UK Opts For Syria Regime Change
WITH its recognition of the Syrian ‘opposition’ as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, the UK has joined France, Saudi Arabia and...
Capitalism is ‘At War’ – answer Cameron with general strike
BRITISH capitalism is ‘at war’ Cameron told the bosses yesterday, an ‘economic war’ which requires the state to rip up the rule book, strip off...
Irish Union Votes To Repudiate Bank Debt!
The Technical Engineering and Electrical Union is to contact ‘like-minded unions’ to seek ‘international legal opinion regarding the possibility of mounting a successful legal...
Quit Afghanistan now says Ashdown – as Cameron and Hague plan new wars in...
EX-Special Boat Service operative Ashdown can recognise a major defeat when it stares him in the face, and refuses to go away. He has called...
Victory to Hamas! Defeat Zionism and imperialism!
THE murderous, cowardly missile attack by Israel on Gaza, which killed Ahmed al-Jaabari along with 10 other Palestinians including two children, was a long-planned attack...
Europe Is Rising Up!
YESTERDAY millions of workers across Europe took strike action against the austerity programmes of ‘their’ bosses, bankers and governments. These programmes are creating millions...
Inflation surge hits working class families!
THE UK’s CPI inflation rate rose sharply in October to 2.7%, a rise of 0.5%, following increases in tuition fees and food prices, with...
Comet collapse and private equity
Last Friday the administrator brought in to wind down the collapsed electrical retailer chain Comet announced that 330 staff would be made redundant with...
Entwistle Put To The Sword
THE crisis of the capitalist state is rapidly deepening after the just-appointed ex-Director General of the BBC, George Entwistle, was publicly put to the...
HSBC new ‘dirty money’ laundering allegations
THE HSBC bank, the biggest bank in Europe, says it is looking into allegations that it has set up a large number of offshore...
Kick The Profiteers Out Of The NHS!
THE report by the National Audit Office (NAO) into the running of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire gives official and damming evidence of the plundering...
Obama Heading For The Fiscal Cliff – US Workers Beware!
OBAMA’S re-election is a product of the refusal of US workers to allow an all-out robber baron of capitalism, Romney, to have control over...
French Socialist government turns on the workers
THE French Socialist government has said it will raise Value Added Tax and cut public spending, kicking the working class and the poor in...
Two-day Greek General Strike – time for all-out indefinite action!
LAST week the two main Greek trade union organisations representing workers in the public and private sector called a two-day general strike starting today...
Abbas surrenders to Israel and the US over the right to return
THE Palestine National Authority President, Mahmud Abbas has just been warmly greeted as a true friend and ‘partner for peace’ by the Israeli...
Western-Backed Syrian Opposition Committing War Crimes!
THE US, UK, French, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari-backed ‘Syrian rebels’, who have been armed, equipped, financed and recognised as the representatives of the Syrian...
Manufacturing contracts in October for sixth successive month
AFTER all of the Tory propaganda chatter about the ‘recovery has begun’ the reality is that the slump is deepening. The UK’s manufacturing sector,...
TUC supports Heseltine – the Tory who closed down the mining industry
IT says something about the depth of the capitalist crisis, and the lack of ability in the Cameron government, that Lord Heseltine, who in...
Cosatu, the CP, the NUM and the police attack the Lonmin miners
ON 27th October the Minister of Education and South African Communist Party General Secretary, Blade Nzimande, along with Cosatu and National Union of Mineworkers...
An all-out assault on the working class and the poor
TORY attempts to convince the working class, the middle class and the poor that the ‘recovery’ has begun and things are looking better, are...
US, UK, Turkey Make Sure Syrian Truce Collapses
A POWERFUL car bomb exploded in Damascus on Friday, on the first day of the Syrian cease-fire, killing five people and injuring 32. Thus was...
Defeat imperialist intervention into Syria – NO to war with Iran! Bring down...
THE Guardian newspaper reported yesterday that, ‘Britain has rebuffed US pleas to use military bases in the UK to support the build-up of forces...
