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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Trotskyism is the Marxism of today

THIS Sunday’s rally marks the 68th anniversary of the assasination of Leon Trotsky, and the 39 years of the Trotskyist daily paper, first published...

PNA leaders bankrupt – unions must boycott Israel

The leak of confidential documents covering the ‘peace’ negotiations between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israel reveals starkly the bankruptcy and futility of...

Nationalise LDV and the motor car industry

LDV, the Birmingham van factory said yesterday it would continue to look for funding until 6 May when it is due to formally go...

Desperate Situation In Gaza!

THE situation in Gaza has deteriorated to its worst ever level, just one year after a truce that ended fighting between Israel and Hamas...

Merkel defeated in Berlin

THE economic collapse of the eurozone continues to drive a huge political crisis for bourgeois political parties across Europe as splits on how to...

Low Paid UK By Permission Of The Tuc!

THE coalition government has named 70 companies that won’t pay workers the minimum wage. Even the government says that the 100 cases in the care...

Lebanon and Iraq erupt as masses demand political overthrow of their governments

LEBANON erupted over the weekend with renewed clashes between thousands of demonstrators and security forces on Sunday following violent clashes in Beirut on Saturday...

Oligarchs Go Bust As World Crisis Hits Home

Russia’s super-rich oligarchs, who made their fortunes by stealing or purchasing for a pittance chunks of the Soviet nationalised and planned economy under the...

The 1% NHS pay award is a slap in the face for all trade...

THE trade unions are unanimous in their condemnation of the 1% pay award for NHS workers. Even the TUC, which considers PM May to be...

Unite campaign for ‘Workers Economy’ is a campaign for a Starmer-led win in 2025!

THE Unite trade union has issued a press release that dangles before its members and the working class the pledge that the union would...

The Essence Of The Easter Rising!

THE bourgeois media has been awash this weekend with coverage of the centenary celebrations of the 1916 Easter Uprising in Dublin, with reports on...

Lecturers 76% ‘Yes’ for strike – 37 Universities to come out! All unions must...

UNIVERSITY lecturers and staff across the country have voted for strike action with an overwhelming 76% ‘YES’ vote. It means 37 universities will join...

US warns China as it tackles Russia in the Ukraine and fears its world...

A CHINESE attack on Taiwan is not imminent, the top US general Mark Milley has told the BBC, but the US is nervously watching...

CWU must take action to stop post office closures

2,500 POST OFFICES are to be closed by 2009 and all that the CWU post office workers union is doing about this massacre is...

Labour Party leaders move to stab Brexit in the back! Forward to a political...

AS IS to be expected the Labour leadership has been unable to hold fast to the Corbyn line that the party will support Brexit....

Bank of America: Pound faces ‘existential crisis’ with outlook for British capitalism ‘grim’....

THE BRITISH pound is facing an ‘existential crisis’ that is only going to get worse according to the Bank of America and the outlook...

Desperate Osborne swings the axe as the capitalist crisis deepens

IN HIS Spending Review of yesterday, drawn up at a time when the capitalist crisis is deepening, with inflation rising and the banks warning...

Judiciary Now Leading The Charge Against 2016 Referendum!

WE ARE now reaching the moment of truth in the struggle to carry out the result of the 2016 referendum which instructed Parliament that...

Lord Turner gives up on capitalism – forward to the socialist revolution!

CAPITALISM is not delivering on its promise to raise living standards, Lord Adair Turner, a former head of the business lobby the CBI, has...

Slump ‘deepening at an alarming pace’

THE British Chambers of Commerce yesterday published its Fourth Quarter Economic Survey of nearly 6,000 businesses. It highlights what it called ‘a...

Grenfell Tower Inquiry Ends This Week

THE FIVE years-long inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire that claimed the lives of 72 people entered its final stage this week with closing...

Labour heading for a major collision with the working class and its trade unions

LABOUR Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to tell workers that major unavoidable tax rises are on the way since she has inherited a £20bn...

No Charges For The NHS – Kick The Coalition Out

THE savage Tory-led coalition’s cuts programme to smash the NHS is now well under way! Figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)...

