BMA has shown the way – now all trade unions must take action to...
ON Monday, the BMA conference (ARM) passed unanimously a vote of No Confidence in the Tory-led coalition’s Health Secretary, Hunt, and also called for...
Central Bankers warn of new financial crash
THE Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has broken ranks with the IMF and the World Bank and issued a grim warning to the ruling...
Miliband Praises Attlee But Plans To Bury The Welfare State
MlLIBAND, Balls and co are like circus performers on the highest of high wires, being buffeted by a huge economic gale that is pauperising...
Coalition To Take The Axe To Council Spending And End ‘Ring-Fencing’
COUNCILS in England face a 10% cut in funding from central government as part of the coalition’s spending plans for 2015/16. As well, there...
Brazil and Bernanke give banks the shivers!
IT REALLY doesn’t take very much to send the international capitalist money markets into a state of panic, as the US Federal Reserve chairman,...
Brazil erupts as social revolution hits South America
THE Brazilian government is deploying heavily armed troops to five main urban centres that are the driving force of the present uprising by the...
UK flees Afghanistan – and sacks 4,500 troops
NATO has handed over security for the whole of Afghanistan to the Afghan puppet government for the first time since the Taliban were ousted...
Labour sells out on state education
THE Labour shadow education minister, Stephen Twigg, made a speech yesterday that was billed as ‘wresting’ the initiative on education from the Tories –...
‘Moderate anti-extremist’ seeks talks with US
HASSAN Rouhani has hailed his election as Iran’s president as a ‘victory of moderation over extremism’. The cleric won just over 50 per cent of...
Hague, Cameron will join Obama’s war on Syria
PRIME MINISTER Cameron and Foreign Secretary Hague, despite the fact that the Tory cabinet and party are split on the issue, yesterday gave their...
The Spark That Started A Revolution!
OVER a million Greeks stopped work yesterday in a general strike while tens of thousands of Greek workers, unemployed and youth rallied in front...
Over A Million Pensioners Are Now Working
THE petty 5,000 fall in the number of the unemployed (that is the number of workless who are calculated to be looking for...
US prepares no-fly zone over Syria
THE news that the US secretary of state, John Kerry, was forced to scrap a planned visit to Israel in order to attend an...
Debt crisis requires social revolution
WHEN it comes to desperate, mindless optimism the French president, Francois Hollande, is a world leader. In a speech given in Japan over the weekend,...
Spooks fear revolution
THE Tory foreign secretary, William Hague, appeared on television yesterday morning to give a less than convincing pledge that ‘law abiding citizens’ have ‘nothing...
Coalition Policy Is To Financially Collapse Local Authorities
THE House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has warned that ‘multiple’ local authorities are facing financial collapse due to government spending cuts. The...
Miliband adopts Osborne’s programme to smash Welfare State!
LABOUR Party leader Miliband’s speech on the party’s economic strategy showed conclusively that the Labour Party leaders are prepared to completely destroy the Welfare...
France and UK want air strikes after Assad’s victory at Al-Qusayr
THE Hezbollah TV channel yesterday showed a fighter planting a Syrian flag on Al-Qusayr’s clock tower while the Western powers’ surrogate, the Free Syrian...
Don’t let them drive the trade unions out of politics
IT IS now becoming obvious that the furore over parliamentary expenses and their alleged misuse, involving at least one leading Tory MP, was just...
Ed Balls ending Universal Benefit
YESTERDAY the Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, announced that the Labour Party has officially abandoned the principle of universal benefits in the interests of...
Turkish Masses Serve Notice On Erdogan
THE uprising of the Turkish masses, which began over the future of a park in European Turkey and rapidly spread across the country, including...
OFT have never fined a single payday lender!
PUBLIC Accounts Committee chairwoman Margaret Hodge has revealed that the Office For Fair Trading (OFT) ‘have never fined a lender for exploiting individual clients’. In...
