Hands Off Syria – Down With Obama & Cameron’s War Drive!


THE Syrian government has said over a long time that it would never use chemical weapons against its own people.

Yesterday, the General Command of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces stressed in a statement that ‘there was no truth whatsoever in the false allegations made by tendentious media channels on the Syrian army’s use of chemical weapons in areas in the Damascus Countryside.’

It added: ‘The Command affirmed that such allegations are part of the dirty media war led by some countries against Syria.’

At the same time, it has been admitted throughout the world that the so-called Syrian opposition, under whose banner some 50,000 jihadists have flooded into Syria and created havoc, have used such weapons against the Syrian people and army.

Last week, following a UN Security Council resolution, the Syrian government allowed a UN mission into Syria to impartially investigate the use of such weapons.

We are now asked to believe that with these investigators just arrived in Damascus, the Syrian army and government decided that this was just the right time to allegedly kill and maim large numbers of people, just outside Damascus, with a Sarin attack.

Placed in this situation, even war-crazed imperialist leaders such as Obama and Cameron would have thought twice about carrying out such an attack that is so completely illogical and even potentially suicidal for the Syrian people, since it presents the imperialist powers with a cause for war and for an open intervention to do to Syria what they did to Iraq in 2003.

Then the US and UK went to war on Iraq, stating the obvious nonsense that Iraq had wmds and was threatening the world, and that war was the only way to save the lives of millions of Iraqis and other peoples.

Ten years later, and millions of corpses later (people are still dying in Iraq because of the invasion), the imperialist powers are poised to create a vast bloodbath in the Middle East and the Gulf with a similar intervention, based on obvious lies, into Syria.

The imperialist powers are now straining at the leash to step up their violent assault on Syria. They have already financed and armed jihadists from all over the world whose actions have reduced many Syrian towns and cities to rubble, resulting in up to two million Syrians, men, women and children being forced out of their homes and over the borders to Turkey, Jordan and the Lebanon.

The whole world has seen the videos of hangings and beheadings carried out by the terrorist tools of the US and UK in the name of religion, including eating hearts and other body parts of those who have fallen into their hands.

Now, in the latest bout of ethnic cleansing, the Al-Qaeda allies of imperialism have forced 50,000 Kurds out of their homes in northeast Syria, through fire, murder, rape and torture, over the borders into Iraqi Kurdistan.

No wonder the Syrian people have rallied heroically behind the Assad leadership and stood fast against the US and UK-backed terrorists, and are indeed now driving them back to the point where many imperialist propagandists believe that the war is lost.

Now they think that they have a second chance by faking a chemical attack and beginning a wall-to-wall, worldwide propaganda campaign. We warn, if they are allowed to mobilise and intervene into Syria directly, then the juggernaut will continue into the Lebanon and into Iran.

However, having witnessed the lies of the imperialists that led to the Iraqi bloodbath, that is still continuing, the workers of the world are in no way minded to allow Obama and Cameron and the French President Hollande to repeat the operation in Syria.

The TUC is meeting next week and must fully discuss this crisis and take action against the imperialist powers stirring up another major imperialist war.

They must tell Cameron that any move to attack Syria will be met by a general strike to bring down his government and bring in a workers government. The UK and Syrian workers are allies in the struggle against imperialism. Their victory will be ours and vice versa.