US Military Chief Undermines The President Over US Troops In Iraq

THE US’ top military commander General Dempsey has broken ranks with President Obama by telling the Senate Armed Services Committee that US...

Take action to stop the bosses closing factories and Tories privatising services!

WITH the crisis of capitalism deepening, the UK bosses and bankers are using the US trade war, the developing banking collapse and slump (on...

UK workers must support the struggle for Palestinian state!

EARLY on Wednesday morning Israeli occupation forces shot and killed two Palestinian youth, a 17-year-old and a 20-year-old, and injured at least two others...

Disbanding The Met Police Force Is Long Overdue. It Must Be Disbanded Without Delay!

POLICE in London have strip-searched 650 mostly Black children – most of whom were found to be innocent of the suspicions against them –...
Mass demonstration by locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow earlier in their struggle

TERRORISM BILL: Defeat Blair’s police-state measures!

THE Labour government’s new Terrorism Bill, published yesterday, will be debated by MPs in the House of Commons today. For the past few days, Prime...

Trump boasts that stock markets have gained $6 trillion since his election!

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump on Monday outlined his new national security strategy. He stressed: ‘When the American people speak, all of us should...

No ‘trade-off’ for the NHS: Kick out the Tories instead!

THE HEAD of NHS England, Simon Stevens, yesterday released the report ‘Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View’, a report that makes...

Support the junior doctors with a general strike!

THE Cameron government is being driven forward by the intensifying crisis of the capitalist system to have it out with the working class and...

Privatising the Law

The disclosure over the weekend that two police authorities, West Midlands and Surrey, have started the process of privatising the police service in their...

Banks tremble at the thought of the end of Quantitative Easing

THE pound fell below $1.49 against the dollar on Friday, close to a three-year low. Sterling traded as low as $1.4858 at one point. The...

Forced Labour schemes in crisis – bring down the coalition

A concerted public relations exercise has been launched to vilify the unemployed and attack critics of its flagship policy of forcing those on Jobseekers...

Royal Mail – The Way Forward To Victory

THE announcement by the CWU of a programme of two 48-hour national strikes across all sections of Royal Mail, along with a programme of...

Unemployment is soaring! Defending the ‘right to work’ means getting rid of capitalism!

UNEMPLOYMENT is set to soar to levels not seen since The Great Depression, the ‘Hungry 1930s’, when workers starved. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)...

World debt crisis can only be resolved through world socialist revolution

JEROME Powell the new chairman of the US central Bank, the Fed, will be pushing for an increase in interest rates this week with...

Blair – Bush’s Servant To The Bitter End

THE knives were out for disgraced Deputy Prime Minister Prescott yesterday. He is the man who was important to the Prime Minister because he...

FBU leaders, fire chiefs and Home Office unite to throw firefighters into the ...

FITTING masks to NHS workers, moving dead infected bodies, driving ambulances, making face shields, carrying out tests and delivering food to the elderly: all...

Stop US-UK terrorism – No war on Syria – Bring down the Tories –...

THE last few days has seen an acceleration in terrorist activity of all types. The first terrorist attack was last Thursday when the US...

Imperialist Crisis Deepens In The Middle East!

PALESTINIANS are demanding that the US-sponsored ‘peace talks’ with Israel are called off after Israeli troops murdered three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank,...

Bank shares fall while AIG and HBOS live on borrowed time!

SHARE price collapses continued yesterday after the bankrupting of the fourth largest US investment bank, Lehman Brothers, and the ‘rescue’ of Merrill Lynch by...

Revolution and counter-revolution in Bahrain and Libya

THE US State Department urged US citizens on Tuesday not to travel to Bahrain and suggested Americans there should leave at once due ...

Tories intend to put an end to the NATIONAL Health Service

IT IS crystal clear with the Tories seeking to impose even bigger cuts if they are re-elected in May, that under their rule the...

Defend jobs & pay! Nationalise the car industry!

FIAT, the multinational car monopoly based in Italy, is in talks with the German government and the Works Council at Opel, the subsidiary of...