Syria refuses to give way to imperialism
THE news that the Obama regime is demanding the complete withdrawal of Hezbollah fighters from Syria marks a decisive development in the increasingly desperate...
Running Scared Of Youth And Revolution!
THE German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned a Paris conference of French, German and Italian leaders on Tuesday that youth unemployment of almost 25%...
Osborne reveals new 10% cuts, while Duncan Smith volunteers to put welfare to the...
SEVEN departments of government, the Ministry of Justice, Department for Communities and Local Government, Department for Energy and Climate Change, HM Treasury, the Cabinet...
Boom-time for bailiffs
APART from the bankers and speculators, there is another group looking to make huge profits at the expense of the human misery being created...
Tories and Labour get ready for more state repressions
HOME Secretary Theresa May said yesterday that thousands of people are potentially at risk of being radicalised in the UK. ...
Obama champions murdering Americans abroad!
OBAMA, in his speech on Thursday at Fort McNair, presented himself as a president eager to end the foreign wars of the USA, and...
Stock Markets Crashing Worldwide!
THE sharp rises followed almost immediately by even bigger losses on the international stock markets over the past few days, point in only one...
Time To Put The Tory Libdem Coalition Out!
WHEN the leaders of the Coalition are forced to pledge publicly that it will go the distance and will not split apart, the...
Miliband’s Labour saves Cameron government
ON MONDAY evening, Labour Party leader Miliband completely betrayed the interests of the working class, the youth and the majority of the middle class...
No confidence in Gove by heads
At their annual conference the largest head teachers union, NAHT, passed a motion of no-confidence in the Tory education minister Michael Gove and the whole...
Tory split looms as King warns on new housing disaster
LORD Howe, who is credited with bringing Thatcher down, now seems to be about to perform the same service for PM David Cameron, with...
Defend the fire service with occupations, strike action and a general strike
FIREFIGHTERS at their conference yesterday decided to put a seven-point pensions plan to ministers and seek new talks to try to avoid strike action...
Reformists and Stalinists seek to break Greek teachers’ struggle
THE confrontation between Greek teachers and the Greek state and its EU masters has erupted this week after all teachers were served at the...
South African socialist revolution underway!
THOUSANDS of mine workers have downed tools at South Africa’s Marikana Lonmin mine after an AMCU union leader, Mawethu Steven, was shot dead at...
Obama and Cameron’s heart eating allies
EVEN the Human Rights Watch group – veterans of the struggle to remove and liquidate the Gadaffi regime in Libya, and now immersed in...
A&E closures cost lives
For the first time since the process of closing accident and emergency units in hospitals up and down the country was started by the...
Smash the Bedroom Tax with a general strike!
A GRANDMOTHER, who because of the Bedroom Tax, had to pay an extra £20 a week, has thrown herself in front of a...
Build the Fourth International all over the EU – Forward with the European Socialist...
THE Greek Statistics Authority (ELSTAT) has announced that unemployment reached 27% last February, while youth unemployment (15-24 years old) reached 64.2%, from 54.1% in...
CQC head demands thousands of NHS bed closures!
DAVID Prior, the new head of the NHS regulatory body the Care Quality Commission, nailed his colours firmly to the Tory mast of privatising...
Kerry Calls In Stalinist Bureaucracy To ‘Resolve’ Syrian Crisis
IN its hour of need – with Syria resisting massively the attempt at ‘regime change’ organised by the US-UK-Turkey axis, and carried out by...
Abolish the mountains of debt with revolution!
THE world capitalist crisis is turning the UK into a country composed of a relative handful of the very, very rich, a middle and...
EU in crisis – forward with the European socialist revolution
The crisis of European capitalism is so severe that it has driven the bourgeoisie to tear at each other’s throats in a frenzy of...
Israel Joins Al Qaeda In Attacking Syria
IN LINE with Obama’s policy of ‘leading from the rear’ (a tactic learnt after receiving some very, very harsh lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan),...