Bush wants to wreck the Palestinian Mecca agreement
AHEAD of next Monday’s summit in Jerusalem, President George Bush’s administration is setting out to wreck the agreement reached in Mecca on February 8...
Imperialist ‘vulture funds’ plundering Africa
THE High Court in London was due to rule yesterday in the case of an American-owned investment fund suing the Zambian government to repay,...
Wealth redistribution in UK requires socialist revolution
UK child poverty levels are double those of 1979, after 27 years of the Thatcher, Major and Blair, Tory and Labour governments, while Brown...
Forest Gate report justifies police-state tactics
THE official Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) published its report yesterday into complaints against the Metropolitan Police over its huge police raid in Forest...
Speak English Or Else – Minister Tells The Poor!
UNEMPLOYED people who cannot speak English will have to show they are learning the language or lose benefits, the government has announced. This is...
Putin Alarm At US War Drive
THE fact that the deepening capitalist crisis is turning the whole planet into a US war zone has begun to seriously alarm the Russian...
Britain’s Trade Crashing To Disaster
2006 saw Britain’s trade in goods dive to a massive deficit of £84.3 billion.This was £15.5 billion more than the £68.8 billion deficit figure...
Blair’s police state demonising Muslims
ABU Bakr, the 27 year old English teacher, and one of the nine Muslim men arrested by the police, and put under the media...
US Opening Up Second Front In Africa
MILLIONS of Africans will understandably be fearful at the latest strategic initiative that US President George Bush has just announced. The president has instructed his...
Cabin crew angry at Woodley sell-out
LAST Monday’s branch meeting of BASSA T&G cabin crew, to gain their approval for the deal agreed by TGWU leader Woodley and BA boss...
Take Action To Stop US-UK-Israel Attack On Iran
WHAT is being termed as a coalition of trade unions (Unison, the GMB and Amicus), charities and faith groups yesterday warned Tony Blair that...
Revisionists in alliance with Tory right-winger Ian Duncan Smith
AT a time when the crisis of the Labour government is reaching the point of explosion, the WRP and the Young Socialists are calling...
US–UK organising Palestinian civil war
THERE is no doubt that the US and UK ruling classes are hard at work seeking to organise a Palestinian civil war. The object is...
Blair skating on the thinnest of thin ice
PRIME Minister Blair has been secretly questioned, for a second time, by police investigating allegations that honours were sold for cash by his government....
Putin driving Belarus into the arms of the EU
‘IT is of utmost importance for us to establish good relations with the West,’ said President Lukashenka of Belarus on Tuesday. This statement is a...
No Cash For Operations – While £900 Million Pfi Scheme Collapses
EX-LABOUR MP Alice Mahon is considering taking the NHS to the High Court after the service refused to allow her access to a drug...
200,000 Civil Servants taking strike action
ON Wednesday over 200,000 civil servants and over 200 government departments will be strike bound for the day. Civil servants...
Sinn Fein joins the UK capitalist state
‘THE time is now right to support the PSNI’ (Police Service of Northern Ireland), Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams told delegates at the Sinn...
The Death Agony Of The Blair Government
THE Blair government is now under attack from all sides, after its Prime Minister turned yellow and refused to attend the House of Commons...
BA senses weakness of Woodley leadership
BA yesterday threw the TGWU’s attempt at a compromise out of the window when it announced that all of its planes will be grounded...
Bush’s ‘Defining Hour’ Or When The Bell Tolls For Imperialism
BUSH opened his 2007 State of the Union speech with an open admission that his regime is facing defeat both at home and abroad....
One Day General Strike On January 31
THE government’s policy of mass sackings of civil servants, of driving down their wages, and of outsourcing and privatisation has driven civil servants to...
State Death Squads In The UK
Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan’s investigation began more than three years ago when Belfast welder Raymond McCord claimed that his son, also called Raymond, had...
Restore Grants, End Fees, Defend Free State Educaton!
TUITION fees must rise by 100 per cent to £6,000 a year if universities are to cover their teaching costs, is the main...
Brown Favours Bush’s ‘New World Order’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has spoken of the need for a ‘new world order’. He is not embarrassed that this is what President Clinton and...
NHS privatisation can seriously damage your health!
NOBODY knows the number of botched or mismanaged operations being carried out by the private Independent Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs) businesses, funded by the...
Billionaire steps in to bail out the Labour Party
LAKSHMI Mittal, the Indian-born billionaire has donated £2m to the Labour Party, it was revealed yesterday. The fifth richest man in the world, who owns...
Rapidly rising inflation threatens wages, jobs, and homes
THE UK inflation rate has leapt to an 11-year high of three per cent according to the government’s Consumer Prices Index (CPI) which grossly...
Labour plans to criminalise the entire working class
THE government is planning ‘behaviour orders’ for people considered to be at risk of committing a violent crime. Class prejudice, ie racial and working...
Rice Visit Is To Stir Up Wars And Civil Wars
US Secretary of State Rice’s visit to the Middle East is to organise the conditions for US attacks on both Iran and...
Blair’s generation of imperialist war
After President Bush has informed the world that 20,000 more US troops are to be sent to Iraq, and his Secretary of State, Rice...
Rate Rise Shock – Condemned As Panic By Tuc
BIG BUSINESS, the stockmarkets and the TUC were shaken yesterday midday when the Bank of England raised its interest rates by a quarter of...
Free social care and care homes for the elderly
THE just-published ‘State of Social Care’ report from the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) was greeted as ‘a damning indictment of a...
War from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa
THE whole of the area from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa is now one great killing zone where US-UK imperialism either kills at...
Cabinet Office Leads Fight To Smash Royal Mail
FOLLOWING instructions from the government’s Cabinet Office to government departments to put their mail out to tender to get the best cutthroat deal, ...
Brown and Blair – two sides of the same coin
WITH Blair’s political reputation destroyed by the Iraq war, and the massive resistance to his attack on the Welfare State, and with the media...
Anger over Saddam’s death silences Blair
AT last President Bush has stammered out a few words about the lynching of President Saddam Hussein, saying that he would have preferred to...
Take action to defeat Labour’s plan to smash the NHS
THE leaking of Department of Health (DoH) documents, including ‘Pay and Workforce Strategy for 2008-11’, reveals the Labour government’s plan to slash NHS...
US-UK Plays Sectarian Card In Iraq
YESTERDAY the role model for US-UK imperialism was Pontius Pilate, as the US military and Prime Minister Blair sought to wash their hands of...
Jobs For Youth – Smash The Cheap Labour Economy
Youth unemployment is now higher than it was in 1997, with 702,000 young people aged 16-24 jobless, according to official figures released just before...
Unite The Masses In The Gulf Against Imperialism
SADDAM HUSSEIN went to his death bravely and heroically, executed by agents of imperialism – the leaders of a puppet government that came to...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
Saddam Murder Within Days
THE decision to hang the Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, and also the Iraqi Vice-President, Taha Yasin Ramadan – whose sentence was increased from life...
Putin lays down law to Soviet states
THE Putin regime has infuriated the British bourgeoisie by its strengthening of the state owned gas and oil sectors of the Russian economy, at...
Browne echoes Bush on need for bigger army
PRESIDENT Bush, on Wednesday, called for a major expansion of the US army, and yesterday, the British Defence Minister, Browne, slavishly echoed his master’s...