Netanyahu marches against terrorism in Paris!


WHEN the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine lampooned the prophet, it knew that it was trampling over the religious susceptibilities of millions of Muslims, and that it would enrage many and lead to a few deciding that the ‘prophet must be avenged’.

They were exercising the ‘Freedom of the Press’, a freedom which we support.

We are, however, convinced that the satirists will not lampoon the leaders of the million-plus march that took place in Paris yesterday ‘against terrorism’.

In fact, a phalanx of up to 40 world state terrorist leaders were present, guarded by over 100,000 police, gendarmerie and troops.

Among them was Benjamin Netanyahu, ‘marching against terrorism’, a sickening joke in itself – his state forces have murdered many thousands of Palestinians, and are continuing to assassinate them on a daily basis, as Israel prepares to launch another murderous terrorist attack on Gaza!

Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was also in Paris. Turkey is training IS fighters and allows its territory to be used as a staging post by IS!

The UK’s Cameron, also present, was in the front line of the terrorist assault on Libya. Cameron played a central part in the terrorist destruction of Libya, before handing it over to the Islamists, IS included, which now controls the oil port of Derna!

Cameron and Hollande were also in the front line of the war to smash the Assad government in Syria. Hundreds of thousands have been killed and wounded in this war. Only a ‘No’ vote in the House of Commons stopped Cameron backing a projected US invasion of Syria!

Even today Cameron and Hollande refuse Assad’s offer to form a common front against IS in Syria and Iraq. Cameron and Hollande are determined to destroy Assad even if it means the destruction of the whole of Syria, and handing all of it to IS.

In fact, if you consider all of the Iraqi men, women and and children that have been killed or starved or poisoned with depleted uranium weaponry since the 1991 invasion of Iraq, and then the years of starvation under sanctions, and then the 2003 war IS are just enthusiastic amateurs compared to the imperialist state terrorists.

Also among the 40-plus world leaders on the march was the US Attorney general , Eric Holder. the representative of the terrorist chief, Obama.

Obama has been running illegal torture chambers in Guantamano Bay for years, and operating an illegal worldwide drone strike operation that has murdered hundreds of men, women and children in terrorist attacks, as well as organising the campaign that has cost over 100,000 Syrian lives.

However, this gathering of terrorist chiefs is not the end of the business.

Bush and Cheney greeted the Twin Towers terrorist attack in 2001 as providing a golden opportunity to attack Iraq, which had nothing to do with the terrorist attack.

Supported by Blair they organised the massive attack on Iraq in 2003, that killed hundreds of thousands.

This, plus the attack on Libya and then Syria prepared the way for the rise of the Islamists!

Cameron is due to visit Obama in Washington on Tuesday, when a new and massive attack on the Arab world will no doubt be organised to allegedly ‘defend the freedom of the press’! This will go hand in hand with a massive attack on the basic rights of US and UK workers so that they can introduce internment without trial in the UK and the US, and also ban the right to strike of the trade unions.

It is already being said that the SAS is on the streets of London, and that what is required is a replication of the massive CRS and gendarmerie counter-revolutionary forces that are on the streets of Paris.

Obama and Cameron will organise this campaign against working people at home and abroad.

The British and US ruling classes intend to use the crisis over the ‘terror threat’ that they have created to smash basic democratic rights at home and at the same time reorder the world with massive military violence. Only the unity of the working people of the world and the organisation of the victory of the world socialist revolution can defeat this plan. Now is the time to build the 4th International in all parts of the word!