama’s Pentagon announcement that the US is turning its back on the North Atlantic, and therefore...
US-UK bullies threaten war with Iran!
THE Tory Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond, declared the UK’s readiness to go to war with Iran last Thursday when he threatened that UK and...
Nigerian workers revolution has begun – it must expropriate the oil companies!
NIGERIA’S bourgeois government has pledged to the IMF and World Bank that it will push ahead and end oil fuel subsidies regardless of the...
Tory-led coalition singles out young families for special treatment
THE Tory-led coalition has got working class and middle class families with young children in its sights for savage cuts as it seeks to...
Labour And Trade Union Leaders Move To The Right!
THE Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, Liam Byrne, yesterday joined hands with Cameron and Osborne with his declaration in the Guardian newspaper that Beveridge,...
Only Revolution Can Solve The Housing Crisis
THE Tory/LibDem coalition cuts to housing benefit come into effect today with devastating consequences for all unemployed or low paid workers who rely on...
Obama Brings In New Iran Oil Sanctions!
US President Barack Obama has just signed into law a major defence bill which includes tough new sanctions against Iran, as well as allowing...
Israel continues with building settlements and preparations to invade Gaza once again
Israeli authorities on Wednesday approved 130 new settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem. Jerusalem municipality gave the go-ahead to build three 12-storey tower blocks in...
Iran warns the imperialist powers!
IRAN on Tuesday fired a shot across the bows of the imperialist powers when it threatened to halt the vital oil transport route from...
An NHS For The Rich!
THE BMA and the main TUC trade unions are completely opposed to the Health and Social Care Bill and have given up all efforts...
Time for the working class to bury British capitalism
Sir Gus O’Donnell, the most senior civil servant in the country, has broken cover with the public admission that the crisis of the capitalist...
Trade Union Bureaucracy Resumes Its Full Support For Pension Busting!
ON December 20th the major local government trade unions, after coming under massive attack from their local government members, suspended their support, agreed on...
Build Millions Of Council Homes To House The Homeless
HOMELESS people die thirty years before the national average, says the latest research from Sheffield University commissioned by Crisis, the national charity for single...
Stop the pensions sell-out! Sack Barber and Prentis! Call a general strike!
THE Trade union bureaucracy, led by TUC leader Barber and Unison leader Prentis, have shown clearly, with their position that the trade unions have...
Banking ‘reforms’ won’t stop them collapsing
Yesterday in parliament the Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, announced that the coalition government intended to accept ‘in full’ the proposals on reforming the banks...
No Pensions sell-out! Sack Prentis and Barber! Forward to the General Strike! Build new...
THE reformist trade union leaders are once again, on the pensions issue, showing that they are organically incapable of defending the basic gains of...
Build the Fourth International – the world party of the socialist revolution!
ON Thursday, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the starkest warning yet that the debt crisis gripping the eurozone...
American forces quit Iraq in defeat after 21 years of sanctions and slaughter
EIGHT and a half years after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, 21 years after the deadly UN sanctions were imposed on Iraq...
Chuck out the coalition to deal with growing mass unemployment
UK unemployment has increased to 2.64m, a rise of 128,000 in the three months to October, the highest level since 1994, with 1,027,000 youth...
Another US blow for Pakistan!
THE US Congress yesterday froze $700 million of aid to its ally Pakistan until it gets assurances that Pakistan will combat the spread of...
Westminster Council demands unemployed do ‘voluntary work’
The Tory ‘flagship’ council, Westminster, yesterday unveiled its blueprint for dumping the savage cuts in local government finances squarely on the backs of the...
Tory-Led Coalition Breaking Apart – Bring It Down!
WHILE the Prime Minister is being hailed by the anti-EU section of the Tory Party as standing up for the UK like a...
Thieves fall out in the European Union!
YESTERDAY the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, wielded the British veto over the Franco-German proposals to try and prop up the collapsing euro through...
