Forward to the Socialist United States of Europe!
ON TUESDAY over three million French workers took to the streets with massive demonstrations in Paris and Marseilles to make sure that Sarkozy got...
Unite leaders on their knees in front of Walsh!
BRENDAN Gold, Unite’s national secretary for civil air transport, said, after emerging from Monday’s BA Cabin crew rally in Kempton Park, that there would...
Victory to the South African socialist revolution!
Public sector unions in South Africa, supported by the whole of the working class, are in conflict with the ANC government over a decent...
Bankrupts On Parade!
THE leaders of Labour, ‘New’ or otherwise, chose to debate their leadership credentials yesterday over the Murdoch-owned Sky TV, the centre of the Murdoch...
Join WRP to build the revolutionary leadership!
THE leadership scuffling that is taking place in the Labour Party is underlining one major fact – its crisis is terminal. This is a party...
Trade unions need their own political representation
AMID the media frenzy surrounding the publication of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s autobiography, A Journey, ballot papers were sent out for the Labour...
Fight for jobs, and against evictions and benefit cuts!
THOUSANDS more working-class families are going to their local Citizen Advice Bureau because of the effects of unemployment, debts, threatened loss of homes and...
A milestone in the failure of the US-UK war against Iraq
THERE were no pictures beamed around the world yesterday of United States President Barack Obama at a passing out parade in Baghdad on the...
Bankers failing to stem capitalism’s chronic crisis
THE Bank of Japan (BoJ) took emergency measures yesterday in a desperate attempt to rescue the country’s stagnant economy (growth rate 0.4%) and boost...
Build revolutionary leadership in South African strike struggle!
THE South African 300,000-strong National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has called a one-day solidarity strike with the 1.3m public sector trade unionists who have...
Tory-Lib Dem Budget hitting the poor hardest – IFS report
WORKING class families and pensioners are being hit hardest by Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. This is the key finding from a study by the...
End TUC collaboration with Tories
The news this week that Unison, the largest public sector union, has launched a legal challenge to the coalition government’s white paper on the...
Pakistani workers & farmers pay for the imperialists’ crisis
EVERY day the number of people affected by the torrential rain and flooding in Pakistan is mounting. More than 20 million have been hit....
Iraq War Not Over Insists General Odierno
US combat troops have been out of Iraq for only a week and already US generals are questioning President Obama’s judgement about whether the...
US insists on direct talks as Israel refuses to halt settlement building
PRESIDENT Obama has summoned the Palestinian Authority leader, Abbas, and Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu to Washington for talks beginning on September 2, to resolve...
The US Falters, Shares Crash And Revolution Stalks Europe!
THE US, EU and Asian stockmarkets have taken yet another hit as the decline and fall of the US capitalist economy continues. On Thursday, the...
US combat troops quit – Iraqi masses will now deal with the puppets they...
THE last US army combat brigade pulled out of Iraq on Thursday morning, allegedly bringing to an end all US combat operations. These...
Coalition poised to hand out a death sentence for pensioners!
The Coalition is to hit out at millions of pensioners. Currently anyone over 60 is eligible for the winter fuel allowance, with households getting...
Demand TUC call a General Strike!
The leaders of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have refused to condemn Labour right-winger Alan Milburn for accepting a position with the Tory-led coalition...
Youth for revolution!
THE massive growth in unemployment sparked by the worldwide financial collapse in the capitalist system in 2008 is hitting youth so hard that the...
Blairites for Cameron – Milburn joins Hutton and Field – with more collaborators ...
THE leading Blairite and Labour party member, Alan Milburn, who was forced to resign as Labour’s Health Secretary for his over-enthusiasm for complete NHS...
£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!
THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...
Class war sharpening – unions need new leaders
YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Cameron, was warning the BAA Unite workers that they must not strike. This was at least six hours before the result...
No recovery in the US, EU or UK – socialism the only way forward
THE UK’S Bank of England yesterday followed the lead of the US Federal Reserve Bank whose Chairman Bernanke had on Tuesday said that...
Cameron-Clegg set the bounty hunters on the poor!
First it was people on various disability benefits who were the enemy. The Cameron line is that these people are dodgers who should...
Simpson refuses to fight the Coalition
DEREK Simpson, the Unite co-leader, was brought onto the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday to deliberately attempt to undermine the struggle in the trade...
Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting
JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...
Call a general strike – build Councils of Action – forward to Socialism
THE Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) said yesterday that the government should ban strikes by workers in essential services, adding that this...
Rates kept down – but inflationary leap and collapse ahead!
INTEREST rates were kept down at one per cent in the EU and at 0.5 per cent in the UK yesterday. The European...
Rates kept down – but inflationary leap and collapse ahead!
INTEREST rates were kept down at one per cent in the EU and at 0.5 per cent in the UK yesterday. The European...
Cameron wants to create an army of the homeless
TORY LEADER Cameron yesterday unveiled the spectre of workers sleeping on the streets with his new diktat that council housing should no longer be...
Israelis Bomb Gaza And Shell The Lebanon
FOUR Lebanese soldiers were killed and at least four wounded when Israeli tanks opened fire at Lebanese positions on the border with Israel shortly...
US Economy Declines – As States Go Bust!
THE former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned that the US economy is heading towards a deepening of the slump...
Iraq crisis sharpens with no government, the trade unions banned and no electricity
IRAQ casualties have risen sharply amidst the political vacuum following the inability of the various puppet pro-Shia or pro-Sunni parties, led by Maliki...
NO benefits – and NO jobs either – the Duncan Smith plan
WORK and Pensions Secretary, ex-army officer Duncan Smith, yesterday addressed the world about ‘our broken benefits system’, when most people know what has broken,...
California’s budget ‘meltdown’
CALIFORNIA’S Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal state of emergency yesterday in a move to put pressure on members of California State Legislature...
Cameron takes a begging bowl to India
PRIME Minister David Cameron and the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government have decamped from London to New Delhi this week to drum up business, such...
Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State
THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...
Leaked documents reveal a failed mass-murder machine
THE leaked 90,000 US Afghan war documents once again show – as did the My Lai mass killings of the Vietnamese people – the...
Support North Korea Against US Aggression!
WITH the crisis of capitalism deepening and the US economy showing not the slightest signs of recovery, it is only natural that the US...
Capitalism cannot solve housing crisis – only socialism can!
IN his emergency budget Chancellor Osborne made it crystal clear that the Housing Benefit of those struggling to exist under crisis-ridden capitalism was one...
Police officer who attacked Tomlinson will not even be charged with assault!
HARRY STANLEY was shot dead by armed police in Hackney in September 1999. They said that they thought that he was carrying a shotgun...
US Pledges To Rearm Israel For ‘Agree Or Else’ Direct Talks
OBAMA’S talks with Netanyahu were to prepare the way for direct talks between Netanyahu and the Abbas Palestinian leadership, on a ‘final solution to...
Stop BA & Stop Baa Airports, To Win Cabin Crew Struggle!
BA cabin crew yesterday rejected the latest offer from BA with a massive 67 per cent voting to throw out by 3,419 votes to...
‘Big Society’ a cover for destroying jobs and life-saving services!
TORY leader Cameron yesterday delivered his speech on the ‘Big Society’ but had a problem defining what he meant. He said: ‘You can call it...