Afghan defeat for UK imperialism – now smash them at home
AN influential group of MPs have finally admitted publicly what everyone already knows – that the invasion of Afghanistan by NATO troops, led by...
Ford and GM shutting down in Europe
THE US motorcar giants GM and Ford were rescued from bankruptcy by President Obama who ‘nationalised’ them, so that the US taxpayer could get...
Workers and youth vote for left parties in West Bank elections
PALESTINIAN voters in the West Bank have delivered a blow to the Fatah movement in local elections which saw Fatah winning two-fifths of...
Orgreave and Hillsborough cover-ups! Smash the capitalist state!
The call by the general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers, Chris Kitchen, for the investigation into the police cover-up over the Hillsborough...
Now Organise The General Strike!
SATURDAY’S mass marches in London, Glasgow and Belfast were marches to bring down the coalition, regardless of the intentions of their TUC organisers who...
World Crisis Of Capitalism Requires World Revolution
CAPITALISM is a worldwide system dominating the whole planet, in which there is no national solution to the problems brought about by the latest...
After the Peace Prize – let battle commence!
AT the same moment as France and Germany were being given a Nobel prize for keeping the peace in Europe, ie not going to...
TOP SECRET – what the Prince of Wales thinks of his subjects
THE COALITION government has intervened to veto a decision by a three-judge tribunal, that 27 letters by the Prince of Wales advocating...
FOOD BANKS becoming the rule in poverty-stricken UK
THERE are currently 270 food banks across the UK where poverty-stricken workers and youth are directed to get subsistence amounts of food. As the capitalist...
Government Plans Secret Courts!
A REPORT issued yesterday by the civil rights group Amnesty describes the proposed Justice and Security Bill as being straight out of a Franz...
Israel Poised For Gaza Attack!
ISRAEL is gearing up for another major attack on the Gaza Strip to try and drive back the revolutionary forces in the area. At the...
Peace Prize for the ‘Fourth Reich’
The European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘six decades of work in advancing peace in Europe’, according to Thorbjoern Jagland...
Tory War On Teachers
THE Tory conference this week stepped up its vicious attack on teachers and their unions with education secretary Michael Gove treating them, as befits...
Financial Crisis Worsening, Says The Imf
IN its just-published Global Financial Stability Report, the IMF has found that ‘Confidence remains fragile despite recent policy actions’, and that the ‘Euro area...
Osborne pledges to hammer the poor and the unions
IN an attempt to show some class war steel, Chancellor Osborne began his speech at the Tory Party conference with an assault on a...
Osborne out to grind workers and youth into the ground
IN HIS speech to the Tory faithful yesterday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made it absolutely clear that he is going to grind the...
Troika Forcing Greek Revolution
THE Troika of the IMF, the ECB and the EU have imposed such a massive austerity programme onto the backs of the Greek working...
NHS to pay for bank crisis – time to bury capitalism not the NHS
IN HIS first interview since becoming the coalition Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt spelt out bluntly that capitalism could no longer afford a national health...
European workers moving inexorably to revolution
THE CALL for European-wide, co-ordinated strike action to defeat the EU ‘austerity’ measures made by the leader of the Greek TUC is a sure...
Miliband pledges to save bankrupt capitalism, the issue is to overthow it
TUESDAY'S speech to the Labour Party conference has been greeted with an outpouring of joy from the leadership of the trade unions and the...
Reformists Miliband and Balls sink to new depths of treachery – build the revolutionary...
YESTERDAY Labour leader Ed Miliband delivered his keynote speech to the party conference in which he firmly aligned himself with every reactionary anti-working class...
Defend the NHS – bring down the government!
Yesterday the NHS was officially opened up by the coalition government to the vultures of the private healthcare industry, whose only aim is to...
A&E closures cost lives! Build Councils of Action – Occupy!
INTERNAL documents secured by the Mail on Sunday under the Freedom of Information Act, along with a report due to be issued later this...