Clinton declares war on Putin and on Russia
THE Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US Secretary of State, Clinton, of giving the Russian right wing – many of them...
Production and wages falling while ‘pay-day’ loan sharks boom as Christmas nears
THE UK’s industrial output fell 0.7% in October, its fastest fall for six months. It is now 1.7% lower than the same month in...
Standard and Poor puts a pistol to the head of the eurozone
GERMAN Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble has said Standard & Poor’s (S&P) threat to downgrade all eurozone countries, and saddle them with ruinous interest charges...
Eurozone collapsing – forward to United Socialist States of Europe
This week sees yet another desperate round of talks between the two leaders of the eurozone, German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Nicolas...
The final solution – Cameron to hand NHS patients’ details to the private sector
WE have already had the Hinchingbrooke NHS hospital scandal, where it was put under private management by Circle, with a brief to cut all...
Bourgeoisie Trembles At The Approaching Catastrophe!
THE governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, made it clear this week that the banking system faces total collapse due to ‘systemic...
King warns the ruling class to tackle the causes of the crisis
ADDRESSING a press conference yesterday afternoon, the governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, said that ‘Tackling the symptoms of the crisis without...
Forward to an indefinite general strike to bring down the coalition
OVER two million public sector workers walked out yesterday. The message was that the coalition’s savage cuts programme, that was intensified in Osborne’s Autumn...
Crisis hit Osborne pledges ruthless class war on workers, pensioners and youth
CHANCELLOR Osborne began his Autumn Statement yesterday ‘We will do whatever it takes to protect Britain from this debt storm . ....
Osborne to slash £5bn from welfare – answer with general strike
In today’s Autumn statement on the economy, the Tory chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, will announce that he intends to ‘kick start’ British...
Imperialist mad dogs bomb Pakistan ‘ally’ and step up Syrian intervention!
THE desperate crisis of world capitalism is driving forward world revolution, as the continuing revolutionary eruptions in Greece and the eurozone states, and the...
Turn The November 30Th Strike Into An Indefinite General Strike
THERE can be only one demand for next week’s one-day strike by public sector workers and that must be for the TUC to call...
Pensions conflict sharpening UK class struggle to explosion point
WITH its threat to bring in new anti-union laws, that will prevent all legal strike action by all trade unions in the UK, if...
More anti-union laws, no rights at work, the elderly being abused in their homes...
THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has said the danger for the UK from the economic crisis, particularly the crisis in the...
Egyptian workers inspiring the workers and youth of the world!
THE Egyptian workers delivered another massive blow at imperialism, Arab feudalists, Zionism and the Egyptian pro-imperialist military when hundreds of thousands of them reoccupied...
US on brink of bankruptcy – forward to socialist revolution
The once mighty US economy is set to take another irrevocable step to bankruptcy tomorrow with the news that the ‘super’ congressional committee charged...
Revolution and counter- revolution in the Middle East
EGYPTIAN workers and youth have reoccupied Tahrir Square in Cairo, and are keeping the military and the police at bay, following Saturday’s deadly clashes...
Havoc In The Eurozone!
THE noose strangling the entire capitalist economy of Europe tightened round the neck of Germany yesterday with the news that the powerful Asian investment...
Northern Rock sold at a loss as dictatorships rule in EU!
NORTHERN Rock (NR) plc is being sold to Virgin Money by the coalition government for £747m. After Northern Rock was nationalised in 2008 it...
One million youth unemployed – Capitalism has got to go!
THE three months to September to 2.62 million, as youth unemployment rose above a million. Yet not one trade union leader called for action...
Counter-revolution prepares behind cloak of Olympic Games
THE news that the coalition government is preparing to deploy ground-to-air missiles at next year’s London Olympic games has been greeted with amused bafflement...
Britannia sinking beneath the waves of the capitalist crisis!
THE bourgeois media is currently working overtime publicising the ‘bad news’ about the British capitalist economy. Everybody now knows that youth unemployment (the 16-24 age...